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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Didn't you hear? Individually numbered cat023 butt plugs, complete with dried courtesy spit from the man (richard) himself.
  2. I don't even know what those things are lol =( That sucks man, the only downfall to driving (besides the pollution) is the upkeep
  3. that sucks... what's wrong with it? Can you fix any of it yourself maybe? Or a friend?
  4. Did I say your work wasn't serious? I haven't written a dissertation, nor do I plan to, because I'm not going on to pursue a Ph. D. I would say at a minimum you're looking at 30 single spaced pages in 12 point Times New Roman, for a thesis (dissertation) at the bachelor's level. I will attach an example of a dissertation for a Ph.D. It was written by one of my instructors who was in the last year of his Ph.D, it's really interesting, if you happen to like Meiji era Japan history. Perhaps it will serve to show why I think using the word dissertation incorrectly is a disservice. Perhaps not, maybe I'll just come off as more of a cunt. Sorry, I just think that words have meaning (while some meanings are fluid, I would argue this particular word is not fluid in its meaning), so it's important to use them correctly. It would be like conflating fission with fusion. Similar, but not the same. edit: also, my feet do not stink, but my armpits have been giving off a particularly foul odor lately. Maybe it's my body trying to excise all the poison from cigarettes. . You have some good points, sorry for arguing. :)
  5. careful though... This is probably all coincidence but the stinky feet stopped, as well as ADD symptoms, but I developed my alcohol withdrawal seizures at the same time. I don't know if I was just making better choices or if the drops and inherent bodily changes gave me a seizure condition
  6. I had this problem until I did a candida cleanse. My feet don't stink anymore I took some homeopathic drops or something, quite a few years ago.
  7. You know, I'll hide my comments, fine. But quite frankly you going on to the internet to squabble about your definition of "dissertation" and how I can't use it because I only have a bachelors degree and you have your masters comes off as extremely elitist. And calling serious academic work "a disservice to people who actually write dissertations" just makes you look like a cunt.
  8. Yes, yes it is nitpicking. dissertation (ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən) n 1. (Education) a written thesis, often based on original research, usually required for a higher degree 2. a formal discourse ˌdisserˈtational adj ˌdisserˈtationist n
  9. Tempting... Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper? For you... I can do that. There are lots of studies. I wrote a few dissertations on it a year ago; part of my "Digital Intermediated Communication" course. A few papers or essays. Unless you are holding several doctoral degrees? what? =S Edit: oh, you're nitpicking on the word "dissertation". Whatever lol that's what my professor called them and they are 20+ pages each. But no, I don't hold multiple doctorates. It really just means long, focused, quality essay. Sorry I will edit my terminology in the future to say "long, focused, quality essay" lol.
  10. Tempting... Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper? For you... I can do that. There are lots of studies. I wrote a few dissertations on it a year ago; part of my "Digital Intermediated Communication" course.
  11. Jesus christ... I feel for you guys. Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)
  12. I don't want to laugh at this (because it's really not funny). America sucks sometimes. Feel better Dear deer... I hate pulled muscles, especially when it's really bad and the pain is there for a few days and you get a nasty twinge when you move the wrong way... Get that in my lower back quite often..
  13. Tomorrows Harvest - Today Started by phudoshin, Yesterday, 02:02 PM In: General Discussion → WATMM Featured Artists → Boards of Canada Forum Tomorrow's Harvest - Today.... Yesterday..
  14. Agreed, hands down this is better than plastikman (though I still LOVE plasticity). I just think it's a similar vibe, enhanced through the better music technology (synths, better understanding of mixing, equing, and better systems for playback etc) we have today. Bogdan is awesome too lol. I'm super impressed at Aleksi putting out 7 albums worth of material in one year. I find it funny that noone else is picking up on that aspect..... Colundi 1-5 (all brilliant), MU4, and Ovuca "bonus disc"... That's 7 albums in one year. I can't think of another artist that has ever done this, where all the albums are quality!
  15. Does it remind you of plastikman at all? I'm getting an early plastikman vibe form it. That's the vibe I get from it. Deep (like you said), minimal, amazing stuff. There's nothing gimmicky about it. Aleksi has had some of the most consistent output, quality wise, that I can think of in recent years. I think he's easily Rephlex's best artist (next to the obvious greats, Vibert/Aphex/SP, etc).
  16. It was awesome! Lol, we're not really sure why I got arrested... In Arequipa, one night around 2AM apparently I just wandered away from my friends. I don't know what happened at all. I just remember waking up and there were people in full military garb with machine guns questioning me in Spanish... I don't speak much Spanish (virtually none lol)... I remember that much... Apparently at around 4AM I just appeared back at my hostel, no-one knows how I got back or anything. Anyway the kicker is, I woke up with 200 soles (about $80CAD) in my pocket. Thing is, that's what I started the night with and I know I spent that much at the bar. So apparently: Arequipa >>> Blackout drunk >>> military >>> profit... =/ probably for the best that you don't remember how you earned that money Lol... maybe I blew an alpaca or something. I heard alpacas cruise the streets looking for gringos, sex tourism innit? Not anymore than usual
  17. It was awesome! Lol, we're not really sure why I got arrested... In Arequipa, one night around 2AM apparently I just wandered away from my friends. I don't know what happened at all. I just remember waking up and there were people in full military garb with machine guns questioning me in Spanish... I don't speak much Spanish (virtually none lol)... I remember that much... Apparently at around 4AM I just appeared back at my hostel, no-one knows how I got back or anything. Anyway the kicker is, I woke up with 200 soles (about $80CAD) in my pocket. Thing is, that's what I started the night with and I know I spent that much at the bar. So apparently: Arequipa >>> Blackout drunk >>> military >>> profit... =/
  18. Dune buggying in the sechura desert... weird angle lol... Some group auto-erotic asphyxiation lol... Blurry... but this is one of the towns we stayed in... Starting the Colca canyon Peruvian mega death trek (twice as deep as the grand canyon... 25km, 2 days.... stayed in some shacks in the bottom of the canyon next to the river...). Legs were absolutely destroyed after this. Also the elevation is 4100 meters, so even with coca leaves my lungs were killing me (I've got asthma)... A note one of the girls left for my friends when I was arrested in Arequipa lol... gf was NOT pleased. Standing over beautiful Cusco!
  19. looks like you've got a bit of a burn! Can we get one of you in thigh high waders parading through the pool as though it was a pond with geese in it? please =)
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