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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. may need to check your other subfolders if you have gmail... mine was actually under the "promotions" tab.. not in the primary email folder...
  2. ahhhhhh the aphexian creepiness of "mumbly" and those warped vocal samples / mysterious melodies...
  3. That's what WATMM had, when it had a site proper attached to it... I'm... working on it Sweet!!! Looking forward to that! Us catalog/discography geeks will have a cow :D
  4. why isn't there an Aphex Twin wiki? like a super in depth discography (incl live shows/bootlegs that exist, outtakes, comps, remixes, etc etc)... with ability to comment and discuss on these releases? it'd be an awesome reference. Wonder if we could create something like that at WATMM, and have that function as a subpage?
  5. Same here! Some of his tracks back then were so warm and fuzzy. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeee too.
  6. signal boosting this because i'm finally getting around to listening to it Thanks man, enjoy and hope you likey! :D ... DH was born here at watmm with ya'll and from inspiration from everyone, and im excited/proud to share it (:
  7. very nice! here... now all ya gotta do is: mix these three images together using microsoft paint: as your album cover and you should be good to go! dont forget to pixelate some of them, and make it look like the african king guy is grabbing the whatabuger, while dolf lundgren is watching him, waiting to fire.. and it's all happening while the computer guy up top controls them through the matrix.
  8. Out now on Ailanthus Recordings, ya'll! <3 http://ailanthusrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/free-market-foreplay 1 Corporate Safari (Dance Mix) 2 East Parking Structure, L2 (0103) 3 CEO Potion #9 4 High End Donovan In Indonesia 5 New Office Furniture 6 Seattle Developers Summit (ft. Brian Park) 7 Stargazing WIth The Company 8 San Tablos, Revisited
  9. http://www.thefader.com/2014/06/04/system-focus-inside-1080p-zoom-lens-the-new-digital-diy-labels/
  10. Does not compute. Yeah, those 3 words together make no sense to me. Could you rephrase the question? am i going to die of a heart attack before i'm 50? actually burgers in general arent really unhealthy imo, it's just the way some are put together with tons of mayo, processed cheese, bacon, etc, and of course the mcdonalds and other fast food burgers with all their sodium/fat. there are healthy options and moderate options too! so with that, let's all rejoice and continue on our way eating burgers shamelessly!
  11. new donovan hikaru EP completed tonight ya'll... excited to share it with ya! release is coming asap spritzers (and non alcoholic beer) all around! p.s. do you guys think i should post it under the regular New Releases or the EKT New Releases? I ask b/c it'll be out on a label- Ailanthus Recordings... although that's a netlabel and not sure yet if we'll be doing a physical release for it.. anyway, what's the standards on this? or am i just overthinking it?
  12. ^ not for me, at least in my imaginary world ;D
  13. you mean, those artists you named do original stuff? how can you tell?? do you even care? maybe i should stop thinking about it and just enjoy the "music"...It's kind of a mix of being familiar with the sound and if you're used to creating retro music with software, it's kinda easier to get a feeling of what's original... For example, Blank Banshee and new Ultra stuff are just shinier and original sounding they don't have a pitched down sampling of 80s smooth jazz feel.. It's clearly new production. (I was also chatting w ultra and he told me his new stuff is all him) OPN is renown and on Warp and is admittedly original.. Donovan Hikaru is my own project so I know that's all original haha (: .. Eyeliner is kinda future retro and their sound is more similar to pristine fm vst instruments than plundered samples.. Holly Herndon , like OPN is like more like experimental soundscapes.. And well, James Ferraro of course is known as a prolific composer /producer. I almost forgot about Vektroid's main alias under Vektroid... I'm pretty sure that's all original. I'm not sure about any of her other aliases, but I think it's kinda known that most of them are sample based... Anyone know the breakdown?
  14. Whoa this so vapor... Im sitting a burger place near this abandoned shopping center right off the freeway at 1030 am and there's no one here as they just opened... I sat down near the back area waiting for my food.. There's a bunch of old arcade games including big buck hunter, some of those pick up teddy bears with a claw machines, and two separate fast and the furious biking /car games. As soon as I sit down (next to giant fake palm trees), "Shake It" by David Bowie (an obscure track from his Lets Dance album that I've never heard played anywhere except my iTunes) starts playing out of some shitty speakers, and mixes with the ambience of the over the top loop of big boy country thunder jam that's coming out of Big Buck Hunter ... To top it off, visions of Neo-Tokyo flash by my eyes at hyperspeed provided by the repeating demo from The Fast and Furious arcade screen. I'm in vapor heaven.
  15. here's the secret: it's all the latter Except for the .5% that's original composition (Eyeliner, Holly Herndon, Ultra's recent tracks, Donovan Hikaru, Blank Banshee, OPN, James Ferraro, etc)
  16. dude, yes! heard this a little while back... and then just put it on a few days ago. I almost forgot Vektroid's brilliance. She doesn't just pitch stuff down and loop it- she actually creates other worlds. This release (esp the first 1/4) and how she selects the types of song fragments, effects them and mixes them into one another has to be one of the most haunting and eerie mixes/vaporwave releases I've ever heard. This is pure class.
  17. You just made my day with this comment... You and this link: http://www.tinymixtapes.com/chocolate-grinder/watch-the-innernettes-nem-tudo-que-ferve-e%CC%81-vapor-vapor-bubble-gum-word-tutorial-%E3%83%92 Damn, congrats sir! :D ... You just got on Tiny Mix Tapes... see it's not dead! great waiting room/corporate hospitality vibe in that track btw
  18. ^ yeah me too.. i actually think there's more to "vaporwave" than what we think of it as currently... of course it's just a word, like anything, but the community, ideas, collaborations and experiments are what can make it evolve.. not the samples used or types of symbols or japanese letters or vhs sounds. it's still to me, very punk rock, and i think it serves as the punk ethos of the internet age, since there hasnt been a vibrant ballsy punk attitude in music in god knows how long. I think there's a lot more to come.. and i also think that we should encourage ea other to expand things, evolve, etc. example- mixing vaporwave and idm.. instilling vapor vibes in pop music and so forth. imagine if rock music stayed strictly in the elvis/fats domino vein and never expanded... that would be sad and dumb. i think genre's are meant to be explored, evolved, abused, stretched, exploited and played with. ppl who say vaporwave's dead, imo, were never really into for more than the "underground uber hispter trend".. there are always 1st and 2nd waves and third waves, and evolutions... it's so juvenile to declare something as dead the moment it gets a little more popular.
  19. ^^ very nice non-standard vapors there!
  20. obscure '87 bowie single on Japanese Laserdisc = vaporwave
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