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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I mean, there are vague similarities but I don’t think I’d ever mistake Coil for AE or vice versa? Maybe for a fleeting moment but I wouldn’t be head scratching...
  2. This is from their album Van iirc I think there’s about 8-10 of these shorts of them jamming out in a van lol. I kinda wish they’d make some full length tracks though they’re all appr 1.5 mins.
  3. Lol I love these vids. Have been watching them for a few years (send em to my little brother who’s a saxophonist). Not sure why I didn’t think to share em here ?
  4. As much as I still enjoy dimensional people, I’d be over the moon if we got a straight up electronic album ala parastrophics? If they kinda alternated between concept albums and straight electronics that would be amazing. Isn’t that kinda what they’ve been doing anyways? Ah no I got my timelines wrong. I thought 21 again was before parastrophics sorry. What is this wretch dubbed release from 2013? I’ve never seen it before. ?
  5. This. This is why the word “pretentious” shows up sometimes in reference to his music. Imo.
  6. Oh, was just gonna say I guess that’s not a proper kebab right? We usually opt for the platters because we can make our own little wrap-bites with all the yummy ingredients. Are platters a normal alternative to getting a proper wrapped up kebab or is it a Canadian thing? we get something like this and then scoop everything up with the balady
  7. Might have shawarma today. Ahh standard stuff that comes with platters here - ton of meat, potato, rice, garlic aioli, tahini, hummus, balady, and a bunch of pickled stuff - lots of the places don’t give pickled turnip tho it seems only a select few and that’s my fav. I’ll post a pic if I get it.
  8. Pls no heh can’t really blame us for wanting some new music from one of our fav artists. We’re not entitled to anything but doesn’t mean we don’t want it. So for us non-producers yeah a mktg campaign like that’s a bit of a letdown. ?
  9. Just thought I’d check on this! It’s really annoying it doesn’t work on mobile. ?
  10. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised lol if that was an actual thing
  11. I heard Long road home but I’m too amateur a critic to provide my thoughts on it.
  12. What info? Weak attempt at tricking you into updating us with top secrete info. ?
  13. Not just me then! That sucks. Lmk what they respond? I’ll probably ask for a replacement ?
  14. Nah not the inner sleeves, the actual Uhm... box? Exterior box dealy the sleeves and vinyl are in. Like it’s not the spine that’s split but the top of it is trashed it looks like someone shook it really hard and the vinyl cut through it. Sorry I have no idea why I don’t have the words to explain this properly. ?
  15. Hey all, what level of damage would you guys consider uhm... petty? Considering these vinyl aren’t typically repressed etc.... the top of my sleeve is damaged/split all across the top, other sides are fine. Should I be requesting a new sleeve?
  16. I’m so stoked! And that it has your endorsement AND you’re premiering a new video has me extra hyped. That it falls on gfs birthday has us both pumped! Im not sure we can attend the whole event on the 24th though, probably 4hrs of it. Any chance it will be available afterwards, especially your video? ?
  17. In case you guys missed the announcement (other thread):
  18. I’m not sure either lolol. But that’s what I member’ him saying in an interview? I’ll try and find it
  19. There’s a bit of info on this tbh it’s just moving slowly @Joyrex
  20. There are quite a few fake trax floating around tbh, did you hear the actual track? Sorry if its a presumptuous question.
  21. What are you finding different about it? I find it is very similar to the closing 3 trax, but maybe exponentially better. It may be my fav track off the album tbh.....
  22. Unfortunately one doesn’t always feel like stopping. It’s honestly a struggle. I will say that true alcoholism Uhm... well you don’t get tired or feel like stopping. It’s like a heroin rush where you hit this point and you actually need more and more and more to feel satisfied. Given it works on similar receptors in the brain I’m not surprised... but true alcoholics get a much bigger “rush” than your casual drinker that gets sleepy and incoherent. Despite alcohol being a depressant there is a huge “high” associated with drinking. I’ve truly hit certain points (maybe about 25-30oz of hard alcohol) where it feels like I’m on amphetamines or cocaine etc. I don’t think the casual drinker can really relate because their brain isn’t wired the same as they lack the history of abuse... It’s very dangerous and alcohol is the worst drug I’ve ever done hands down.
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