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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Beau Thomas did the mastering on the original Syro release. Do you know if 'end e2' is any different? Listening to it again now and I swear it's clearer, bassier, etc. sounds awesome. He might have had Beau do the mastering on the digital-only tracks - would make sense (and keep consistent with the release). Looks like that is what's happening. under ICBYD it now says *mastered by Beau Thomas. and a couple tracks have the * by it signifying they are now mastered. sweet beeaaaaaans. So, are they NOW mastered by BT, as in I should re-download them? or they were before and they're just indicating now. (I can't do a side by side, at work)
  2. did you choose the cheapest delivery option (royal mail economy) cos i did, and i haven't had a dispatch email yet either. assuming that's why? I ordered with the cheapest shipping option, but my purchase confirmation had the text "shipping now" at the bottom. I took that to mean it was shipping right away/dispatch email. =/
  3. If you buy the vinyl, you get the digital bonus tracks featured on the site (AFAIK). Of course, you can't buy the vinyl anymore, sooo... I nabbed one of the vinyls, heh. Grabbed the bonus trax a while back, so I guess I'm sorted! In fact, don't know why I asked the original question. ugh, Mondays.
  4. Sorry, so it confirmed then that the vinyl is just a few that were found lying around (not a repress or anything) and is therefore sans bonus trax? I'm assuming yes.
  5. so now he makes emo angsty teenager 'music' AND has bad taste in pizza toppings
  6. I don't think that's the case, as Chevron and Aftawerks are on the label, to name a couple.
  7. I'm curious; what was the pork substitute? I unno what he used, but we`re making banh mi tonight with smoked pork (center loin) >.< mmm RYE BROD Looks like good quality too, it`s hard to find good breads here without driving an hour across town to a specialty bakery.
  8. lol someone's going to be kicking themselves for going for that piss before finishing the paypal process.
  9. drumpfs preferred drink, ice water hold the ice. in a room with no nulls
  10. He'll have to go back to the [Reddit|Imgur|Pinterest|Instagram] thread to find out oooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
  11. it looks to me like the 2 people that were bothering him in the first 4 minutes, were setup/it was staged. That guy was pretty casual about assaulting a "celebrity" with cameras on him.
  12. I found what looks to be a guy pouring very cold coffee on him around 4 minutes in. Kind of disappointed tbh.
  13. I can't find where he gets attacked with boiling coffee. That's the only part I'm interested in tbh.
  14. omg can you imagine? bonerless donuts would be SO good!
  15. they look like S U G A R E D D O N U T S or is it doughnuts?
  16. Oh I'd love that, my favorite track from the whole SC I think. To me it sounds in the same vein as Acrid Avid Jam Shred, maybe a little newer. Yep, one of my favorites hands down. Easily in top5. Yes! Probably Ventolin or ICBYD My current 'dump-to-Bleepstore' wishlist consists of Ssnb, Donkey Rhubarb Remix, Tamclap, 70s Tune, Bradley Echoes, elb2, Cornish Spreek and the Cottage tunes. Of course there are many more, but these should be priority ;) I think I'd put it in that same era too, ICBYD. The SC one actually sounds pretty good all things considered.
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