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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Not sure if it makes a difference but our community is about 5500 people and the vast majority know each other loosely through a couple of degrees of separation? Block parties, community events etc are quite a common occurrence here. Very active community.
  2. @whosebrianaye, gotcha. Uhm... I don’t know where to start with that. But it’s certainly a majorly different environment up here.
  3. ? I don’t necessarily know about our neighbours lol - we joke that this is the community of perpetually open garages (many here seem to leave them open like... all day and night!?). But we lock our doors for sure! Lots of reports of car prowlers too.
  4. These really are amazing views and it’s quite cool to see what everyone looks out on on a daily basis. This thread is very humanizing, I know we sometimes rip on each other, are sarcastic and even sometimes cross some lines and probably offend each other (whether we know it or not) but this is an awesome reminder that every single person here is more than a username. Nice one @Tim_J.
  5. Please don’t be shy to Message me ?
  6. Yeah, me too. Last I understood was he was going to step away from his usual sound a bit, seems like that’s not the case? Iirc it was in an interview for persuasion system.
  7. That looks lovely @Roo, so much foliage and greenery. One of my only gripes living here (it’s great honestly) is the green spaces are so lacking. This part of Canada isn’t the most hospitable to leafy plants. We get like 3-4 months where there’s green anywhere and then it’s instantly yellow and snow for 6 months lol.
  8. Also the streaming capabilities etc that bleepstore doesn’t have. The bleepstore is kinda redundant now then since we could just... buy this stuff off of regular bleep.com?
  9. Ahh ok yeah I gotcha. Sorry I’m a bit slow. This makes sense for sure. In this regard honestly I’d prefer it on bandcamp since I do about 50% of my purchasing on there. Thx xyr ?
  10. Thanks. I don’t really agree though as a consumer it’s kind of frustrating having so many storefronts. The only real analogy I can make is vidja games - every big company under the sun now has their own exclusive “launchers” where there’s exclusive rewards etc. Just use steam damn lol. I’d rather just know exactly where to go for all things chre’. I don’t think given their fan base it will result in any tangible extra market penetration tbh but I understand what you’re saying. Anyways I’ll stop distracting from the OP.
  11. Oh, I guess I missed something obvious - you can stream from bandcamp but not the bleepstore right? That makes sense then lol. Derp. Me and my iPod ?
  12. New video from you Velaz!! That’s reason enough to tune in hehe. Hyped
  13. I don’t know. I tend to consolidate as much as I can. I don’t store my schoolwork on multiple drives, I don’t have a separate fridge for meat, produce, and dairy etc. Lol Thats precisely what I’m asking is what the benefits are as it would make more sense to me to keep it in one place (streaming services aside as that’s a different form of revenue). If they take a smaller cut using bandcamp or bleepstore why not just... direct fans to where they get a bigger cut? honest question I’m not criticizing or anything
  14. Why do they need a bandcamp and bleepstore? Why not just one or the other? (Not sure how fees/warps cut works...)
  15. I actually don’t mind winter at all aside from having to drive in it - this city gets very unique weather whereby temp can go from -25 to +25 in one day, so the snow melts and then refreezes overnight and basically the whole city is a skating rink lol. Aside from that I love how quiet it is outside in the winter, and I enjoy it he cold weather and solitude. edit ok a bit of an exaggeration more like -20 to +20. Still a huge variance.
  16. Oops I got distracted but here. 25cm of snow expected overnight, -13c ffs already
  17. One sec I’ve got a good one. Winter has started ?
  18. Pls tell me the background everything is sitting on is one of your sweaters
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