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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Our struggles make us stronger so the more you're tested the better you become (imo) Words of truth sir. Thank you, my friend. <3
  2. My car stereo's sound mysteriously stopped working. It's a cd-tape player-radio, and has been my driving therapy go-to and what i rely on to test my mixes on. The universe's campaign against me continues.
  3. anytime man, glad you felt it too.. it just totally took me away. that haunted mallsoft vibe you're talking about (almost true muzak) is something that I'm really drawn too. There are elements of it in some classic mallsoft like Hologram Plaza. But that album speaks for itself as it combines the best elements of the genre with a bit of nu disco-ish 80s pop as well. Those slow haunting moonlight 50's style lovers lane / jazz type ditties with a shit ton of dark spring verb are just so good--sometimes i prefer that to the 80s 90s samples tbh.
  4. http://latinwave.bandcamp.com/track/discounts-2
  5. love nmesh and excited for this for sure hahaha brilliant!
  6. dude, right? glad you dig that too. I was pretty impressed myself, was expecting samey stuff, but it's definitely quite unique. I really love how the vocal effects are all modulated and pitch shifted and the formants are all crazy sounding. It adds to the mindfuckery of it, and gives it a strange evil atmosphere. Nothing I've ever heard in metal before.
  7. ridiculous haha... i kinda wished he hadn't made that, giving away too much of the mystery that is Dutch Smith. There was a time I held Dutch in such high regard ... Chicken Bacon Croissants... Powerade to stay hydrated... Doing legal work at the local D&D. Now he is a meme unto himself. He could have lived on in our small town chain restaurant wonders. but he's sold out. Say no to new school Dutch. Old school Dutch is where it's at, before his view count went through the roof and when his media appearances were sincere and non-self aware. RIP The Dutch that everyone once loved.
  8. Ray Siko (pronounced "Psycho"), Niki Krize (assumedly pronounced "Cries"), city named "Shamoken" dude named "Dutch"?? This can't be real! these names are too good!
  9. love nmesh and excited for this for sure
  10. Holy shit, and sorry if these have already been posted, but has anyone heard these releases? So dark and mesmerizing:
  11. Do you ever just close your eyes and imagine you and all your loved ones are in a whole new world where we can all re-invent ourselves, surroundings, live to our full potentials, all getting along, living our dreams, adventuring and journeying and playing and laughing?
  12. I think that's a great recipe for a great idea, when original ideas are altered or played with, and agreed many great pieces of art have been created that way. But I think just as great are ideas that are more wholly unique (of course, probably no idea is pure wholly unique), and are compelling. It's easier to sell altered ideas that have already been done to the masses, but there will always be niches that appreciate more wholly unique things, (some of the films of lynch, cronenberg, etc).
  13. Again, I think you are missing the point of this show. But there are too many movies and shows that do this. I kinda feel like we don't need any more remakes, tributes, homages, inspired-by's for a quite a long time, as there's been no shortage of those at all lol Hollywood has become a shadow of itself. Every now and then, an original idea comes out with a decent budget, but even then amongst those small occurances, it's very hard to find those kinds of productions that aren't compromised in some major way. Hollywood has been rehashing and reinventing itself since its inception - Star Wars was inspired by the Flash Gordon movies of the 40's and the Akira Kurosawa films, etc. If anything, I think when a truly original idea does come along, it stands out and is more special. The problem is, there just really isn't many original, GOOD ideas anymore. that's the problem i have with this show. it isn't good. it's bringing nothing to the table to subvert or reinvent the ideas it exploits. it's just a checklist of eighties references. star wars functioned as a kind of found art object, a dream of serialized fantasy from the forties with cutting edge special effects and a well developed, universally appealing mythology of its own. one of the larger problems with nerd culture suddenly co-opting popular culture and especially movies is the tidal wave of reference laden, plot based films and television shows that reduce narrative story telling to its most basic components. there are no "original" ideas, obviously. everything is the sum of its influences. but a good artist can focus their influences into a statement that gives us some sense of their feelings about the world, some kind of self expression, even if its through the somewhat myopic prism of pop nostalgia. what i get watching stranger things is that the duffer bros watched a lot of shit in the eighties and read stephen king. i have no idea who they are, what they feel, what the purpose of their work is. and then the work itself fails to entertain or surprise. it's a game of spot the reference. this is what most films have been reduced to. either an ideological checklist a blogger can write thinkpieces about (did we have a strong female protagonist, did we subvert the patriarchal/racist hollywood paradigm, was it problematic?) or a bunch of references and techniques that a redditor can create a front page post about (here's all the shots in stranger things that reference other films). it's boring, lowest common denominator commercial art and i think we can do better. Yeah agreed. I don't know, I think coming up with original ideas is not as hard as people make it out to sound, honestly lol I'll choose an original idea that's not so fantastic, but still kinda cool, any day over a blatant rip off. With music and for composers/songwriters/producers, of course, its the same thing, we all have these webs of influence from music that we've listened to through our lives that either subconsciously or consciously effect our process or ideas. I think the more well rounded of a background we have and the more diversity in our tastes and what we've been exposed to, the more easy it is to combine various ideas we've heard into something more unique than if we were exposed to less variation. But even with that, anyone is capable of originality despite what they've been exposed to. It's about experimentation, drawing from life ideas, imagination, dreams. Everyone dreams and wonders, so I don't understand how people have a hard time coming up with something original. Maybe I'm just spoiled with having an active imagination, I don't know, but I feel like cool ideas are kind of hard not to come up with. It's sad, so many filmmakers with huge budgets, great technical skills, influence in the industry and the opportunity to be in a place where they are living their dreams and they can present us with great art, yet they really can't come up with their own visions? wtf? or is it more political, and its just that the big corporations don't want to take a risk on something that isn't tried and true?
