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Everything posted by yshf

  1. yeah, i would definitely scout it out before doing anything to drastic. i'll see where this goes..
  2. thank you. hopefully i can work out something with the board.. but if not, i'll probably end up switching schools. hopefully a first world achievements and successes post is in my near future.
  3. "have a dominos kind of day ihs" fucking kills me i'm checking in with the associate's office to see if i can switch p.e. classes, but i've heard they're notorious for not giving a fuck so we'll see. hopefully some alternative will come up.
  4. Fucking high school. I'm assuming that most of you are unaware of the current atmosphere and "culture" present in hs halls these days. Let me tell you, shit is absolutely horrifying. EVERYTHING is fueled by some form of media. I mean everything. Our morning announcements are fucking sponsored by dominoes pizza. There is so little effort amongst students, they are just so void of life. Almost every conversation fits the format of "did you hear about (insert pointless/immature/offensive/misogynistic/homophobic thing here) that (insert name here) did/said? what a (insert overused adjective here) kid." Luckily, I have some great teachers. I manage to have a decent schedule as well, except for 7th period interchangeably when I have P.E. I feel physically and mentally unsafe and weak in that class. Those kids are just so ridiculously violent and rude that I am motivated to skip just to maintain a healthy mental state. When you see an entire class working together to make an amazing teacher's life harder, you can't help but just feel hopeless and depressed. There is literally NO POINT to it. WHY do these kids have to try their absolute hardest to be offensive? Hell, they even mess with our teacher's hair when she turns her back for a few seconds. It's sickening. They seem to think that what they are doing is righteous and rebellious, but they have no reason to rebel against anything, they just force everyone around them to live a harder life. Now more than ever I feel motivated to drop out, even though it's mainly just that one period that is killing me.
  5. you basically covered all the points that ruined it for me too. it was a shit ton of fun, and it was filmed gorgeously (for the most part) but thats basically it. it was a cool ride, just not a great film. wtf was up with the soundtrack, it felt like it was caught in between generic cinematic action crap and something way more fitting. they should have explored the use of electronics more. the second they would come in, some strings would wash up and fuck up the whole mood they were seeming to run with. also why the fuck was george clooney in space with them. he wasn't even a character, he just had a name that i can't even remember... 6-7/10
  6. almost completely caught up on backwork from surgery recovery and i can run again. another week or so and i can get back to mountain biking before winter really hits.
  7. Relatively sarcastic obnoxious friend was at my house the other week. When he walked in I was playing IO. (him) "Jasper... Jasper this is actually terrible. Like... Actually... This is just bad." (me) "Man listen to the subtleties, what a fucking atmosphere, eh?" (him) "They obviously had no idea what they were doing. I can tell. They're horrible musicians." (same friend who won't listen to My Bloody Valentine because "they don't sing, they just go meeeehhhehehhh") (lame story i know - thats pretty much the extent of my Autechre experiences with others)
  8. Now that I have my new laptop I have started making glitch art again. Mainly I use hex editors and Audacity but i have a couple glitch specific programs now as well. Also been working with some generative audio software. I may do a multimedia something or other in the future.
  9. Recovering from surgery fucking sucks. It takes me like a full 2 minutes to get out of bed, I can't shit properly (my body just can't do it), my throat is raw and torn up from the oxygen tube they shoved down it, and I'm missing loads of great local concerts because i can't stand for more than 10 minutes at a time. Oh, and school work is starting to pile up - I won't be back in class for at least another week or so. I know it wasn't that serious a surgery (appendectomy) but still. (at least I enjoyed my stay in the hospital - life takes a backseat when you're in there, I was pretty relaxed)
  10. Busting Out - Boobs/10 - On my recent documentary kick I watched this odd film. It has a good message, and some interesting evidence, but it isn't that memorable. They expect you to feel attached emotionally to the narrator, but like, there isn't any real introduction. They seed the story into the film and I just couldn't care less. It definitely won't stick with me.
  11. This Film Is Not Yet Rated - 8/10 - Easily one of the best documentaries I've seen. Completely straightforward and informative, well edited and scored. Really interesting.
  12. Kick-Ass 2 - 7/10 - Not as good as the first, but still pretty damn incredible. Dark and pulpy and hilarious. This one actually seemed to feel more like a comic than the last one, which i think is both good and bad: good in that it had the immediate appeal of a comic book and drew you in, but bad in that it didn't seem to break free of comic entertainment like the first did at parts. Important parts feeling a bit rushed was another issue, and all the social commentary was pretty poor, up until the ending which I thought was good (well, not the end of the credits part). Makes me want to re-watch the first one more than anything, whereas the first had so much energy it actually left me feeling all "fuck yeah, superheroes n' shit."
  13. The Blair Witch Project - 8/10 - This is by far the best acting I've seen in a horror film ever. Something about this makes it seem completely human, unlike most horror shite. I predict that no future horror film will ever be masterful enough to make twigs seem absolutely horrifying. Ridiculously atmospheric as well, and they manage to pull that off with shaky cams and no score. Sequel looks to be an absolute lol though. Looks like something off Nickelodeon.
  14. love me some PBO - 3 Doctors is an incredible track
  15. Low - I Could Live in Hope - 8/10 - Absolutely brutal. Just... wow. Fantastic atmosphere, lyrics and means of conjuring emotion. Fucking gorgeous. Also fucking weird and fucking sad. Love it. Three Trapped Tigers - Route One or Die - 7/10 - Ridiculously complex math rock/electronic/noise album. This group is insane. Apparently influenced by Autechre and the like. Crystal Castles - Discog Revisited: (I) - 7.5/10 (II) - 7/10 (III) - 8/10 Always been curious what Watmm's opinion of CC was. They are one of a very few acts with a wider appeal that totally get to me. The imagery their music brings to mind (to me at least) is devastating haunting and perfect. They seem to have good enough control over their sound to branch out but still keep interesting melody and mixing a priority. III especially is friggin gorgeous.
  16. started up a new minecraft survival game on a great public server with a friend of mine. currently making camp in an epic ravine before we move off and establish a mountaintop base.
  17. another righteous entry into the schoolgirl report anthology. things start off with a classroom full of hot babes blackmailing their science teacher (dr malinger) to have sex with them when one of them gets a friend to take pictures of herself and the wonderful dr romping around at the house. the doctor can't take it and snuffs himselfs out. later- we get a rather serious look at how a duo get their date drunk, inject her with heroin then rape her. a rather dubious announcer tells us these guys have been doing this for years- before interviewing some runaways who tell us their tragic story- from naive country girls to street smart urban whores. crazy flol
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