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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. p.s. this is the alt soundtrack/tribute album i created based on The Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0ToRgtjBcI Did a limited tape run via Adhesive Sounds: https://adhesivesounds.bandcamp.com/album/crs-20 This was the description: Dark, mysterious, and emotive, CRS 2.0 is a heavy concept EP based on the mind-bending 1997 David Fincher film, "The Game". All original production/composition as always, the release travels through plot/emotional aspects of scenes of the film, but is musically narrated from the perspective of CRS (Consumer Recreation Services) - the fraudulent corporation that scams Michael Douglas' character Nicolas Van Orton. CRS 2.0 is an imaginary mini-soundtrack of the movie, as if it were composed by Jim Feingold & co.'s stock composers and film score musicians, serenading Nicholas Van Orton during his "game" from behind the scenes. But it goes deeper- production on this EP was specifically executed with synths and drum machines (software versions/derivatives) made between 1993-1996, so as to capture the sonic essence of the era and atmosphere of the film's setting. For those that want to travel even deeper down the CRS 2.0 rabbithole, there exists an additional supplemental secret tape "CRS 2.1" (one copy) that's currently hidden in San Fransisco, where the movie was shot. A key along with a special map will be delivered to an already chosen person living near San Fransisco, who will attempt to find the tape. In the meantime, a virtual puzzle (with limited players) is in the works that upon completion will grant access to a digital copy of CRS 2.1 as soon as the chosen one finds the secret cassette. Reserve a slot for the virtual puzzle at: www.reddit.com/r/Vaporwave/comments/3b5a1j/the_next_donovan_hikarurelease_will_be_a_dark/ Then for the second companion release (CRS 2.1 secret tape), I set up an elaborate one person scavenger hunt in San Fran where the film was based (which used scenes and places and the story from the movie as the basis) and virtual puzzle to find the sole copy of the tape, which was then found and then this was found/released: https://donovanhikaru.bandcamp.com/album/crs-21 Here's the photo journal of the guy that found the secret tape: o imgur.com/a/uk4OE Trailer for the CRS 2.1 scavenger hunt: Good times! p.s. there are more series i have in the works too
  2. Nice man and cheers to our fandom of The Game! That actually sounds like an awesome tradition... And would be especially relaxing in my case after those long drawn out Thanksgivings that can be be full of family awkwardness lol As far as their work, yeah you may wanna start with The Net, and then some of their other stuff.
  3. So by now some of you guys may know about my obsession with the David Fincher film "The Game" which I went as far as to create multiple tribute albums/alternative soundtracks to (as well as a comprehensive online and IRL scavenger hunt based on the film). Anyway, I thought instead of creating a thread on the film- which I may do as well- that I'd draw focus to the screenwriters John Brancato and Michael Ferris--which not much is known or published about them outside of just their list of credits, at least that I could find. This screenwriting duo who penned the film's story, have a vast resume of films - and they all share a similar thread: very paranoid, conspiratorial thrillers that are usually psychological, often creepy, and typically very mind bending and puzzling. I also think they deserve an IDM award for the types of movies they write. Naturally, the 1997 pair up of Brancato and Ferris with Fincher for The Game was just a dead on perfect move. And adding Michael Douglas as character Van Orton just put the icing on the cake. Here is a list of their films: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brancato_and_Michael_Ferris What I've been finding most fascinating lately is the detailed connection I discovered between several of their films- namely The Game and Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines... No true spoilers here or anything (soft spoilers at best).. In The Game, fraudulent corporation Consumer Recreation Services are a massive part of the film's focus and the company behind the "game" that Michael Douglas plays. They are referred to in various parts to the film (partial spoiler alert) as CRS - but using different words for the same acronym all under the guise of different offshoots of the same company (Cable Repair Specialists, California Regal Sedans, etc). In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, (and for the first time in the series), its revealed that Skynet project's parent company (who built the Terminators themselves) is called Cyber Research Systems which uses the same acronym CRS. There's even a wiki on it: http://terminator.