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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. yeh span knows heh. He just meant he is not a fan of TH. also - welcome :)
  2. I don't know enough of his music to make a judgement on that tbh, so in that respect I'm definitely making assumptions based on what I read elsewhere. Hopefully his death sent a message to his fan base (which is apparently fairly young?) about street drugs, current opiate crisis and all that.
  3. that's besides the point. You said he didn't capitalize off it, but he did. Anyhow I'm far less principled about this whole topic than you are making it out to be - I don't like the shitty shit emo nickleback music, and calling people closed minded for not like it like IWC did, is silly. That's all there is to it really.
  4. Made noise about drugs to make money = capitalizing off it. Doesn't matter if he was talking positive or negative about them. RE drugs/addiction/depression etc - pretty sure I'd be the last one that needs an education in that lol. I have some xanax right here actually, from my doctor. The fentanyl free kind.
  5. they have a thing here, coinstar - you dump all of your coins into a machine and for a small fee (couple bucks) it spits out large denomination bills. Usually at the grocery store or whatever.
  6. yeh, sorry I was rude this morning. didn't have my morning coffee.
  7. I think that is shit cheesy songwriting, yes. sorry, it's a bad "artist" edit: yeah it's pretty bad
  8. nah sorry I just really take exception to being called closed minded for not being into lil peep. lol. Of all fucking things. Closed minded because we're not into lil peep. There are real people out there with drug issues that don't capitalize off it like that lil knob gobbler. Salv pretty much hit the nail on the head on dreaded "page 28".
  9. uh yeah... not liking lil peep and his shit music and lifestyle, and the fact he was obviously a young guy into drugs (WOW GREAT ROLE MODEL YAY! ) and the fact he was a detriment to society and culture like so many other celebrities, is "closed minded". Cancel your account, go join nickleback.org or whatever the fuck you're into, and stop insulting people here with that "closed minded" bullshit. Sorry we aren't into your drug addict face tattooed piece of shit self glamorizing drug abuser music.
  10. =O What IF!!!! BoC had relevant dreads with really high t-levels?
  11. what happened is actually in the rules, have you read them recently?
  12. What happened??? Did she read this thread and figure out your plan? =(
  13. have you herd the voice of one Arnold J S Swarchzenegger??? It is like that but much different. If that voice (rightly so that man) were born in the far off land of Estonia which he is from, learnt the englishes, and then was brutally (perhaps sexually) tortured by an enlivened Dudley Dooright (FAMOUS cartoon character) for years and years until he gained those wonderful canadalandian inflections and mannerisms when growing sympathetic to his violent and twisted captor. this event changed u in many ways but luckily you still have lots of cum to give and alcohol to ingest/vomit, and you can here this in the soft light back of your resonant vocal emanations. Perhaps that sound plus maybe a touch of this man's kind voice https://youtu.be/zWI2yLKMe7s toplel thx, needed that this morning <3
  14. ok but the primo question.. What do I sound like?!?!?!?!? pls narrate in paragraph format. Tell my story.
  15. what u got against lettuce? wonderful low cal veggie high in vitamin k and phytosterols
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