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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Oi - nevermind, the second track was posted 1hr ago - Quite nice IMO
  2. bizzump - vinyl and digi comes out tomorrow. Still enjoying the shit out of the first track, hope the second one is as bangin'.
  3. lol long delayed bizzump as I bang this track harder than a..........[redacted] tonight. Love it long time
  4. Lol @Amen Warriorare you by chance familiar with the ceephax track Beercan5000?
  5. I'm sure there weren't WW2 deniers back in the day, were there? =/ "nah, ww2 is fake, it's a HOAX to get us to line politicians pockets! Have you ever seen Germany? Japan? Obviously fake aggressors perpetrated by the radio media". Were there flat-earthers then too? It's baffling how we can have come so far but people have exponentially less wisdom (not necessarily intelligence but wisdom)
  6. I think it's in Spain and Italy? Apparently you don't need any kind of credentials to restore artwork there, they're trying to regulate it but in the meantime classic ancient masterpieces get this treatment lol....
  7. It was a she lol I'm pretty grateful just to be getting back to work! Stoked to start the 30th. Small pay drop compared to before but its a much larger company so lots of room for advancement. Happy stevie
  8. Lol true they’re very disorganized. But I thought there were limits to this free speech stuff, haven’t the fbi been arresting active kkk members etc? I figured this would fall along those lines ? Granted I’m sure these groups are well infiltrated and we just don’t hear about it - I’m sure arrests will be made when legal lines get crossed?
  9. Where are the FBI etc dismantling the seemingly abundant hate groups that keep popping up lately? Isn’t this shit their jurisdiction?
  10. That’s my guess is around there maybe more depending on whether some celebs find out it’s for sale? Like maybe that minecraft guy bids on it to add to his collection lol. last I checked a day or two ago it was only 3500$ with 40 bids so it’s climbing pretty quick!
  11. s'ok - I didn't mean you specifically! I have a FB feed full of ultra conservative Albertans and their hair sniffing compilation videos lol.
  12. i gata mou stin pragmatikotita !
  13. Indicative of our times that a comparison is even being made between the two lol. It's absolutely ridiculous.
  14. BOO! That really sucks. I only hope, and assume, that the people that run these spaces are passionate enough to re-open when it becomes financially viable again; hopefully these spaces are just on pause....
  15. Finally got around to listening to this (last Sunday). Love it, agree with @BaggerMcGuirkit reminded my a lot of Lunatic Harness vs Makesaracket. Solid Slaz album, nothing here sounds like B sides or anything! Need to get another couple listens in though.
  16. I'm old! Leave me alone! And get on my virtual lawn! Do you mean “off” your virtual lawn? ?
  17. One of the only clubs in my city that will book decent acts (not a lot of demand for the idms here lol) is permanently closing. Landlord wouldn’t negotiate on terms and they can’t survive in covid times. Real bummer ?
  18. That’s kinda messed up. Do you have any recourse, anyone you can go to (HR etc) as that’s just wrong - there’s p clear steps to follow to terminate someone depending on where you live. At least here anyways? You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells. ?
  19. Copy kitties giving me the stink eye ?
  20. Yep, it gets extreme any time I’m questioning my confidence - holding meetings for executives, speaking to really diverse groups etc. I think it’s social anxiety at least in my case it certainly is. ?
  21. Symptoms as manifested don’t necessarily tell the story as to the cause of those symptoms. What the observer sees as neurotic, confusion, senility etc can have a number of different causes. That’s how I see it anyways.
  22. I just think you’re wrong. As someone with pretty extreme anxiety I sometimes, when public speaking, go on tangents or speak/say words I don’t mean to. I don’t have a stammer or other speech impediment etc but with a psychological disorder find myself saying things that don’t necessarily make sense sometimes, mostly because I’m overthinking things. My observers might think I’m speaking nonsense for 30% of my speech however I’m certainly not in cognitive decline - what I’m saying just has context they’re not privy to...
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