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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Comparing soundcloud banter to blasting out mental beats at a gig is a bit of a streeetch. Its all good stuff but hardly comparable interaction-wise. Sorry i just turned 42 and am squirley :P Aslo RDJ had DJ'd a lot and ae, sp always do the rounds.... no biggy It's not a stretch at all. At its core it's interacting directly with the fans in a way that the artists are comfortable with. You honestly think it's a coincidence that we don't have new studio albums from all three acts yet all are interacting with the fans in this live type manner? This is part of Warp's regular marketing; this is warp's "live" rounds.
  2. I had what the doctor referred to as a "minor cardiovascular event" today. My bp was 184/121.
  3. If you're a fan of jrpgs I don't think you'll regret playing it!
  4. My take on the soundcloud dump is that's his version of AE_LIVE in that it's his way of having direct interaction with the fans. Autechre has their live shows (would they even make much $ off the NA tour? Tickets were like $30?), and Squarepusher is playing all his classic tracks with a live band via shoobadoobie one. They're all centered on some sort of live interaction with the fans. Personally I think they are listening to the fans and this is a great time to be a fan of (good) warp acts.
  5. You can pick up the series at any point but there are common factors throughout like FF. The combat is purely turn based, old school. I don't recall if you can even choose an active time battle type of system lol. Highly recommend you pick one or all of them up, but be prepared to play an old school jrpg, grinding, levelling up, 60+ hours. Shit nocturne took me 110hrs to complete everything.
  6. True, but is ignorance a mental health issue? Some people are intelligent but still ignorant. Can't say this woman falls into the intelligent category but stupidity can't be treated can it?
  7. Lots of butter and cream in the sauces probably helps! Nice and rich, fulfilling.
  8. The only vegetarian dishes I've every liked are curries, usually indian ones. Deep fried pakora with curry sauces are delicious.
  9. what a stupid bitch edit: those guys showed great restraint and were actually quite respectable considering that rant she went on. I'm not a violent guy but would have been tempted to knock the lady out. tempted at least.
  10. Haven't had my morning coffee yet so I'm feeling a bit dramatic
  11. Major shin pain. Went on my first run of the year. Only went like 4km, but my shins are killing me. I don't do enough high impact stuff.... Trying to get into better habits and running is one of them.
  12. which track was it mr? I'm seeing lots of downloadable ones (if that soundcloud in your sig is yours?). Lots of goodness on that soundcloud =) Good job either way, I'd be well chuffed.
  13. I think so, yeah. I've gotten to the point where my beer aesthetics are so narrow I can really only stand hoppy IPAs. Not into that, yeah, heavy stout kind of a thing at all. I dig both. Like a really heavy stout in between lighter ales/pilsners, and really hoppy IPAs anytime/24-7. IPAs are my favorite but I like to break them up with Saisons and Stouts, yeasty beers, etc. Btw the korean chicken wing thing inspired me to try making Karaage tonight. It's chicken marinated a long time in soy, sugar, sake, garlic, and ginger, then coated in potato starch and fried. First batch is going in the fryer in an hour, pics to follow =) Oh awesome, that sounds great. Yes, please, report back on how it turns out! Ok, ok... first pic doesn't do it justice. They are slightly overcooked (I was a dumbass and didn't get the wings to room temperature before coating and frying so I was a bit paranoid), and a tiny bit too much starch (there was slight residuals on the surface as you can see, even after frying). But even the first batch is some of the best wings I've ever, ever had. The coating with the potato starch is very crispy, but thin and delicate somehow at the same time. Holds your seasonings well too, and the marinade added the right level of saltiness and broke down some of the fat so they were nice and tender. Wicked deal, you should give it a shot. The second batch was far better looking as the wings had come up to room temp. They were perfectly golden brown and delicious. But of course my dumbass ate them before taking a pic. heh.
  14. I think so, yeah. I've gotten to the point where my beer aesthetics are so narrow I can really only stand hoppy IPAs. Not into that, yeah, heavy stout kind of a thing at all. I dig both. Like a really heavy stout in between lighter ales/pilsners, and really hoppy IPAs anytime/24-7. IPAs are my favorite but I like to break them up with Saisons and Stouts, yeasty beers, etc. Btw the korean chicken wing thing inspired me to try making Karaage tonight. It's chicken marinated a long time in soy, sugar, sake, garlic, and ginger, then coated in potato starch and fried. First batch is going in the fryer in an hour, pics to follow =)
  15. They sell it at Trader Joe's, mayne. Yeah but: Country:Canada
  16. I'm intrigued. What's this spread made of? I googled it and don't really understand lol. Speculoos is a cookie isn't it? Is this spreadable cookie?
  17. u forgot "cum" lol jk m8, happy drinking
  18. What put you off of it, not enough IBUs? Chimay in general but the grande reserve specifically is on a short list of my faves. I usually only have 1 beer of that style in a night though, they're pretty heavy.
  19. pretty accurate from this over 40 year olds viewpoint. I accept your apology. Even though she's clearly reading all of that off cue cards, that she probably didn't write herself? Just a moderately aesthetic talking head reading off cue cards? lol Edit: I'm being a dick, I know.
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