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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. People need a place to vent It's a first world problem because it doesn't involve your own day to day survival like feeding yourself or nursing a blown off limb from an IED.
  2. fwp... I've been fighting pneumonia for the last week or so (since Christmas Eve, go figure... merry christmas.........). I coughed up about 14oz (not even an exaggeration...) of blood/dried blood/green mucus this morning when I woke up. It's disgusting to choke on something you're hocking up, and to have to almost chew through it to spit it in the sink. I've been coughing so much and so hard that now I have a massive migraine. I took some t3s and they aren't helping at all.
  3. anyway I don't want any drama but really surprised what I'm reading, that's all.
  4. "Some people are just more matter of fact and not pussies" (his words not mine). He also said "Yek is a full grown man and should harden the fuck up". So in summary... delet thinks using tact/discretion/being sensitive to family members feelings makes you a pussy, being a grown man means you need to "harden the fuck up" and not have feelings about sensitive topics, and thus the manner in which it was handled is irrelevant. I don't know what to say... That is some of the most ignorant stuff I've read around these parts. Not enough hugs as a child or something delet?
  5. I have to agree with this. 7 came close though, but I think this was just because it had the most variation track to track. There are parts on 1 and 2 where I got goosebumps, really took me back to SAW2 drugged out listening sessions.
  6. well look at you guys with family still alive rub it in why dontcha lol
  7. Being sensitive to a family members feelings doesn't make you a pussy.
  8. That's a really intense thing to deal with and no offence but it doesn't sound like your dad used much tact in the way he told you. I also believe I had a younger brother that was miscarried but I don't dare ask my mum about it. Don't know what she would say really.
  9. Great, now my urethra is collapsed because I cummed too hard. Thanks EANDN
  10. How many times has the American Constitution been amended? I mean, I know the answer. But why can't they amend that shit out in light of the overwhelming statistics behind gun violence.... ? Such confuse
  11. Well I get the reasoning for the "right to bear arms", and it plugs in to very lofty (and righteous IMO) political ideals about resisting tyranny. But I'm not sure how much thought the Founding Fathers put into things like crime. I mean, sure, you can defend your property with a handgun, but you can't defend yourself against a knuckle-dragger shooting you because you mildly inconvenienced them. I guess they just didn't have people like that in the 1770s... And yep, rural Canadians seem to have a very different outlook in my experience. Very pro long gun (for sport, hunting, launching flares etc), but also virulently anti handgun. A lot of old bush guys seem to see handguns as an American thing, that you'd only ever want if you were up to no good I wanna get me a licence and an old Lee Enfield this year actually, so I can blow the heads off some Ditch Chickens when I get the chance! That Jim Jefferies bit sums up my thoughts on it (RE keeping the second amendment). The government has fighter jets, tanks, nuclear weapons, etc etc so the whole resisting tyranny thing isn't really applicable anymore I suppose. Being able to defend your property makes sense though.
  12. Exactly my thoughts. I think gun ownership has to be one of the biggest and most serious problems in the US today...I think I read that the U.S. has by far the highest gun ownership per capita? I don't really understand at all the argument in favour of owning handguns. I understand rifles (for hunting etc) but can't see why anyone would need handguns. Lol.... The workers are just trying to earn a living I think their lives are valuable. The scum that pulled the gun on the other hand.....
  13. I just read today that a guy (in Tennessee I think) pulled a gun on McDonald's worker because they accidentally forgot one of his mc doubles. So I'd say America os pretty fucked. I read stories like that every day. If that happened in Canada it would be in the news for a week lol
  14. It's like watching football or hockey and realizing that you could never be the person you're watching...
  15. oh shit.. I think you're right. I was looking at it wrong lol it looked like shiny grease.
  16. That looks pretty good but the bun looks really greasy. Or is that tomato juices
  17. There are nuggets of more serious coverage. Part of the reason is capitalist drive of course, but the more interesting underlying thing is how attention span and complexity in daily life of people make it very hard to even have time to get deep into concepts. I find this an extremely interesting concept. Is this your own idea or do you have material supporting this idea? Would love to read anything in this area if you can PM me any articles/papers etc. Edit: sorry, to elaborate. I'm fully aware that as a people we are constantly shifting focus and are busy (though statistically we are spending less time working and more time on leisure than ever before in history). I'm most interested in how this applies to broadcasting/news and the delivery of news etc. (A relevant point I think might be the length and frequency of commercials on television?)
  18. favouring the stick insects, I see Yeah, something about people whose bodies reflect that they eat healthy & exercise is really appealing to me. Yeah exactly lol. Edit: better not get into this conversation.... lol
  19. You missed the shooting of Tamir Rice. and the shooting of John Crawford. You also missed Dillon Daylor. Unarmed 20 year old white guy in a convenience store. Cop cleared by grand jury. http://conservativetribune.com/black-cop-cleared-shooting/ Point is these cases are ALL exceptions to the norm.
  20. it means that usa is north america, not all of america derp lol I caught that when looking at it the first time but didn't figure that was the whole message. It's an installation by a latin american artist. Here are more details: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/aug/01/times-square-august-art-this-is-not-america-alfredo-jaar & http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/press-room/news/6004-alfredo-jaars-a-logo-for-america-shown-in-times-square-this-august very nice, thank you for the link
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