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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. side note - Biden closing the gap in PA now. only 65k in favor of trump (down from 80k about 30 mins ago).
  2. lol wtf is he talking about? Is there even a single example of "democratically run election apparatuses" banning observers? Or is he referring to blocking the crazy protestors intimidating voters at polling stations? lol... "people are just writing down votes and allowing unregistered voters to vote blah blah blah and lots of bad things"
  3. but his voter base is going to eat all of this blatant lying up like it's fact. that's the scary thing.
  4. GA is only off by 12k votes between them and still counting. If anything it will be worthy of a recount? They’re only off by 0.2% between the two of them. that said I think you’re right it’s up to Nevada... GA will most likely be drumpf
  5. So far (I think) all of the ridiculous lawsuits seem to be getting squashed quickly?
  6. Heh! You say that like it’s a bad thing ? I’ll admit it took me a couple listens but once it starts to develop fully (around 2:50) it’s a bit of a melty trippy beast imo
  7. I know it might be hard to believe but even I’m intelligent compared to some of those I’m surrounded (closely) by. Another family post:
  8. Lol that guy reminds me of the macho man randy savage. Are voting booths the new wwf? Or wtf
  9. Any idea why? Pausing = open to abuse & other problems (speculation, unrest, violent protest etc).
  10. Hey sorry I know I prob missed it in this thread, but what’s up with the Nevada stall? I know they’re waiting to count mail in ballots but there shouldn’t be a ton. It’s been stalled at 75% votes counted since last night.
  11. You are 100% correct. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be completely surrounded by these people like some of you are, I feel for you. ?
  12. A family member (from Oklahoma) just posted this ? And I’ve got friends in Alberta posting about how the democrats manufactured hundreds of thousands of mail in votes. It’s so cringe and I’m not going to engage them but wow. Depressing
  13. ? thank you! I need this. I’m going nuts at home now for 10 months ?. So so so so need this before I snap
  14. I mean, we all know Fox News and their right wing bias etc isn’t going anywhere. But doesn’t it feel kinda good seeing them turn on the drumpf a bit? Lol not turn on him I guess but not having their head so far up his ass like before? I like it. I hope once he’s out of office they go after him a lot more
  15. I’m not seeing a lot of love for 7FM? For me that’s one of the weirder, stereotypically autechre-y tracks from the two albums. One of my favs
  16. Had a job interview today, one of only a handful this year after countless fruitless applications. It was a third interview in the process so that's positive. But I'm at the tail end of a brutal cold so don't think I came across as enthusiastic and excited as I truly am. There's a kinda low chance I'll get the gig, I'm banking on them prioritizing organizational fit and soft skills above functional abilities/operational background. stevieG just wants to work ?
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