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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I dunno, everything I’ve heard from this album so far is great? I’ll be picking it up for sure (maybe just digis).
  2. So... if he’s made that comment then what’s the full reveal on the 20th rlly?
  3. Lovely reminder that Duran Duran is f’in dope
  4. Yep new one to me as well. Nice one @Velazquez?
  5. I used to get that too - could your seat be too far forward? I found scooching my seat back a bit helped.
  6. Yeah man, you run isn't over but my shins hurt! lol I get shin splints from long runs =( I just want to get back to work and have life resume some normalcy, my liver and brain can't handle being at home much longer!
  7. Ah yes Julian Fane. One of the golden IDM era artists that just disappeared off the map...99-2006 a ton of pmu artists were so amazing at least in my books and then poof they just vanished.. ?
  8. Totally understand. And if better gear helps enable the next wave of musicians to make better tunes I mean, that’s just dandy. edit: when I initially made the “sellout” post I was being reactionary and used too strong/wrong language. I didn’t have the right words to convey what I was thinking that’s all.
  9. I still like all his music. Hyped for the possibility of an ep or something. Don’t really care about branded synths and shit
  10. As of yet no, I think warp has been completely silent re this whole promotion.
  11. I mean... as a concept that’s kinda lame yeah but in practice... I’d take it. Lol
  12. Damn such a consumerist how dare you grease the wheels of capitalism by purchasing this music lol
  13. I mean, it sounds "ok" lol. And it's silly judging a 26 second clip.
  14. Aside from the garbage audio quality I'm not actually very impressed with the clip. Hopefully the full track is special or there's some nice details obscured by the low bitrate.
  15. yep! that's what I figure as well btw the sound quality on that clip is ridiculously poor lol. what is that, 32kbps?
  16. Something else. It’s very clear there’s a new piece of gear coming out, so what could possibly need to be revealed October 20th other than a tidy little companion ep? If the answer is “full specs of the gear” then it will be a let down.
  17. Sorry, just to be clear - you're consuming this audio? Did you download it for free/pirate it?
  18. It’s interesting to see so many different but respectful opinions about the album. As usual it’s a polarizing release.
  19. I was going to describe this as an “accessible” autechre album earlier but figured I’d get raked over the coals. Find some of the chords pretty simple and straightforward which is not what I’m used to from them. Im not complaining as this is one of the more enjoyable releases of theirs (for me) in years despite the general lack of beats etc. I guess I’m kinda conflicted lol ?
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