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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I will say, in light of this being page 1000, that I’ve come to this community and vented quite a bit and (as probably the highest poster in this thread) found quite a lot of support, comfort, etc in this thread. Even though the OP intended this to be more of a joke thread, it has ended up, at least for me, being more of a social net for me. I’d definitely be in a worse place without this thread! Waits for burger reacts lol ? Thank you to everyone in here offering their support to other members for what might seem like trivial things!
  2. I agree - and maybe even Rhythm as well? Those two albums seem to straddle the line quite closely. After repeated listens I can tell I was just having a moment when I posted that lol recepticon is clearly a wc album.
  3. The guy still has a 3 Michelin star restaurant I imagine he knows what he’s doing at least a little bit lol
  4. There used to be a problem with North American pigs, trichinella was and may still be very common I'm not sure. So most people in Canada and the US grew up (rightfully) fearing undercooked pork. I think in other countries where food handling practices are better, or perhaps the pigs aren't farmed in parasite infested mass pig farms, raw pork is probably more acceptable & safe.
  5. I know this has prob been posted a bunch of times
  6. Why are we awake at this hour? ? Pee through the screen ?
  7. Yeah, I expect that type of cowardice from them. Not from us. I’m on the fence about that. On one hand I’d always try to be better, on the other I really believe in treating people as I’ve been treated by them. Actually conflicted here ?
  8. When I think of my early days first discovering electronic music, I listened to mostly dnb and trance etc. Krust was on my radar for big kind of drum and bass anthem tracks like Warhead and his junglier works like Poison. This album is not those tracks. Very "mature" (whatever that means) release that kind of skirts across several different genres. V high production quality and some truly amazing moments.
  9. Lol I'm having a ton of fun with this game thank you, I'm only on level 4 or 5 but it's unique for sure. I'm on the uh, vegan metal band lol - wth are you supposed to do when they curse you with the soy or tofu bottle etc? I have tried surviving as long as possible and it doesn't seem to go away and I can't type in the meantime. I'm silly, I figured it out. But wow the difficulty in this game ramps up quickly.
  10. He assaulted the kid first and was continuing his assault. Sucker punch or not it’s well deserved. Where’s this requirement to square up and “be a man” coming from? I don’t get it? hey guess what actually watch the video he pushes the kid from behind? Why wasn’t he squaring up? Pushing someone like that from behind. Seems kinda cowardly. He probably should have tapped the young man on the shoulder to politely have him turn around before he pushed him, make sure the assault is done proper. (Said with Love Chen, just strongly disagree).
  11. I did another shopping one recently. Actually wifey did but I knew about it and didn't stop her. There were some really nice beef roasts at costco that they had mistakenly tagged as "lean ground beef patties" so it ended up being like $18 instead of $45. We are truly hardened criminals.
  12. Downloading now! Did a bit of reading on it and it looks pretty fun. ? thank you
  13. I really have no idea what to play next. Are there any deece arpgs or shooters?
  14. Yeah I’m thoroughly surprised and impressed. Not at all what I was expecting.
  15. Just finishing my first listen. My god man, This album is something else. 10/10
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