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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. No I don’t think so, the recent Vibert barrage (amen andrews, modern rave and rave hop) had way, way more samples.
  2. Every time I revisit this album it sounds so much better. @very honestaging like a fine cheese, wine, or perhaps whiskey indeed. I prob sound like a broken record but honestly this is his best album in ages. Every track on here imo (other than hitsonu... I’m sorry I just don’t get it...) is classic pusher’ the likes I haven’t heard since hello everything...
  3. As much as I love this album, I’m just going to throw this question out there... but what makes it a Wagon Christ album for any of you? I’m on the fence a bit as this strikes me as just a really good Luke Vibert album, maybe a Rhythm 2.0. It’s missing some of the synth work I consider integral to Wagon Christ releases... the beats and pacing are Wagon Christ for sure... What’s the main synth in tracks like Shadows or Toomorrow that are found basically only in his Wagon Christ releases? That’s what’s missing for me on this one. Im not complaining at all to be clear, it’s top notch vibert for me immediately one of my favourite albums of his of all time. Just not sure it’s hitting me as a Wagon Christ release. /drunk rant
  4. Lol you and I both know it’s not ? Wtf is wrong with Nevada are the tabulating on abacuses or what? Why is it taking so long
  5. Ugh the suspense is killing me - they told me they’d get back to me today either way. Well they did kinda - HR emailed me saying another manager wants to have an “informal chat” with me Monday? I’ve never encountered this in the interview process.
  6. Recommend grabbing his 2016 album Isle of Dogs if you don’t have it already? https://aftawerksxacidwaxa.bandcamp.com Not sure if I missed some releases somehow between IoD and this new one but always on the lookout for some Aftawerks. Quality choons ? Will’s Myth is one of my weekly jams lol Uncool Phil ep is bangin’ too but I’m not finding it online atm mr warrior will have to link it if it’s avail still.
  7. Previews sound much much much better than his/her debut album imo. Will be preordering this un’ Yeh this one is sounding really nice in that it’s not trying to sound like steinvord. whoever it is is obvs talented. The previews sound really nice and this s80 track is some lovely acidness.
  8. Canada’s system is.... somewhat similar to the US? btw awesome news to wake up to. Rest in piss Dondald Drump way to lose Georgia and Pennsylvania stupid fat racist fuck
  9. I go to bed every night hoping I don't wake up in the morning lol
  10. Mannnnn I know life moves quickly but this seems like an entirely different... fleeting four years ?. I hope you’re right and in the grand scheme of things this was just like having pink eye or something, random shit moment of our lives
  11. It’s like irony and sarcasm and everything else not even just coming full circle but circling around itself with such velocity it’s creating some kind of ironic blackshithole that everything rational will get sucked into. without recent historical context I’d figure that Alex Jones march was some kind of skit ?
  12. I know you’re being cautiously pessimistic and I’m being overly optimistic. Agreed it’s a bit gray. But let’s think positive...
  13. Aye - I’m counting Arizona sorry. It gets confusing with all the sources reporting different things ?
  14. he said trump should start his 2nd term and as a warning put people's heads on pikes starting with dr. fauci. Intentionally just vague enough for it to not be an "actual suggestion".
  15. Aren't there cases where this type of speech is considered a criminal act? When you're in a position of power/influence etc isn't this inciting violence or something along those lines?
  16. lol, I think that was the only factual line in that press conference. "Detroit is another place". v good Donald. oh man watching the final votes come in for GA. This is a nail biter. only 3600 in fav of trump now.
  17. The gap is closing in GA quickly now too - drumpf only has a 4k vote lead on Biden. Looks like PA and GA might both be Biden's after all.
  18. if only that was the literal case lol new drinking game - everyone takes a shot each time he says "litigation" FLOL I heard one of the journalists just ask "ARE YOU BEING A SORE LOSER?"
  19. Yep most definitely. But it's such a load of bullshit and this is really damaging to the next 4 years. The right wing fucknuts are going to latch onto this and it's going to be another cycle of vote for whoever as long as it's not the "corrupt election stealing dems" etc etc. ugh
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