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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. =/ that's d i r t y this is a family place
  2. I hear ya, except TH came out in 2013 before most of the nuclear warfare stuff was in the vernacular. They pulled a miss cleo on everyone lol.
  3. Not sure I get the hate on TH. Def one of my favorite.
  4. It helps occupy the fidgety part of my brain (I have ADD) while I study or read, so I'm not clicking on various webpages and crap like that.
  5. public radio, like the BBC? lol Actually that's a great idea, thank you. Even if I can't stream it on the work pc (firewall) I could probably stream it through the b2b app on my phone and just use wifi. ;o
  6. Thanks, yeah that article paints quite the picture. I didn't know it worked like that at all (there's not much of a scene here unfortunately). Must be frustrating for a lot of artists to not have somewhere independent to play?
  7. lol sorries edit: hey look! not a page break. FWS!
  8. geez, why is that kind of financial support even legal?
  9. Every link you post Nebraska, brings me to this viglink shopping thing. Whyyyyy? It doesn't seem to happen with other users links (not often anyways).
  10. the radio is so fucking terrible. Had the displeasure of having to hear SOMETHING for 34 minutes yesterday (commute to work and then home, later) so I threw on the radio. Figured it would be better than silence, as my POS ipod was being repaired. Maybe you guys have good radio stations in the US or UK or something but here it was just 34 minutes of the same sounding crap. edit: I guess this isn't the pointless rants/raves thread. srry
  11. ima do some research, they've got lots of diff players
  12. they still make stuff? (http://www.cowonglobal.com/product_wide/product_mp3_main.php) I know nothing about them though, were they considered quality?
  13. ^ good call yeah, I'll have to watch out for that. Do most smartphones these days support lossless, at least 512gb of storage?
  14. i got an ak70 because I wanted something with buttons that could play flac its pretty good, i'm not convinced it sounds much better than an iphone but it can drive most headphones - it doesn't work well with sennheiser hd650s but not much thats portable does the interface is sensible and pretty easy pricy though, it amazes me how much they can charge for these things especially considering you could get quite a decent smartphone for the same price (which I contemplated but hardly any of them have physical buttons ) Hmm, maybe a tad on the overpriced side then? (the ak70 I mean). I think I'll look into some smartphones, at least I can demo those pretty much anywhere. From there I guess I've just got to jump in and try something.
  15. Just looked at the tech specs, apparently it uses this DAC: https://www.cirrus.com/products/cs4398/Which is the same brand and pretty much the same specs as that used on the Galaxy phone range: https://www.cirrus.com/products/cs47l90/ So for the price you could get yourself like a new Samsung S whatever with a high-capacity microSD for your music playback and get a phone thrown in for free :) Thanks for that, I should have checked the DAC. Maybe I'll go down this route then.
  16. Reviving a pretty old thread here. Was wondering if any of you have any feedback on Astell & Kern players? https://www.astellnkern.com/eng/content/main/ I'm considering a new player and I'm absolutely sick of apple products. Looked at a few options, Pioneer, Fiio, and Sony (around the $700-$1000 range). There aren't a lot of places I can go to demo any of these products. I want something that will drive my massive headphones if I need to, something that will sound good (punchy, dynamic) without an added amp... use on my home stereo etc.
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