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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. That's fucked dude, sorry to hear that. Not sure on employment rights in the US but here in Canada unless you're on contract work you can't simply be fired. If you're structured out you're entitled to at least 2 weeks pay per year of service. Otherwise you need to be fired for just cause, such as theft/violence/breach of trust etc. Check into her rights.... sounds like some bullshit man..
  2. I feel the same way about 101 rainbows.. I think it's very early aphex, it feels like the kind of track you make with a clear intention of making an ambient track. It doesn't have that beautiful/lush mood, it has more of a "this is ambient" mood, typical of non-aphex "ambient" artists (eno etc.) Afx has 2 types of ambient in my opinion... SAW1 style tracks, which are just ambient by their nature, and SAW2 style tracks, which are him trying to make ambient music, if that makes any sense... 101 rainbows kind of falls into the latter category, for me.
  3. That's so shitty dude, sorry to hear that.... why are they so cold/serious about it? 2hrs notice and no separation is harsher than usual =S
  4. The "surprise" was the track names... originally, Richard wasn't going to bother with digging up the track names, but he went through the effort to do so. I for one am very thankful. Good job boss. =)
  5. kanye heard about what you said and ordered his illuminati cronies to crush your life into tiny pieces of frustration. lolololol o no =(
  6. but..... your a survivor....you're gonna make it... etc =( lol
  7. I HATE that... did all the blood rush out? now you've got dead leg? lol ankle was sore cause the other leg was on it, normally i'm on the other couch where i can post lying down, this one to face the tv i used the coffee table to better enable the comfort zone, ar well, marginally better now. Well except for my lung hurting cause i was sweeping up some nasty black soot stuff at work today. fun. lol
  8. I HATE that... did all the blood rush out? now you've got dead leg? lol
  9. did you lol and cry at the same time? it was all cri :'(
  10. Ordered a replacement sleeve for my Plaid - Reachy Prints that I received heavily damaged. Bleep sends a new one. Gf bends the shit out of it walking through the front door. Now I have two seriously damaged Reachy Prints vinyls. (btw they sent an entirely new vinyl not just the outer sleeve?)
  11. Beauty! How was the r8? Imagine the boner equivalent of a double rainbow, and you're halfway there. drools*
  12. Beauty! How was the r8? I've ridden in (never driven) my friends GranTurismo and it was pretty slick. Kind of like ferraris little step brother or something.
  13. Go you! Yay for new jobs. I've been trying for awhile to get back with a top tier company in a role similar to what I've got now (plant/production supervisor). Finding it hard, I think a lot of company's are age discriminatory..
  14. Me too - was thinking it was gonna be stuff not good enough for release and shelved from general release for a reason. Thought it would be full of dustbin core smashes for an hour. I'm glad I was completely wrong That's what I was worried about too... I think overall I like CWLP better, but Cordialatron will always be my favorite CW song I think...
  15. did you mean diluted? yeah i dont know, i heard deluted before (someone with delusions) sorry English in not my first language herro deruded you mean
  16. did you mean diluted? Deluded. I prefer CAT023 to Compilation. Opinions eh?
  17. Belgium knows what's up* *Naughty Belgians *eats chocolate and waffles*
  18. He doesn't want to have bought it to listen to it because he now understands that he doesn't like it, so it worked out for everybody. Posting where it's available on youtub will be edited though. Fair enough. I'm just very anti-pirate/music theft. You should know that by know.... =P Well, some people are programmed to complain about everything they have and everything they don't have. It's never up to their standards. Always too expensive, never good enough. Too bad for them. Let's enjoy this album anyway! It's great to see so much positive feedback from the fans. Helllll yeah bruddah. I'm super happy with this release. =) This is why I almost didn't say anything. Everyone is quite in the blissful stage still I guess, just the buying (sorry 'donating') blind thing still is weird to me. I spend money on music every month (on a relatively strict budget, I'm a teacher and therefore not rich), but rarely if ever do I buy it without having heard but a song or two from it. But I'm generally against pirating as well, friends. After just having said that, fingry and airflow were pretty good at least. Y'all enjoy them. It's all good, sorry if I came across a little agro. I find we live in an age where music and media in general is simply at our fingertips (due to things like youtube, ipods, pirating etc) and we don't generally take the time to digest our media and formulate an actual response, compared to the mid 90s. The end result is that often people will (not saying you necessarily) will flip through an album in 5 minutes and make a decision as to whether they like it or not. I think this is a bad decision. I think there is lots to digest in each and every album and if not for the ability to steal them, or flip through them with a scroll wheel, we might feel a lot different about the albums available out there. Including the CWLP.
  19. Wishing you success! Will definitely see you live if you're ever near. =)
  20. Congrats on being able to do your thing... and get booked in sweet ass joints like whiskey cellars lol
  21. He doesn't want to have bought it to listen to it because he now understands that he doesn't like it, so it worked out for everybody. Posting where it's available on youtub will be edited though. Fair enough. I'm just very anti-pirate/music theft. You should know that by know.... =P Well, some people are programmed to complain about everything they have and everything they don't have. It's never up to their standards. Always too expensive, never good enough. Too bad for them. Let's enjoy this album anyway! It's great to see so much positive feedback from the fans. Helllll yeah bruddah. I'm super happy with this release. =)
  22. It's only $16. Do you work at walmart and have 14 kids to feed or something? lol Why did you get to listen to it without paying/backing the kickstarter? You don't have to enjoy it but to steal it and then complain about the price... =/ Edit: sorry, you didn't explicitly complain about the price. But the fact that you pirated it or otherwise listened to it illegally instead of paying the small amount of $16... well.. you get it =P
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