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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. that actually looks quite good by burger king standards. I'm not ashamed, I enjoy a good whopper sometimes.
  2. lol I have an idea of what you posted
  3. Yes that's a muffin. These are english muffins. At least that's what they're called in north america. Maybe teacake for you? It's like bready cake but a little bit higher egg content than bread. Quite yummy:
  4. I hope you find her. What a bitch! Also you live in a beautiful area! Absolutely stunning in my opinion
  5. mmmm I've never tried the yin or yang. I'll have to see if I can find some
  6. I'm the same way as you man. For some reason I can eat Bison and I don't feel like shit afterwards (compared to eating the same amount of beef). Is it the hormones or steroids in beef that do that? In Canada Bison can only be raised free range and steroids/hormones are not allowed. It's very strictly regulated. Not sure if that's the same in the US? Also great looking baph-burger.
  7. Yeah.. I've probably just forgotten about it then.
  8. That's a great gesture mate but alas I'm turntable-less right now so taking it off you wouldn't feel right, I'm sure someone else would get more use and pleasure from it too. Big thanks for the offer though :)
  9. Both copies? It's before the last track of the 3 track side I think. I thought all copies had it, would be really bad if it was a pressing error instead of a concious decision... I haven't checked both copies. The one I bought the first time I don't THINK had a locked groove, I'm going to check it out tonight. The second copy I bought I haven't tried yet! It's highly possible the locked groove is there and I've just forgotten or blanked it from my memory. I typically am a few beers in when we listen to vinyl
  10. I don't have a locked groove on mine. Is that common?
  11. Mikkeller I know about, the evil twin I did not. Interesting. Evil Twin has some good beers. Molotov Cocktail was great. 13% ABV and it leaves a weird heat in your throat.
  12. Exactly, why go to all the trouble of getting a vinyl setup, recorder etc... Then miss out half the data? There's certainly something fishy about the whole thing for sure. Besides, I actually want to buy the release, I like to think I'm supporting the acts in some way. One time I was drunk and forgot that I already owned the vinyl and I ordered another one, so I've got two. If you ever want it I will give it to you if you pay postage/handling. Admittedly it might be cheaper to just buy locally though.
  13. ya exactly. I'm a conspiritard a bit when it comes to steinvord so I tend to think it was intentional the way these were ripped lol. It's probably partially why people are so polarized in their thinking of it being an afx or SP release compared to those saying "this release sounds like shit" etc.
  14. I almost got the impression that the rips that were floating around the internet were intentionally leaked with poor quality, maybe to hide some of the awesomeness of the release. I don't understand why there would be 128kbps rips when vinyl is the source, most collectors of vinyl being pretty anal about sound quality. Know what I mean? Just seemed like a troll move to rip off vinyl on such low quality lol.
  15. Indeed. Does anyone know where I can buy a lossless version? I mean, is it even available to buy on a webshop etc..? Seems strange it's not available on Rephlex.com. My understanding is it's only available on vinyl. It's not sold in a digital format anywhere. I downloaded an MP3 rip and it sounded like complete shit. (I own 2 copies of the vinyl just didn't want to go through the trouble of ripping it). All the downloadable copies were such shit I ended up ripping it from my vinyl.
  16. it's two new albums of material on DVDs as well as MU4 on CD and "ovuca bonus" on CD pretty decent i would've though Basically 4 albums and a DVD. I think it's a great deal.
  17. lol, your favorite ae album is seriously amber? are you trolling or what? Amber is incredible. Not my favorite, but it's absolutely incredible. I could see how some people might have that as their favorite, though maybe he IS trolling. Its hard to tell. But songs like Slip, and Silver.. they're "IDM" (lolszzsz) history... =/
  18. Thanks for the update. Has anyone been re-emailed to confirm payment etc?
  19. I'm only kidding. Just trying to distract myself from everything... cheers to your found money =)
  20. Could be... I thought it was commonly accepted as "ass to mouth"... So I'm really confused by Luke's post =S I googled it. Apparently it's automated teller machine. That makes a lot more sense now given the dollar bills and whatnot.
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