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Research_Systems I can't help but think there may be a connection--at the very least a simple nod to the evil corporation theme of Brancato and Ferris' previous films... but possibly even more deep and complex of a link (which would be amazing). I've scourged Google for any published mention of this connection, and found 1 mere sighting where another person mentioned something, but was very surface and wasn't really intentional linking. Either way, it seems hard to imagine these were coincidental, and now I'm on a quest to watch every Brancato/Ferris film to see if there are other threads running through their various screenplays. So far, I've seen The Game, The Net, Catwoman, Terminator 3, Flight of Black Angel, and an episode of The Others. Anyone else familiar with their work, or keen on any of this? p.s. Fun side note- and [spoiler ALERT for both The Net and The Game] In their 95 screenplay for The Net, an evil corporation is also featured- called The Praetorians- computer hackers bent on stealing people's identity and using anti-virus software to actually infect computers with viruses to create mayhem and steal information-- almost identical to the goal of CRS in The Game. (Also, found it pretty cool that the software company Sandra Bullock works for is called Cathedral Software ... ahem... CathedRal Software. I know I know, that's a stretch). p.p.s. this thread is literally the first time I've seen any mention of these screenwriters on the web that i could find (outside of databases, wikipedia's, credits on product pages etc). I know screenwriters are often behind the scenes, but damn, it's crazy to me how obscure these guys seem to be as far as information, etc. I did find their production company website, but it's outdated and seems to be more of just a framework. I was excited to hear their narration on the directors commentary feature of The Game's Criterion Collection edition though. :)
  4. Holy shit it came it came! Been listening to the cassette on my car tape deck while driving aimlessly... FUUUUUCK Cheetah is so tasty!!!!! This is way better than I even expected. I like this as much as Syro i think, and definitely moreso than CCAI ii & ODS. The simplicity and mood. Its so loose yet so tight. Very serene, and chilled, but bubbling with just enough energy.
  5. 100%. In many ways, heavy sample-based vw feels more authentic than some of the bullshit that radio tracks sample or "re-create". When I first heard Kanye's rip off of Daft Punk, I was pissed but couldn't help loving the re-interpretation after letting it soak in. Same goes for a good amount of these hits that sample, but then when it comes to the total throw-away ones like Black Eyed Peas "I Had The Time of My Life" or the new one where Ariana Grande's team is sampling what Portishead already tastefully sampled on Glory Box, or the countless other ones.. when I realize that, it puts things into perspective, and makes me feel that something as cliched vaporware as even the Mac + track is so much more ahead of its time, brilliant and raw than any other of the insincere re-nterpretations of original tracks used to assemble many of these throwaway hits we hear on the radio every day. p.s. that whole recreation thing is total bullshit.. at least in vaporwave, the original recording is still used and people know that they're hearing warped versions of other things... of course that goes without saying vaporwave has atmosphere and effect and concept to go along with it lol
  6. btw look how quickly the buzz w PC Music fizzled out and how long vaporware has stayed... not that i don't love PC Music, just interesting how hipster journalism tries to package things as the "next thing" or create a phenomenon.
  7. Well it's the only romper I have haha, but yeah I'll use it from time to time. Ahh interesting, I hadn't thought about the onboard fx contributing to the 3d aspect. Oh man, that sounds like a fun project, I'm down once i have a moment.. let's stay in touch about that (: fantastic stuff.. just checked this out over the weekend, first thing waking up sat morning. very relaxing and fun.
  8. I couldn't agree more. The Pathway Through Whatever is to me, the epitome of vaporwave, and Pixies is a track I show pretty much first in order when I'm giving someone new to the genre examples of what vaporwave is.. (but always the video, as I kind of feel like that song and video exist as one). (along with Nobody Here by Chuck Persons, and usually something from Internet Club, and of course Mac + Lisa Frank).
  9. i looove the sounds of vox / choir on romplers. it's such a lush sound. yet another congrats, sounds like you've had some good ops recently ma dude thanks guys! If it ends up getting released I'll definitely share it here. It's funny I sought out to make a pretty straightforward dance pop / nu-disco / house remix, and it ended up having some of those elements. ohhh god.. track 1 on that vapor saw release is LUSH. damn, this is perfect. thank you for this link. (even though i feel like vaporizing aphex "against the rules" lol edit: and YES rompers are fun for that stuff.. love my emu orbit 9090 romper.. that's the synth i used for this track (although i ended up using the sound font version instead as its easier to grab, and I'm not the best keyboard player without being able to fix and space notes. but I've captured the orbit 9090 via my mic preamp and converter, and it definitely has more of a 3d sound coming in, could be cuz of my pretty solid mic pre, but yeah man can't beat those dedicated DACs inside of 90s synths, and the slight output noise and all that jazz. everything little aspect makes a difference.
