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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Michigan just jumped to 61K votes ahead for Biden at 99% votes counted. So it looks like Michigan is Biden's! Come on Nevada don't F this up
  2. @JoyrexIm not sure if you changed anything but I wanted to say my new messages (direct messages) indicator seems to be working now. It gives me both a notification + indicator for my inbox so all good! Working on both desktop and mobile/ios.
  3. Man it's sad that you have to worry so much about your Southern neighbor. I'm sorry we are such a pain in the ass. The last 4 years has been interesting and sad here - although where I live has always been decidedly more conservative, under trump the last 4 years all of the racists and nutters have found a voice in the mainstream, lots of people I thought were friends find it acceptable to be anti immigrant racist dicks out in the open, they buy into lots of propaganda and anti media stuff etc. His presidency has normalized shit that was at least before hidden here lol. Le-sigh
  4. And Arizona just changed to Biden with 99% votes counted!! Thank fuck ? Or wait Arizona was already dem? I’m confusing myself with all the different sources sorry
  5. He's only ahead by 8K votes in nevada so far though and around 20k in each Michigan and Wisconsin. It's really way too close for comfort right now.
  6. Lol I think it was a reference to the "feels" earlier in the thread. Which, shit, it's 2020, who knows. Heh maybe my Han Solo gif ? my bad
  7. Is there an “IDM nerd in Bristol” election feelings page someone in here is referencing? ? I may have missed it lol
  8. ? No actual science to it. But the states with Biden in the lead + Nevada are worth 45 electoral votes and the other states with drumpf in the lead all have 65+% votes counted and are worth more... again just doing rough off the cuff odds and I hope I’m wrong.
  9. Based on % votes counted and the leanings it’s looking like a trump win tbh. I hope I’m wrong. In any case it’s going to be very close.
  10. I'm noticing that yeah - and not off by any small amount. They're drastically, drastically different.... BBC says 44:42 for example, google says 85:61... =/ How the US gov't (I mean an impartial outlet or agency or whatever) doesn't have an actual official site setup for this is confusing?
  11. heh, funny enough I heard they're supposedly reviving ren and stimpy on adult swim? Not those "unseen tapes" or whatever the garbage was a decade ago but actually a new series?
  12. I’ve been using both the bbc and google (if you just google 2020 us election results it gives a nice map). They both seem to update about once per minute so I think they’re pretty current.
  13. Biden ahead by a couple hundred thousand votes in Florida??? that’d be something if drumpf lost his home state
  14. Yes; and people wonder how i ended up this way I figured lol - my old employer (multinational logistics company) always designed their operations offices to not have windows. Not sure why. So we couldnt tell it was dark when we got to work AND when we left? ?
  15. Oh good lol. That would be brutal. Takes a special kind of person to work customer service, amazing amount of patience.
  16. Actually pretty crazy just yesterday was record breaking temperature 23c (highest since 1960) and by Sunday it will be -19c again ?
  17. I can FEEL second pic @IDEM. Looks like the autumn we never had this year lol it went straight from summer to winter ?
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