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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Awesome news, aside from the flying! Flying gives me major anxiety and I don't really understand why. Usually break out into a nasty sweat on the plane etc lol.
  2. I stopped using a trimmer over the sink entirely. I just shave in the middle of the bathroom and sweep it up lol.
  3. Is this a NEW gig or the one you mentioned a few weeks back? When you got the new car? =O congrats either way, life looking up for you :)
  4. I asked earlier but.... on my payment confirmation it said at the bottom "shipping now" in bold. I also haven't gotten a shipment email but I took that to mean it was shipping right away? I'm int'l customer.
  5. Maybe a temporary thing, yeah. But still interested to see what comes of it! It's a good lil' label. =)
  6. Hi, thank you for your inquiry. I apologize for the situation with your lovin' lights. I want to take the opportunity to express to you that lovin' lights are very important to both maintenance and management. A work order will be submitted immediately to have your lovin' lights repaired as soon as possible. At Maintenance we endeavor to make every day of your stay as comfortable and pleasurable as possible. Sincerely, Maintenance Lovin' & Lights
  7. Hi, thank you for calling me. Yes, I can confirm the blue one is taco and the red one is benus. Sincerely, Maintenance Love & Light
  8. I said this earlier in the thread - I don't have a problem with it in principle, but dropping soggy canned chunks directly onto the pizza is a travesty. And that's usually how it's done. It ruins the delicate moisture balance of otherwise good pizza, and often either bottoms out the crust or leaves sickly pits in the top of the cheese. Use fresh, bright, flavorful chunks of pineapple, pat them dry to rid excess moisture, and you have my blessing. Exactly this. 99% of the time it comes across like you covered a pizza in sugar for someone with an 8 year old's palette who doesn't even notice the abominable texture. Anyway, pineapple and normal cheese? You are like a little baby, I have a durian and stinking bishop creation cooking in the oven. I can see people in yellow hazmat suits approaching the house from my kitchen window. lol durian and stinking bishop fucking rank >.< the day after must be terrible too edit: actually I'm not sure what would be worse spi, eating that or passing it the next day. Do you warn the neighbours so they don't call in emergency services?
  9. oh hell nao! I've had a delish pizza with basil pesto, pear, parmesan... topped with arugula. It was SO good. Edit: derp lol it was PEACHES not pears. But pears are still dope. U hater u.
  10. Some really good artists post on there, like Paul Healy for example. But his stuff gets lost in the shit-post-storm. Lesigh. Don't groups usually have moderators? =/
  11. this pizza slice looks like burn victim skin, wtf. You've never tried the third degree special? =/
  12. Isn't that standard WATMM behavior? lol, no rlly though if you have facebook go take a look. It's insane!
  13. lol sorry. I'm sensitive to most dairy (if it even remotely approaches the best before date (I'm talking two weeks before) it tastes acidic and weird to me, makes me gag) so it could be a borderline allergy thing, maybe goats milk is different in composition and always tastes spoiled to me.
  14. that sounds delish except for the goat cheese (always tastes a bit off to me, I've tried it so many times =/ )
  15. does the WATMM FB page have any affiliation with the forums? There used to be the occasional good post (good tunes, casual chit chat) and stuff but now it's just some lunatic spamming and responding to himself 45x a day.
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