  10. so i just got the opportunity (shot at) to remix a major label artist, and for the post-chorus instrumental break, I'm totally using an early 90s cheezo vocal-choir-synth sound that you would hear from a prismcorp virtual enterprises / blank banshee track
  11. great album great album richard has so many machines that richard love it when he tinkers on the machines with his friends like mikey
  12. Speaking of which... https://adhesivesounds.bandcamp.com/album/business-travel-bonanza-deluxe Out now! Tapes already sold out, but you can still cop the digital ver. This is essentially the classic DH LP "Business Travel Bonanza" with an additional BoNuS Companion EP "It's My Company... I Can Fly If I Want To" in addition to several Business Travel Bonanza remixes and outtakes!
  13. Haha totally! I kinda thought the same thing a few times. With his usage of digital warping though and all his abilities with FM synthesis, I almost feel like Rich might have also figured why toy with digital preset stock sounds when he can create whole new worlds so easily? Then again, there is something charming in itself about stock sounds and midi.. Actually, come to think of it, his Melodies From Mars unreleased lp is probably more vaporwave than anything in the genre :D   agreed, I would think RDJ is in to sounds and tones as sounds per se, not because of the ironic connotations Exactly... Sometimes there's a fine line though :) I think i started to like cheesy music after the ironic aspect but then developed an actual love for the tones haha
  14. What if I killed someone right now and called 911 and said it was out of allegiance to ISIS? Would that make me an islamic extremist? Seeing as you're not a muslim it would be unlikely, if you were to convert and killed him due to some religious justification, then you would be. He was a muslim though, and did something pretty extreme, at least in part (possibly largely) because of his religious beliefs, so yes, I think it's pretty fair to say he was an Islamic extremist. I'm just addressing his comment that "it's all you need to know" that he called 911 etc and proclaimed allegiance to ISIS. Which is simply not true. You need to know more. Now we're getting into semantics... Cuz you could clearly draw from that quote that he infact committed an Islamic extremist terrorist attack, in that the attack itself had a self-admitted Islamic extremist motive. Technically, whether or not there is any background on this person is a moot point, if they made the political statement and carried out the attack, that part speaks for itself. I guess if you really want to be super duper technical, then yes- some extra steps need to be taken to determine whether that Islamic extremist terrorist attack was carried out by an Islamic extremist. But now we're just being silly I think what the disconnect here is, is that whether or not the person was inexperienced, capable or not, how many connections he had or didn't have, his intention, message, and act spoke for itself.
  15. What if I killed someone right now and called 911 and said it was out of allegiance to ISIS? Would that make me an islamic extremist? Yes, the public would justifiably label you as one. Of course, looking into your background (which they did in the case of the Orlando shooting) would further verify how far out of a claim that is or not. Example: Were you in fact an atheist turned buddhist dude who drank craft beers and went to indie rock shows, or were you a security guard, raised in a strict devout Muslim upbringing, going to hear sermons at a Mosque where known terrorists emerged from, and claimed to have connections to terrorists, and followed other radicals online? But regardless, it's the claim you made (political purpose), and the act you committed (mass shooting). I guess technically you could not be an Islamic extremist and still commit an Islamic extremist terrorist act. But I think committing an act like that kind of qualifies you even moreso than your background and what you studied. I really don't know why/how this is so complicated.
  16. It's ridiculously simple. So from a CNN article: This is literally all anyone needs to know in order to draw the conclusion that this was a terrorist attack committed by an Islamic extremist. Mateen also made calls to 911 and a producer at CNN affiliate News 13 Orlando, saying he carried out the massacre out of allegiance to ISIS.
  17. What next? Nothing next- Alco asked me for links essentially proving that this was more than just some one off crazy guy who happened to be Muslim rather than a radicalized ISIS supporter with connections to terrorists. And I did so. Pure congers mate. I don't suppose you read any of those articles past the headlines? HA! what do you want from me dude, what's your point? did you read every single article on the matter from every single press outlet? i mean if there's something in any of those articles that refute the headline, by all means. but give me a freakin break lol From your "FBI Links Bomber to ISIS" article: From the washington post article I'm not going to bother with the dailymail and RT links cause those sites are nothing more than clickbait bullshit filled with the worst sort of yellow journalism. I want you to read past the headlines. That WaPo article was interesting for this though: Haha, ok ya'll, but none of that disproves my point in that he was an extremist with radical ideas/influences (and i havent read those articles yet but will). So he may have been contradictory or just bragging about things without any merit, but all we need to know is his influences and mindset to understand his potential for political violence. No where in the definition of a terrorist does it say they need to be 100% organized, fluid, and efficient in order to be considered a terrorist. Same with a radical or extremist. You don't need to have studied with Osama Bin Laden himself, in order to have the philosophy. Clearly his worldview spoke for itself.
