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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. shes your ex tho why are you trying to get her attention?
  2. sounds like he has an inferiority complex, brings himself up to get discussion on himself to help validate his own importance (in his own mind) not enough hugs as a child, or siblings treated way better than he was growing up lol "SEE, MY EXPERIENCE AND WHAT I THINK IS IMPORTANT TOO" (I'm totes not being like your friend and bringing up my experience lol) I've got a friend that used to be like yours in a way - we'd be having a conversation and he would just talk REALLY loud over all of us, seemingly without any idea he was doing it. Used it to segue himself into our convos.
  3. yup, complete with 1M buzzwords that weren't necessarily relevant =/
  4. There's a reason these systems persist, that systematically funnel certain people and demographics into low paying jobs etc.
  5. Well yeah man. No contest from me, that's 100% accurate. But the reality is that many of these systems are broken systems. I guess what I'm asking is how do you change from the existing tip based system to a higher base rate without making a shit ton of people unemployed/homeless etc in the "short term" (long fucking term for those that end up jobless and homeless), given elasticity in the services market is incredibly high? (lol what am I saying this is the America thread) Nail on the head. lol. Nah I hear you. But that exact suggestion is what gets the muricans' into a furor, socialism communism etc etc.
  6. I 100% support the sentiment I'm just unsure of how to make the crossover without fucking a number of people that are dependent on it the way it is now.
  7. Well yeah man. No contest from me, that's 100% accurate. But the reality is that many of these systems are broken systems. I guess what I'm asking is how do you change from the existing tip based system to a higher base rate without making a shit ton of people unemployed/homeless etc in the "short term" (long fucking term for those that end up jobless and homeless), given elasticity in the services market is incredibly high?
  8. that's complete bullshit if that's what people argue. it works if you want to create a horrible world where people have to hustle in a perpetual rat race and work themselves to death to survive rather than one in which people can live comfortably and contribute to society out of a sense of good will because they enjoy what they do. so yeah, it's an argument used by uber-capitalistic suit cunts. pay a liveable wage that increases in line with the cost of living. it's not rocket science. then tipping becomes a way of saying thank you rather than an uncomfortable and awkward necessity to help struggling service industry workers survive. I agree. The only variable I'm not sure of is how fine a margin these companies operate on, understanding that a number of mom/pop establishments might just be scraping by. If providing a higher wage with no tip system puts a number of companies out of business than nobody wins. Can think of the tip system as a consumer funded subsidy I guess. All by-products of capitalism and related competition?
  9. I think the standard argument is that, in industries where customer experience is critical for repeat sales (IE restaurants), the variable/incentive of higher tips motivates those providing the experience to provide the best possible (aka dangling carrot). By providing a higher wage, the incentive to provide the best experience possible is reduced. No different than offering performance bonuses I guess. =/ edit: to be very clear I'm not saying I agree. Just that I BELIEVE that's the standard argument.
  10. Totally agree with what Eugene and others said. Are there examples of countries that have moved to abolish it (as in legislated/regulated) or is it up to the individual restaurant/service provider etc to make that move? Edit: because I can't see most individual companies making that move unless they're uber successful and progressive. Also in the US countries where that is still the predominant model is massive competition in the services sector a factor in keeping that system in place? How many restaurants etc make such a small margin that a fair wage would put them out of business?
  11. You can pay someone else to do it. Probably ~$100 but hey maybe that's worth it? I used a service like this (it actually cost $200!) once and it SUCKED. Maybe I just got a bad company or something I don't know, it was endorsed by Monster.com.
  12. Fair point yeah. But I think the point of the % is that a lot more goes into preparing a fine meal than pouring a cup of coffee. I don't tip based on the personal welfare of the person providing the service (as that's generally none of my business and might even be offensive, no?), I tip based on the quality of the service/meal/experience etc. So I'm kind of conflicted there. =/
  13. You would tip $15+ dollars on a cup of coffee and slice of pie tho?
  14. People seem more than bit numb to things like corruption and treason and all that though, especially the demographic that supports him that will just twist it all into "fake news hur du hurrrr". I can see a tape of him getting pissed on by hookers having a far bigger impact than those more serious crimes, which is all kinds of f'ed up really.
  15. is the SE that much smaller? I upgraded from the standard 6 and I swear it's identical in size. The 8 is much faster so far. New otter box is way lower quality than the older ones - the grip feels like plastic instead of rubbery... Just feels off.
  16. lol I probably made the right choice then. My workplace is full of acidic liquid, dirt and grime etc. >.<
  17. I've always gone with the otter box defender. It's bulky but I use my phone a lot at work in the plant so max defense = good. I've never had one fail on me other than the part where the home button is eventually coming apart/peeling after a solid 3-4 years. These caudabe ones look just as if not better though so I'm kinda bummed I didn't see this post before a few days ago. =(
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