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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. lolol! Oh my... ******MULTIPLE VAPORGASMS***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. o... m... g... its begun, as compson would say: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporwave
  3. omg thats good. this is exactly the kinda stuff i have in mind too.
  4. yaaay, me excited! this is gonna be fun yall
  5. or actually it may be fun like you guys were saying to keep it secretive that its us... like an alter ego.. Ryan Jones or something super generic lol or even weirdly specific like McKenzie Chopra
  6. Got a title idea for the comp!!!... MOTIVWATTMTION! what do u guys think? we should all keep the ball rolling with more names too..
  7. I spoke with Donovan Hikaru.. and he's totally down to do a track for this, sounds super fun! note: his will be original as he doesn't sample (although his very rare "Donovan Hikaru San Francisco Office" alias will sample once in a blue moon) .. if that's ok? or does it all need to be plunderphonics? sounds good to me, it might be funny to do it all as the same artist like a fake 80s quasi new-age corporate guy but we all make the songs for it (sort of like the opposite of the EDM compilations by jodey kendrick) , the kit-list would also be important as it needs A LOT of bad romplers and shitty late 80s digital synths hahahaha yes!
  8. Check out this sweet vaped out Driver's License I found on a stock photo site (: almost album cover worthy!
  9. Anyone planning on attending the Seattle Developers Summit this year? ...
  10. sounds cool to me! would love it see that (:
  11. to add, I think that vaporwave was indeed birthed in elements of parody/mocking/irony/tounge-in-cheek, that I won't argue with. But, I guess what I'm saying here, is the same is true with punk rock when it was born. Humorous, but sexy... Bratty and youthful, but wise ... dadaist, yet highly meaningful.. so anyway, I think there can be a paradox when it comes to these things... I don't 100% disagree with you that a type of humor is involved here for sure, but it's more of a sophisticated humor, and with many of the worthwhile sides of vaporwave, that humor doesnt (or shouldnt) overshadow and dominate the other valuable aspects of the genre.. imo, vaporwave =/= rebecca black, bacon memes, overly clingy girlfriend type of humor. note: some of the really bad seapunk or vaporwave that's like an already existing happy hardcore track with samples of people laughing, tagged on bandcamp as "pre-internet", "disney", "post-post-vaporwave", "vaporgay" etc etc etc... that stuff I won't even talk about, it's mostly garbage lol, and it shouldnt represent what the genre is as a whole).
  12. I get what you're onto, but I wouldn't go as far to say that vaporwave in its entirety is a joke... I think there are and can be humorous elements to some of the material that's out there, specifically the memes that are floating around with neon animated gifs of hamburgers, guns and roman pillars all twirling around each other.. I actually think a lot of vaporwave is subversive, dark, avante garde and highly artistic... PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises, James Ferraro, Eyeliner, Blank Banshee... of course, the vwave elements of Point Never.. .A handful example of the more innovative/originally composed stuff that's highly conceptual and very futuristic, but still uses retro-futurism and nostalgia to capture it's essence. It may look funny from the surface, but I actually think the automated culture, computer art, and the "virtual plaza" to me is more sinister, curious, and fascinating, and even beautiful than hokey, gimmicky or for the lolz (although there surely is a plethora of material that's thrown into the vaporwave genre that's a joke- won't argue with that). But I think the original intention still lives on, and will continue to live through whatever forms or labels it takes on as music/internet evolves.
  13. Ferraro is brilliant... His catalogue is so diverse and intriguing, very colorful music. I was checking out far side virtual, the EP thats connected to it, and one of his earlier projects, something to do with best buy/pickup trucks on the cover art i think. So out there, but still so accessible. His recent stuff is gold too.. Love its fragmented melancholy, cold, nighttime, urban vibe
  14. P.S. Anyone a fan of Ailanthus Recordings (Internet Club, Lindsheaven, Luxury Elite)? They've actually done a wide variety of artists with different styles not just vaporwave... pretty cool stuff.. digging the new Curt Crackrach (not quite vwave but groovy- i think all original), and Coastal Nostalgia (straight plundering i believe, but soo good as more of a curator/theme thing)... http://ailanthusrecordings.bandcamp.com/ http://ailanthusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/single-room-occupant http://ailanthusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/coastal-nostalgia
  15. also it's kinduva rejection of the 00s analogue revival, with its punk sense of "screw hardware, screw theory, screw recognition, everybody grab something & start making noise" yes... kinda makes me think of the punk rockness of new order and pet shop boys and other similar groups using digital synths, cuz it was cheaper and more available, and that quintessential sound came outta that.. it's like fuck it, let's use this shitty yamaha dx9 cuz it's within our reach, rather than some rare $10,000 modular.. and ya know what? wouldnt even want it ANYWAY lol yeeeeessss!
  16. "...secret indonesian global trading tips.. link may self destruct in a few days...." https://app.box.com/s/iq7bebj89sq19mkzy0km -Donovan Hikaru
  17. lol! Yes, this Zoology stuff is tight, and agreed!
  18. Thanks for the love guys, seriously! I'm already planning/brainstorming the next release.. it's really fun and somehow therapeutic for me to make this stuff. It's kind of addictive haha.. Next Donovan concepts floating around: "Pie of Opportunity (Business Professionals Only Pizza Party)".. maybe a late holiday/new years track ft. Brian Park, and possibly some others in the meantime. I'll definitely keep everyone posted!
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