  18. Hilarious, you can't be serious with this. No-one is trying to silence criticism of Islam??!?!? The first thing that happens when anyone attempts to offer even the tamest criticism of Islam is that conservative Islamic groups cry Islamophobia, quickly followed by the useful idiots of the left backing them up, both groups are attempting to shame people into silence with slanderous claims of bigotry. More nonsense, we've been over this before, you were as wrong then as you are now. If a christian fundamentalist bombs an abortion clinic then that act of terrorism is linked with christianity, quite clearly. Okay, well now we're all having interpretation issues here. I think no one's on the same page haha So, the link between terrorist acts in the name of religion are there on a fundamental level (of course).. As in some crazy extremist found a violent verse in his holy text, and took it literally and acted upon it. So yes- a link in that literal sense- but on a higher more abstract level- in terms of legitimate societal link, different story. "Link" is more murky, but then again the subject is really murky too. Apples example, I used earlier- A rotten apple doesn't dilute all apples, nor does identifying a rotten apple as a rotten apple make any kind of political statement on apples as a whole. Of course, if one just referred to a rotten apple as "an apple" and nothing more, it might not necessarily be fair, or telling the full story. Context. That rotten apple is still an apple of course, but it wouldn't quite do justice to all apples to not use the term rotten. At the same time, calling it just a "rotten" or putting it into another category of fruits entirely might be pleasing for other apples who aren't rotten, but it's not truthful, nor is it helpful in identifying the issue. Hence rotten apple is the most logical and sound way to describe what it in fact is- a rotten apple.
  19. case in point: Why are you arguing this in a forum like watmm where we are mostly all intelligent analytical people? I honestly think you're fighting the wrong fight here- this isn't the Alex Jones YT channel lol .. edit: or r/DonaldTrump lol
  20. Except no one is trying to silence criticism of Islam. There's all kinds of problems with it, like with most religion. The issue at hand is simply this: when we identify terrorists as radical Islamists, it insinuates that terrorism is linked with Islam, which it clearly isn't, no more than IRA terrorism is linked with Catholicism, or Buddhists who use fear and violence to achieve their political aims are linked with Buddhism. How on Earth would that insinuate that? So if I mentioned the fact that an abortion clinic bombing was planned and executed by a Christian fundamentalist group or member, that statement and identification insinuates that terrorism is linked with Christianity? First, that's reaching really far... insinuates to who? Maybe it does for people who are extremely ultra-sensitive about hearing any negative world events that people who identify as their religion are a part of, or on the other hand, extremely ignorant people who are already racist or Islamophobic... but for the rest of the people, the common person, it doesn't insinuate that at all. We clearly know the difference between Radical Islamists and average Muslims. Why are you arguing this in a forum like watmm where we are mostly all intelligent analytical people? I honestly think you're fighting the wrong fight here- this isn't the Alex Jones YT channel lol
  21. What next? Nothing next- Alco asked me for links essentially proving that this was more than just some one off crazy guy who happened to be Muslim rather than a radicalized ISIS supporter with connections to terrorists. And I did so. Pure congers mate. I don't suppose you read any of those articles past the headlines? HA! what do you want from me dude, what's your point? did you read every single article on the matter from every single press outlet? i mean if there's something in any of those articles that refute the headline, by all means. but give me a freakin break lol
  22. What next? Nothing next- Alco asked me for links essentially proving that this was more than just some one off crazy guy who happened to be Muslim rather than a radicalized ISIS supporter with connections to terrorists. And I did so.
