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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. definitely should be auto notifications on that! how the heck will we keep track with all these tracks popping in and out of the bleep store lol =( im going to be here like dis
  2. lol, I know, you're excited. I'm just beeeeing a goonnnnnnnnnn
  3. Ahhhh... what are you guys smoking? The state officially declared the property he was "stealing" to actually be his, he has been given ownership of those items? As for the murder thing, we all knew he did it. But that is a separate trial and he was deemed innocent by a jury of his peers.
  5. my thoughts about that band exactly. sad way to go though. I'd certainly not wish anyone to death over their music (however shitty I think it is). ok maybe bieber and kroeger.
  6. He tried so hard, and got so far?
  7. "bit of jerk after dinner?" almost. Looks like he says "you.... me....." and then motions as if to air fellate whoever he's talking to. is that a thing? Air fellate?
  8. I still find it a bit odd to put a countdown for a bleepstore like that... could be more to come this will cause some mega hype, would be good to drop a new album in midst of mega hype (I know I'm just being hopeful but to some degree it makes sense)
  9. lol.... the countdown has been on for over a month. They should have been working on anything buggy during that time. :)
  10. this is annoying. The tracks coming and going, I mean.
  11. lol it looks like he's... motioning something inappropriate.
  12. But not THAT Mike and Marcus. Some other Mike and Marcus.
  13. "lemon drizzle" sounds like a sex move actually so does "Victoria sponge" now that I think about it.
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