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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Unless Mister Firth has moved considerably west and over the Atlantic ocean since last we spoke then I'm not so sure ! troooon pls
  2. Boom Blaster is awesome. Choral Fever is one of my favorite tracks of all time.
  3. Troon. People have speculated as to your identity for awhile. Are you David Firth? A lot of your posts are eerily similar to salad fingers dialogue.
  4. ha! I'm really stoked about this release, I hope mine shows up soon. I messaged aleksi and he (or whoever's email that actually is) confirmed it's been shipped. He also said that royal mail is shit and sometimes it takes WAY longer than expected. I'm very happy that he's getting a lot of positive reception on this. He's extremely talented and for him to treat us with a 4 disc set, the level 5 download, level 4 kickin' around, and the clear vinyl coming up? Very prolific and I'm excited to watch him develop. The sound quality on his releases (mastering/dynamics whatever) are in some cases unmatched by any other artist, IMO. I forget who made the thread about his "lushness" lol surpassing even Aphex, and in some cases I agree. Songs like Choral fever and what I hear from the colundi sequence take up a massive frequency range and it's total aural stimulation. Edit: not just a large frequency range, but many frequencies within that range. I believe that's the entire point of the colundi releases.
  5. are those all off the MU4 disc? My pkg hasn't arrived yet =( Check if Norman Records has it! check your inventory at norman records lol
  6. Just checking ;) You always seem to be at the forefront of Plaid's music; posting first info, etc. cheers =)
  7. Magdog, are you Ed or Andy? I've always wondered.
  8. Would you be willing to share some of it? the essay I mean
  9. You need a label though. I simply don't have the time to search through a million artists to find the one good one. Labels help to identify something immediately. This is inherent in all labels, not just record labels. It draws you to the sensibilities of that label. generalizing isn't just a bad thing.
  10. No but it's a good way to collect music of a similar sensibility. Thus the "label" in record label. Like... "hey that sounds like rephlex"; the record label almost becomes a genre. I don't think it's a matter of identifying it as better or worse than something self released so much as it is a convenient way of accessing similar music. I don't know.
  11. What are your plans? Welp, a friend I used to work in restaurants with owns this trendy little French bar/bistro in this trendy ass strip my house and is gonna hook it up as a favor. We're meeting up for drinks and food there and then who knows what. That sounds great! One of my favorite places here in Calgary is like that, seats about 25 people... downstairs is a wine bar and jazz club. Good times. I hope you have a great time, no need to be nervous you handsome devil you. lol Hope you hit it off.
  12. I don't know if it's worth stating that it's only $16. It's not like we're pledging our grocery money away.... =S that's not a response to anyone in particular. I just see lots of eugenes saying they are going to leak it and it's a shit-ton of money etc.
  13. I put too many toppings on my hot dog =( I finally got my summer car to start but now I have to call to get it insured =( I'm going to have a really awesome dinner later but it's not later yet =( I'm full of fwp today. Edit: either that or maybe I'm just whiny.
  14. we should start a kickstarter to raise funds to send one of us on a plain to box punt her =) ok maybe not that extreme. but still what a stupid thing to say lol
  15. There is the odd song here and there that I really enjoy, but it usually just hurts my ears. If it were mastered different perhaps it wouldn't bother me but it's not that it's jarring or noisy, it just usually legitimately hurts my ears.
  16. It's what I mentally refer to as 'dustbin-core'. There was a cartoon strip by Charlie Brooker and I always remember a section where a guy was whacking a metal bin with a rake - I always visualise that whenever I hear this stuff by AFX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5MnU_KGdzo Lol!!! Dustbin core! That's what I always visualized industrial to be. A bunch of people whacking on metal stuff with other metal things lol. too funny
  17. Yes, I shouldn't be confessing this in here of all places Edit: On the other hand, I've got all these to look forward to. Surely someone must envy that? Nice try! Infidel! lol jk. I didn't enjoy most of the AB series anyways. 5 was my favorite. I'm not a fan of the early 90s metallic sound that Mike P and Afx used (presumably this evolved out of industrial in the late 70s and throughout the 80s?). Some real funny tracks on the AB series though. Elephant track flol
  18. 18 days until Peru! ahhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Lol! I'd love to! Head on over to Calgary we will arrange something. It's going to be a great trip. 20 days across all of peru! The desert, the andes, the ocean.. lake Titicaca (tee hee)

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I will send them your greetings

    4. Audioblysk


      That sounds awesome man! I expect there will be a thread chalk-full of p-shop-able photos of you all over that non-America place ;)


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