  23. "Orlando gunman who pledged loyalty to ISIS was ‘homegrown’ extremist radicalized online, Obama says" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/06/13/police-orlando-gunman-was-cool-and-calm-during-hostage-standoff/?utm_term=.6b4a636e2314 "FBI links Orlando shooter to 2014 suicide bomber" http://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2016/06/13/fbi-links-orlando-shooter-suicide-bomber/85818938/ Where American suicide bomber AND the country's worst mass shooter worshiped: Inside the tiny Florida mosque now connected to two terrorists - but whose imam insists is no place for extremism http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3639089/Inside-small-Florida-mosque-Orlando-gunman-worshiped.html#ixzz4Bf6NKy00 FBI confirms Orlando shooter claimed links to ISIS & Al-Nusra, cited Boston bomber https://www.rt.com/usa/346562-fbi-orlando-shooter-islamist-investigation/ Organized and planned doesn't have to mean a fleet of tanks with biochemical weapons and 5-10 armed men attacking multiple locations. It can still be homegrown and be an organized, thought out, intentional act inspired by or possibly guided by connections overseas or within local religious communities. I mean the dude pledged allegiance to ISIS- what other motivations would one need to dig for lol I think at this point anyone denying this guy was an Islamic radical or that he held extremist views is naive at best. Just because he may have happened to have been gay, and was in the closet and targeted gays, that doesn't minimize his religious extremism. In fact, if anything religious hardliners (of all faiths) have a problem with gays. So while I think part of the motivation may have been homophobia, I think its safe to say it was a terror attack committed by an Islamic extremist targeting gays. Why is that so hard to fathom? lol "my beef is not at all with people who use those terms or who have rational and legitimate issues with islam, which as I mentioned is a religion rife with all kinds of repulsive ideas and doctrines. What I have a problem with is people who basically just see that a crime was perpetrated by a Muslim and then make lame, half-baked comments about all the problems with Islam and muslims." If you want to consider him "just a Muslim", that's your choice, but I don't think "Muslims in general" pledge allegiance to ISIS, and have these kinds of connections and interests. P.s. never made any half baked comments about problems with Islam and Muslims- this is again, your delusion.
  24. Cmon now Alco, I realize I came in here on a sort of negative note that there wasn't a thread for this particular tragedy, but I quickly remembered, realizing the type of thread I posted it in too, so it kind of makes sense given the sorta bitter attitude toward the U.S. that some of the politically conscious watmm members hold. But anyway, when time and time again, these types of events occur and people discuss them, you seem to want to paint anyone who merely mentions the word Islamic or Islam--when its simply paired with the word extremism or radical--as ignorant or offensive. I find this in itself offensive. It's offensive to the truth, and its offensive to the countless people that have been slaughtered under brutal regimes that belong to those radical, militant schools of thought, for not following their twisted versions of Islam. Just as aggravating, you seem to equate me mentioning those specific terms with me talking about the whole religion in general, which is flat out mischaracterization of myself and twisting my words, and completely uncalled for. I've never once in the history of my posts, mentioned anything remotely negative about the religion as a whole or in general, or its followers--some of whom are close friends of mine. You and several other members constant search to build cases or making a baffoon out of anyone who merely mentions these phrases "Islamic extremism" or "Radical Islam" when simply discussing current events of terrorist acts carried out by either groups or lone people that identify with those movements, is quite frustrating, because we can't even get on the same page about discussing the topic as you refuse to acknowledge real issues and turn people that mention thing or bring them up into some kind of ignoramus. I mean sure, I can omit the phrase and change it to religious fundamentalism, religious extremism or what you'd prefer in order not to be specific and ignore the type of extremism, but you'd better have an academic/logical argument for why ignoring it is more logical or sound to speak in more general terms rather than specific (and you don't), before painting me out as some kind of moron. Stop condoning George Orwell novel realities and spousing 1+1=/= 2 nonsense. Using the phrase "Islamic Extremist" or "Radical Islam" is equivalent to calling apples that have gone rotten, bad apples. You're not giving all apples a bad name when using it, and you're certainly not offending the idea of an apple or what it means to be an apple. All things have negative strains. Stop acting like everything is so pure that it can't have offshoots. Christianity, Judaism, all religions have extremist movements. I'm Jewish, and I'm proud to say that the Satmars (Jewish extremists/fundamentalists) are batshit crazy, completely backwards and have no right to oppress the people they oppress in their neighborhoods. Of course, it's not making constant headlines, but I'll call it out for what it is- just like Abortion clinic bombers are wacko christian fundamentalists. WHY ON EARTH can't we use the same logic and describe the same thing when we discuss the 2nd largest religion in the world? Why?? Please give me a good reason.
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