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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. He really doesn’t though. yeah not at all, not even remotely =/
  2. oof, 41 degrees! I'm looking forward to the trip as I've never been to California but at the same time dreading the uncomfortable sweaty mess I'll be. Unfortunately I won't have time to get out for any fun (+ I'm in Bakersfield for most of it), not that I could do much in 40 degree weather.
  3. For a friends wedding last weekend we were in Saskatchewan and it was 40c there! I didn't know it got that hot. But I guess it's the edge of that heat wave half of Canada is enduring right now. It was alright for the few days I was there but a full week of 40 is going to be brutal. And from what I understand I'll be in a scrapyard most of the day, so probably a few degrees hotter from all the metal sitting there. oof
  4. Am headed to LA and then Bakersfield for work in a week, and the forecast is 40c pretty much every day I'm down there. I'm going to die
  5. Wait, your work doesn't have drinking water available? Surely that's not legal? (Somehow?)
  6. I'm reaching farther back in history but I definitely see your point. The US is strong-arming right now through economic and military might, IMO, where most of the developed world is kind of "been there done that, ready to move on".
  7. How is the US any different than Dutch, British, or French imperialism? Not disagreeing with you necessarily, just failing to see how the US is any different than the main colonizers throughout history other than the US being more relevant (generationally). Personally I figure it's the same shit, with the exception that our generation is witnessing the US do its thing now, with our access to information being at a species high. The formula seems similar - proxy wars, invigorate and mobilize the masses through politics/religion (oft the same shit tbh), etc. Other than us being here to witness it, plus technological advancements of course, what is different than that which has already occurred in human history?
  8. you could faux choke and sue for bajilleons they do it in americuh all the time no?
  9. lol you talked to over 300 random street people about numerals?
  10. It sounds like mostly elderly and people with medical conditions =(
  11. Yeah, I read 6 or 7 people have already died in mtrl from the heatwave? =( I'm headed out for a wedding in SK Friday and the forecast is 40 with humidex. Not sure I've ever seen temps like this in Canada. Brutal - apparently it's over 20 dead from the heat now. What the hell? edit: up to 33 now.
  12. lol share dating profile on discord l8r. ;o I have to see what could possibly prompt a complete stranger to type something so cuntish out.
  13. lol, I have to know as I've been privy to some of your dating stories - what prompted those comments from her?
  14. Ugh. HEATWAVE it's so hot i don't want to eat. like i went a day & a half just drinking mineral water & i still had to force myself to put food in my body, because doing so causes me to start sweating even harder. monday was apparently the hottest day on record in MTL. i dunno how the hasidic dudes are handling it, walking around with their full beards & black suit coats. Yeah, I read 6 or 7 people have already died in mtrl from the heatwave? =( I'm headed out for a wedding in SK Friday and the forecast is 40 with humidex. Not sure I've ever seen temps like this in Canada.
  15. Actually? Do you still have my email addy? (gmail)
  16. RI(Pond) All (too soon, tasteless) jokes aside, really sad. Only 5 years old and probably wandered out the back gate (you can see from the houses in that pic, most have low chain link gates that would be really easy for a kid to open). All it takes is a few minutes I guess. When I have a kid I'm going to be anxious as hell about everything I think.
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