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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I wonder why he doesn't have an album yet? (Or does he and I just can't find it?). His youtube channel is great.
  2. It's ok to be wrong. As long as you learn from your mistakes.
  3. I know, ugh. I just didn't want to euthanize the poor little guy.... I hope it works out... the medical doctor there (not the vet) said he's doing well. So fingers crossed. =)
  4. So.... $6500 later it sounds like kitty will be ok. Not 100% sure but they just finished a second surgery on him and he's resting. =(
  5. Nah won't bother, but I hope he's charged with second degree murder or something. That's such bs.
  6. Stick with MediaMonkey man.... At least it doesn't delete tunes from your library that weren't purchased via the itunes store. Cough* class action lawsuit apple.
  7. I think that may be the problem yeah, not enough wet food and can't get it to drink water. We even tried getting one of those fountain things, apparently the running water encourages them to drink or something? And both the kitties don't like it, they knock the water bottle off it for fun and don't drink from it. =( Vet just called and said even though it was sedated they can't get a catheter in to clear the blockage fully. They verified there aren't any stones anymore, and they drained the bladder through some other procedure. So they will give it some anti inflammatory medicine overnight and try the catheter again in the morning. They said if they can't clear it they will have to refer it to a specialist and that's like 4-6000$ and I simply can't afford that. This SUCKS. Merry christmas steve.
  8. Yeah... we actually change the water out daily, and only use filtered water. But we have a hard time getting it to drink water, it just doesn't seem interested for some reason? So we do wet food when we can, and for the dry food we sometimes soak it in water that way it's getting water that way. We don't know what else to do. Any recommendations?
  9. I hope this guy goes to prison for a really long time. I read about this earlier today. What a POS.
  10. Welp, my really angry kitty I've posted in here about... Bit the bullet and put it in for surgery today, it had a major bladder blockage of some kind. The vet basically gave us 2 options - pay 2500-3500$ for surgery and 2-4 days on an IV drip, or euthanize it. It's a little shit, but it's my little shit.... So we opted for surgery. I guess I'd be a menace of a cat if I was shooting shards of crystal out my dick too. I just hope this makes it better. If a month goes by and I'm back to square one with it, I don't think I can afford another surgery. =( no pic right now but when the little bugger gets home I'll post one!
  11. ah... with no sources of sound, what's going to reverb? Silence reverbing is just silence my meng There would be enough noise in the lines to create some sound if you had one feeding into the next into the next into...a dozen or so times. Also, of course, one simple feedback routing would amplify this. Yeah I guess you're right. Have you tried this with a couple units already?
  12. ah... with no sources of sound, what's going to reverb? Silence reverbing is just silence my meng
  13. wonder how that happened god. Hope you aren't referencing that garbage OPN album. This is some sticky drama. >.<
  14. wonder how that happened god. Hope you aren't referencing that garbage OPN album.
  15. But concessions without firm boundaries invite abuse, especially for the type of personality it sounds like party guy has. Yep, most definitely. Lots of context lost via the post online tbh, there could be a number of factors that make it in/appropriate for either one of them to act that way =P. Very true, all you and I can do is donate our 2 cents to the thread. I must digress, if only slightly, to state that, as much as I want to donate my 2 cents, I'm unable to do so because everything in Canada is now rounded to the nearest nickel, and cents are no longer currency. :( So, in hindsight, I guess that's my 2/5ths of a nickel on the matter. lol
  16. But concessions without firm boundaries invite abuse, especially for the type of personality it sounds like party guy has. Yep, most definitely. Lots of context lost via the post online tbh, there could be a number of factors that make it in/appropriate for either one of them to act that way =P.
  17. I get this type of thing at work all the time. Quite frankly, it's none of anyone's business what you're doing outside of work. If you want to jack off and drink iceless ice water all day on your days off, that's your business. Time off should be subject to the approval process and that's about it. The other guy can suck it. Take your time off, you deserve it. That said - if you work in a relatively small department, concessions (for menial things like sleeping in (understanding that's context dependent, perhaps you really, really need some time to yourself))) can go a really long way to building interdependent relationships. My 2 cents. It's definitely subjective and context dependent.
  18. It's only 10AM and I'm just having my morning coffee, and for some reason I just spent the last 35 minutes configuring pizzas on various sites for no real reason other than to look at pizzas on the internet. I have no intention of buying pizza at 10AM. =/
  19. That's deep man. So deep that if you were a pizza, you'd be a deep dish pizza covered in pineapple. ham and pineapple, maybe bacon too. Maybe instead of tomato sauce it was bbq sauce infused tomato sauce, such that it was a bbq Hawaiian pizza even? Why stop there? Why not some jalapenos? Spicy bbq Hawaiian pizza ftw. fuck yeah
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