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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I have tracking info for both of mine (ordered separately). I’m in the states. where did you see your tracking info? Tracking info for me came in an email from "Ochre", must be a carrier or something I've never heard of? (I'm in Canada btw, maybe diff for US).
  2. I kind of pre-ordered before the shittiness of the music came out, to be fair. That was Warp's marketing from the get go - only produce as many as people pre-order because once people hear it, they won't want to order it! Don't want unsold shitstock in the blerp warehouse. And my judgement is just fine thank you. Lol there was at least 1/4 of the music out before you ordered. Two hours of music. That ain't a pre-order my dude. I held hope. Also I’ve spent $300 on far worse things to be fair. I’m sure at some point when I was 18 or so in probably snorted $300 up in an hour lol. And if I want to be a douche I can always just turn around and sell both boxed sets for 300% profit in a few years. Seems like pretty good judgement imo. Damn tapatalk*
  3. Anyways, I'm off to bed. Sorry for the massive derailment and hopefully we (mostly myself I guess?) can keep things civil. Just got a bit butt chaffed at some of the comments. Sweaty dreams watmmers.
  4. Disagree. One of the key tenets (IMHO of course) is that good music transcends class, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, etc. It's one of the main reasons I've always been drawn to electronic music. Making an argument that you don't like footwork because you "don't get it culturally", to someone that actually appreciates just straight up GOOD music, is bogus. huuurr.. duurrrr i believe i listen to music in a vacuum lol. im the worlds biggest retard huh? =/ Sorry is that directed at me? I'm not sure I understand. sorry im trying to start shit right before I go to bed for some reason to be a bit more civil, "good" music doesn't ignore class or other surroundings, that stuff goes into it. I mean the kind of music you enjoy is greatly influenced by where you live, what you're surrounded by, how you were brought up, all that stuff influences how you perceive and interpret music and its quality. even more significant is that music is influenced by what came before it, the surroundings and circumstances in which it was made, etc. it has to be, music doesn't come out of the ether irrespective of everything else. I'm not trying to say that all criticism is irrelevant, but what I'm trying to say here is that you might be missing a cultural piece of the puzzle that would allow you to appreciate whatever genre people are talking about in this thread (ive never heard of it). maybe you could come to appreciate it, or maybe not, who really cares, maybe in the end you just don't like that kind of music. but it's a mistaken assumption to believe that there's some essential quality of GOOD that goes into all good music. this goes for all media too. This I understand to an extent, thank you. Relatability and context is important for sure, none of this is objective. Can you think of a cultural background you could come from where you understand and appreciate Justin Bieber? Like actually appreciate it as an art? (And I'm not trying to draw a parallel between that and other musics, sorry). ;o
  5. I appreciate that - I'm just easy to rile when it comes to things like this I guess. I've literally travelled the world trying to observe, understand, and enjoy as many different cultures as I can (food, music, artefacts, HISTORY). These things escalate especially quickly when online, especially because "tone" isn't easily apparent - I could probably have the same conversation with a few friends over a few beers (even using the same words) and it would seem WAY less fiery. Sorry thread (and thread members)!
  6. I kind of pre-ordered before the shittiness of the music came out, to be fair. That was Warp's marketing from the get go - only produce as many as people pre-order because once people hear it, they won't want to order it! Don't want unsold shitstock in the blerp warehouse. And my judgement is just fine thank you.
  7. You can agree all you want. But there is literally no logic that stands when someone says "I know you hate bagpipe music but it's only because you don't understand 1000BC middle eastern culture" you just don't understand it so your dislike is unwarranted. It's no different than footwork, trap, trance, IDM, jungle, etc. You don't have to have a full understanding of what it's like to be African American in Brooklyn in 1990 to like or understand rap or hip hop, as another analogy. This isn't complex.
  8. Mostly fair statements yeah. But this ^^ - certain musical ideas/areas have their place. And sometimes they are out of place. It's the whole reason we have genres.
  9. Disagree. One of the key tenets (IMHO of course) is that good music transcends class, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, etc. It's one of the main reasons I've always been drawn to electronic music. Making an argument that you don't like footwork because you "don't get it culturally", to someone that actually appreciates just straight up GOOD music, is bogus. huuurr.. duurrrr i believe i listen to music in a vacuum lol. im the worlds biggest retard huh? =/ Sorry is that directed at me? I'm not sure I understand.
  10. Disagree. One of the key tenets (IMHO of course) is that good music transcends class, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, etc. It's one of the main reasons I've always been drawn to electronic music. Making an argument that you don't like footwork because you "don't get it culturally", to someone that actually appreciates just straight up GOOD music, is bogus.
  11. I know your comments were (probably?) not directed at me but almost everything you said was dickheaded bullshit. You're spot on about a bunch of elitist spergs (I added elitist) in here but that doesn't mean the criticisms of those shit awful artists and genres aren't genuine (if only subjective). You're acting just as elitist by shitting on people that don't agree that it's good (I think Jlin is awful, I made it two tracks into an album before I got pissed off that it was dry raping my earholes).
  12. I can assure you I wont be attempting to make any footwork inspired tracks in 5 years, and that most if not all of it sounds like complete shit. Whoopdee fucking doo, skittery hi-hats and occasional bass with repetitive fucking annoying vocal samples looped over and over again. Nice of you to bring race into it btw. I listen to a fair amount of ethnic music including hip hop (not sure I'd consider this ethnic but more so minority perhaps? Not rlly even), south american and a deece amount of west african which I assume many of the respondants in this thread do as well. Not sure what you're on about m7.
  13. challenge accepted oh fucking hell lol if I know that song that annoying shit will be stuck in your head for at least a few hours. Only to pop up in your mind when you least need it, like PTSD or something. This also exists: I hope these are some nice counterpoints to the new EP. Sounds like it's gooooood. (btw this "Bangs" track is essentially what all footwork sounds like to me).
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