  14. That's actually not a bad idea at all.. thanks for the tip. Just wikipedia'd this.. sounds really amazing. Sounds like a lot of mystery and weirdness?
  15. lol i should get banned from this thread for my comment ... is that even possible to ban someone from just a particular thread? lol
  16. Again, I think you are missing the point of this show. But there are too many movies and shows that do this. I kinda feel like we don't need any more remakes, tributes, homages, inspired-by's for a quite a long time, as there's been no shortage of those at all lol Hollywood has become a shadow of itself. Every now and then, an original idea comes out with a decent budget, but even then amongst those small occurances, it's very hard to find those kinds of productions that aren't compromised in some major way. it's kinda late to dislike them now. reboots/remakes, tributes, homages etc are officially a new genre for the current generation that (supposedly) cannot watch originals because they can't identify with anything made 20+ years ago. for the studios, they already have a built in audience (star wars: a new hope/the force awakens reboot/sequel) they're easier to license (eg. fox license for spider-man and fantastic four) and they almost always make lots of money because most audiences aren't adventurous film lovers (how many youtube reviewers mainly review blockbusters as opposed to indie films or foreign cinema?) it's a strangely symbiotic relationship because as much as people cry they're tired of remakes/reboots- those are almost always the biggest films, because we can never have enough jason bourne films i mean, true. you're right as to why. but it's still pretty aggravating lol
  17. Again, I think you are missing the point of this show. But there are too many movies and shows that do this. I kinda feel like we don't need any more remakes, tributes, homages, inspired-by's for a quite a long time, as there's been no shortage of those at all lol Hollywood has become a shadow of itself. Every now and then, an original idea comes out with a decent budget, but even then amongst those small occurances, it's very hard to find those kinds of productions that aren't compromised in some major way.
  18. Im not a reader. At ALL. Like I have a pathetic history of amount of books I've "read" -- probably only truly finished several books in my life, no joke. I have this terrible case of ADD when it comes to reading and Ive tried all different types of books and none really hold my interest for longer than a day or two. I also have this fidgity issue where I feel like after an hour or so of reading, i feel like im wasting time (i know that total bs), but it just feels that way. Whats funny though is i have this longing to find and read some mysterious book that's never been read before, or only by a very small amount of people.
  19. this. my fiancee and i thought the same thing. made it through a handful of episodes and it was some good stuff, but nothing enthralling enough to make us want to keep watching. And this is coming from a huge fan of stephen king, cronenberg, and carpenter. I dig some of the references, but they do feel slightly like held back safe nods rather than a full on tribute or something else completely original. But i its better than 90% of the garbage shows out there so nice work Netflix. That's the whole problem with it - an endless sequence of safe nods and nothing more. I watched nearly every episode and could not find a single moment of originality within. Younger people who are new to these Stranger familiar things might be better off just watching Firestarter & E.T. Hahaha well said! And re: "strange"... Man, this era's definition of strange, weird, dark, bizarre, in general is just sad. It's all mostly recycled, safe, pre-packaged, over produced. There are exceptions of course, and I can go off on tangents about this all, but I feel like, even in music following a lotta current stuff in fringe movements, dark, creepy, eerie, shocking, strange etc just doesnt seem to carry through the same way through today's digital download / netflix / spotify / high production venues. In terms of discovering cool strange things, for me not many experiences can compare to something like the mystery, bizarreness, strangeness and weirdness of stumbling upon something called ANALOGUE BUBBLEBATH 3 on CD in the Aphex Twin section of Best Buy's music section when I was like 16. Imagine that.. A release you never knew existed amongst a vast catalog of underground releases by the myth the man the legend that is rdj, which were NOWHERE to be found on any kind of Wikipedia or Discogs. Nope, we stumbled into cool shit in their physical form before we even knew they existed, no pre-research. :D Sorry to be all grandpa over here, but man, what it was like to be fully immersed IRL.
  20. this. my fiancee and i thought the same thing. made it through a handful of episodes and it was some good stuff, but nothing enthralling enough to make us want to keep watching. And this is coming from a huge fan of stephen king, cronenberg, and carpenter. I dig some of the references, but they do feel slightly like held back safe nods rather than a full on tribute or something else completely original. But i its better than 90% of the garbage shows out there so nice work Netflix.
  21. p.s. Anyone notice the little nod to Melodies From Mars in CIRKLON 1 at 3:39?? Fun stuff
  22. First time listening to the full digital ver. through headphones. My God, this is gold... really really really good. The sonics are just incredible, not to mention the grooves and vibes of course. It's definitely up there with some of the top notch aphex imo. Getting a bit of Ventolin vibes in terms of the feeling, not really production style or anything, but yeah to me its like Ventolin remixes meets Analord meets some kind of new elements. Cheetah 7b soothes my soul. It's so serene and chill, and still weird as fuck. Just the way I like aphex. I normally don't like when a release uses what sounds like mostly the same sounds, but this is an exception.
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