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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeah I mean, it's not like you have a choice. Which, when you think about it, is infuriating. I didn't get to vote on it, some asshole(s) just decided that this was how it was going to be for billions of people. I really do try to go with the new time but for a month or so I feel like I'm mourning the comfort of regular time. Weird how delicate circadian rhythms are and how much dumb shit like this we do to ruin them. It's only one hour though! Does it really mess with everyone that much?
  2. lol I was thinking..... well yeah 3 whole loaves of meat bread daily WOULD give you high cholesterol! haha
  3. been there. exercise by itself knocked it down a ton. back in range.. didn't take much. also, if you use any non dairy creamer in coffee that shit is cholesterol exploding. loafs of whole meat bread love me some whole meat bread
  4. lolol (I actually heard a clip and it sounded kinda good. Will investigate more when I get home.)
  5. psst USA you could learn a thing or two http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43475403 and we don't even have a gun problem
  6. that cat died in 1987 Bento = Keyboard Cat II died https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/20/bento-keyboard-cat-youtube-dies He knew electric keyboards to be a class B carcinogen when he signed up for the gig. He knew what he was getting into. Rest in Pieces meow meow
  7. Didn't we have that for a while? I thought we briefly had an upvote/downvote function?
  8. I'd say go for it if you have the free time (outside of work I mean). What's the worst that can happen? Might be fun =) try to work out a good deal first, I wouldn't settle for less than 3 goats and a cow lol
  9. that's like saying that if the guy who invented chairs didn't invent chairs we would all be sitting on the ground... i think the human mind is a bit more complex then chairs then chairs what? what comes before chairs? sitting on the ground obvs tbqh afaik iirc byob bbc
  10. same here. if it isn't sealed, why risk shipping the records inside the jacket? bandcamp lacks an order message option where you can make a request like this. anyhow, i'm glad to have this in my hands. I wonder if we can get just a replacement sleeve?
  11. hmm.. the ones I had were really strong. Maybe I need to just jump back in with some milder varieties. =)
  12. I honestly can't eat it, and not for lack of trying. I've tried blue cheese dressings, blue cheese straight up, blue cheese sauces over prime beef etc. The closest thing I can approximate blue cheese as tasting like, is chlorine. =/
  13. Blue cheese tastes worse than it smells IMO. Everyone tastes/smells things differently though, it might legit just be an enzyme imbalance or something like that (I'm no doctorologist) that makes those cheeses taste like shit to me. I'm pretty sensitive to dairy to begin with, I can tell when something is within 2 weeks of their best before.
  14. ugh that stinking' foot rot smelling stuff again? I don't know how you do it meng. I find myself pretty open minded with food, having eaten everything from armadillos to snakes. But stinky cheeses... just can't do it.
  15. Thanks! Just knowing which track stands out to other people is helpful :) My current recording and "mastering" environment is pretty crude, so I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvement somewhere. That said, I am pleased with where I'm at so far. Oh np! They were all pretty solid - my second fav would be "In the Cold". Have you been making tunes for a while?
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