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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. yeah aca is fucking abysmal. and of course he also gets a tax penalty for not being able to afford $500 a month for insurance because why the fuck not? luckily my wife's employer is footing the bill for our insurance in 2018. was paying $800/mo for the two of us in 2017 and it was on deck to go up to $1k/mo in 2018. of course it's going to come out of her annual bonus but i think we're making more in the long run. Holy shite man. That's insanely expensive. I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was $6000/yr a person bad. Makes me that much more thankful for the Canadian system...
  2. Oh I know! lol I just can't believe I'm excited about.. a pan. lol Le-sigh
  3. Just picked up a cast iron pan, all excited that I'd be able to season it, would be non-stick etc... Got smashed with a wave of realization that I'm officially OLD if I'm getting excited about non-stick pans. OLD OLD OLD OLD
  4. It bothered me a bit in The Force Awakens, but it sounds like The Last Jedi is way worse? ugh
  5. Yeh, like I don't mind, usually the actors/actresses are good and stuff but shots like the below one seem so strange to me.... It's not the casting that bothers me it's the deliberateness. I'm picturing some guy running around during the writing phase with a checklist ticking off all of the diff backgrounds actors need to be from, groups to include so as to not be marginalizing etc. It feels superficial. And I know I'm making a lot of assumptions. but I mean, I hope the movie is good. And ultimately it doesn't mean anything if the cast they select does a great job.
  6. Yes, 90% of the film was trans-persons of various races and religions making out. In essence it's about a terrorist faction trying to destroy a glorious fascist regime. Liberal propaganda. Bad! lolol
  7. I'm jk, I haven't heard it yet. Plan to tomorrow night. I heard a track on the youtubes and it was pretty dope. Guess I've slept on this.
  8. No no, I read that. But having PTSD from 9/11, and then molesting someone in 2013....? If true, why would I feel bad about the whole bullet vs brain thing? PTSD is a HUGE issue in the states, I get it. I just don't feel bad if the guy was a legit predator. If you read, he allegedly had boozy parties with underage teenagers etc next to the church. PTSD doesn't excuse predatory behavior. Anyway, I have no horse in this race. As you were! =)
  9. It was a serious question, as I don't know the situation thanks. And sorry for having zero sympathy for someone that probably molested a teenage girl. Too bad he didn't pull the trigger before molesting someone? Here I'll reword that more PC-like. It is unfortunate that there may have been a victim of molestation before Mr Johnson left this earth.
  10. Yeah dude. Almost definitely album of the decade. I listened to it. Should have called it Trademark Ribbons of BORING.
  11. Was it very noticeable that they added certain actors or actresses just to diversify? Ethnicities etc I mean. I know nothing at all about the movie or cast, that just seems to be a trend these days. It feels a bit artificial, some movies and TV shows feel like they have a checklist - "Person of colour, check. LGBTQ, check. 1-2 other marginalized persons/groups, check.". Like some sort of weird marketing thing. Edit: to be clear, I don't give a fuck who gets cast, I just meant some productions feel VERY artificial. Almost like those Dove commercials etc? I felt Star Trek: Beyond was like that a little bit. Like they sat down with a stop watch to make sure Sulu/Scotty/Kirk/Chekov/Uhuru got identical amount of lines and action scenes. It detracted from their natural acting abilities IMO. They're all talented actors/actresses, something about it felt unnatural.
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