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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Always do Is the mp3 version knackered across all tracks, or specific ones? Listening to/enjoying the FLAC version right now, only on track 3 but no issues to report so far all tracks have huge cracking and distortion where there should be low end. and no it's not my speakers haha
  2. Hmm, download it in lossless guys. I downloaded it in mp3 and theres something wrong with it. I've tried reextracting it a few times and the audio is all f'ed up.
  3. Got an email this morning that I have number 63 on the way! (I thought it was limited to 50....?) I also got a download code for the digital. Check your emails guys!
  4. baphMember Since 25 Feb 2008 OFFLINE Last Active Today, 03:24 PM seems he's still around :)
  5. I see we had the same therapist. Did we? I mean, did you guys? lol emailed you pal :)
  6. but... thats a first world pro........ wait I see what you did there
  7. that worked! holy crap that looks savage. in a good way.
  8. well yeah... it's good. I just.... well I mean.. fuck it I like BK don't judge me. lol
  9. I'm not a BK fan at all, but I had their Bacon Mushroom Swiss Whopper on wednesday and it was actually really really good. lots of mushrooms, and a nice sloppy melty swiss cheese (nice and salty). Overall it's probably the best mushroom swiss from the main chains (mcdicks, a&w, DQ, etc). very pleased
  10. Ok same here, glad I'm not alone. Thought I was missing something. Other than a few chromosomes.
  11. ya but what do you do with them other than convert it down to a lesser format? I'm seriously IRL retarded. lol
  12. hey I think I've already asked this stupid question but how am I supposed to play the dvds? no common platforms play 24 bit 96khz wav, do they? doesn't work on ps3/xbox360/ipod etc
  13. man I must have managed to get one of the last ones! I emailed yesterday morning and he emailed me back immediately (like really, 10 seconds) to say I nabbed one!
  14. I was just kidding, relax cowboy. I'm generally anxiety free now that I'm alcohol limited. (honestly I figured you just answered before the page updated with my response, as that happens to me all the time lol).
  15. someone raised on gatorade advertisements. There's more than enough salt in the past already, not to mention every other ingredient, including vegetables themselves. Too much salt in everything has long been known as a major health problem in modern society, surrounded by processed foods, blah dee blah. /is amused by your comment in other words. stevie already said this stuffs delet do you have me on ignore? =( lol
  16. Most northern Americans aren't at risk of this at all (hyponatremia)... It's actually extremely rare for north Americans (and I imagine Europeans as well). That being said, there are some people at higher risk. I've never been to a doctor to get tested for this, but I find after a brutal day at work (my plant is really hot, and even though I drink a ton of water I tend to lose a few lbs by the end of the day), and a long workout, all the sudden I'm CRAVING salt hardcore. I wonder if, in conjunction with my previous drinking habits (flushing tons of water out with alcohol), I was close to being hyponatremic? Also bill cosby noodles salt eating the pudding
  17. This is so horrible, i can't even put it into words. Just stay as far away as possible from this person Definitely going to.... I just don't understand how our justice system is so lenient and undervalues life by so much... =( he probably took a "plea deal", basically "I'll admit I'm guilty for a reduced sentence" which doesn't make sense to me, how can admitting guilt for something like that get you less of a charge? (happens often though...) Now THAT is some bullshit. I'm really sorry to hear that man. I read the article in the Calgary Sun and the fact that there were multiple witnesses, security camera footage (however grainy, although my bosses own nightclubs and the cameras in there can see if someones pulling a bag of coke out of their pocket on the other side of the room) and a man is dead in an establishment... That's not enough to convict a man on murder charges?! THE FUCK? PLUS he was caught with a big hunk o' meth and weapons... That is just a poor court decision, the man deserves 25 to life for the murder alone and shorter tack-on's for the dope and guns. Guns are one thing, meth is a harmful and horrid chemical... but they ain't equivalent together with manslaughter/murder. I have a friend who went down for some fairly large, but not harmful, drug sales. He sold large amounts of LSD, MDMA and a few other psychedelics. He was caught when someone competing with him in business gave his info to the police. He is still awaiting sentencing and is looking at 15-20 years for the sale of harmless (IMO, don't get on a high horse or you defend the problem) drugs and alluding uncle sam's taxes with illegally begotten money. Anyways, the next court case that day after his initial arraignment with the judge and such was a drunk driver who ran over an old man, killing him, and injuring his own 3 children in the car pretty badly at the same time when he crashed. He got 7 years... This world is fucked. ugh.... that cat throwing the table about sums it up...
  18. I don't understand this at all. The court is convinced enough of his guilt to send him to jail, but just kidding we're not officially convinced of anything, so we're going to send this guy who might not be the killer to jail for less time. Am I missing something here, or is that the logic behind the sentencing? That is so fucked up. Sorry to hear the terrible news, SG. Exactly the "logic"! And all of this is on surveillance cameras... I hope his family appeals the sentencing... Thanks for the support though (everyone). Glad I'm not alone in thinking this is messed up.
  19. I make a really simple brine for them that I think is great. 1 cup water, half a cup white vinegar, half a cup apple cider vineger (gives them this nice malted flavour), 4 tbsp each of white vinegar and kosher salt. About 6 or 7 nice size jalapenos can be brined in that. Cut the jalapenos nice and thick (they stay crunchy for a long time). Anyway about the burgers... do the above recipe and they're awesome on burgers. I like them a bit better than fresh jalapenos for burgers actually. I find fresh ones have a bit too much bite (not that I can't take the heat, it just detracts from the other flavours on the burger) and the vinegars and salt from the pickling add a nice counterpoint to the fat in the cheese on the burger, gives a more complex overall burger bite. Have I accidentally ventured into burger hipsterism? =/
  20. I'm in Alberta actually... I gather that our system is too lenient country wide. I'm not advocating serious time for minor crimes, but for taking someone's life, rape, etc? Our system is a joke when it comes to those in my opinion.. Sorry to hear about your situation too. That would be really tough having a family member like that, with the stigma surrounding that... And to get off on a technicality? jesus...
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