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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  2. whooaaaaa http://www.cmj.com/feature/qa-business-casual-87-label-founder-john-zobel/?utm_source=CMJ+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=42fb89027e-Weekly-May-8-2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2f471ed366-42fb89027e-212332269 and just saw these now... http://www.cmj.com/news/stream-syllabuss-new-album-july/ http://www.cmj.com/news/listen-white-woods-u-say/ kinda strikes me as odd that a publication like cmj would write about vaporwave releases, considering the heavy sampling w no crediting going on in much of the genre... apparently its popular and groundbreaking enough to get press despite these things... this, to me, seems like kind of a big deal. Wired could do a little blurb on vaporwave, and I wouldnt be shocked, but CMJ feels like a new boundary.
  3. Haha very true! Nice hunting! (: libertarian https://twitter.com/j_arthur_bloom as much as i can't stand most libertarians, they do have a better taste in art than casual conservatives
  4. What thaaaaa........ http://www.theamericanconservative.com/lbj-and-anarcho-capitalist-pop/
  5. i only listen to vaporwave tracks made from other vaporwave tracks nah but seriously i like two things about this genre usually 1. original compositions that sound like weird 90s anime soundtracks, video game music, or the korg wavestation 2. the general concept of art being sampled and radically recontextualized to make new art what do you think about original muzak/smooth jazz/new age or original stock music? (within vaporwave of course-- although intentional muzak and smooth jazz can also be appreciated and vibed out to) who doesn't? i love your soundcloud mang!
  6. y2k-porwave! http://tech.sina.com.cn/soft/2000-07-31/574.html
  7. Yeah, I've been thinking about Shenmue a lot! So far I've only come to the conclusion that I should investigate what Japan was like in the 80's and what happened afterwards, but I don't really have the tools to do it, so anything I come up with falls short. It really is the pinnacle of the Sega aesthetic, though, which is another good topic and ties in with vapour. The You arcade. Talk about it. What happened afterwards is Japanese animators made some of the best anime/video matter of all time in the form of pre 96 anime. gorgeous. you made this? YEAH Nice cars Lane Thanks man!
  8. Just put together this vapory trailer for our album release... excited to share it with you.. the music playing in it is an instrumental from our album: Thanks! Cheers!
  9. i heard west africa's going all vaporwave too. supposed to be 700% more than anywhere else. :D p.s. ***EXTREEEME Vapor Disclaimer*** posting otherwise normal things that could be possibly be vaporwave in some very very obscure/hard to identify way or minor way (like picture above) is very vaporwave imo. ... so is quoting yourself like in this post.
  10. is that photo real? and if so, which rdj fan got their grandparents hooked on the aphex acid??
  11. it's open for weeks and it's not limited oh. i thought it was only for the first 500 or something.. in that case.. YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. arrgghh i so wish i didn't have to wait til tuesday to have money in my account. maybe it'll become available for a non-limited digital dl purchase at some point. i hope.
  13. There was one for $1000, don't remember which. I love incorporating the distribution format into the concept. Imagine what would happen if someone bought it? It would be brilliant. People at quietus and dummy mag would write dissertations and have aneurysms. @ Lane yeah i made it. haha! that's awesome.
  14. Haha! Nice $700 release.. For only $100 more, you can purchase the Businessman EP from Dopefish Records... which my buddy and I were actually kinda pissed about cuz we really liked this release, and wanted to DL a copy it haha) http://dopefishfamily.bandcamp.com/album/businessman-ep
  15. thanks man! haha, whoa that vid's tripped out.. did you make it?
  16. yes, that first track! love it.. oh man, i feel you, i hate when that happens to me.. recently i heard a gorgreous melody progression from a song i wrote 3 years ago, and it made me all kinds of sad. that was a really cool flash intro btw.. those gum things look like those rubber eraser things from back when we used to use pencils lol
  17. ^ proof that vwave is the now the most popular music genre
  18. So I'm pretty humbled... Luxury Elite included the Donovan track "Employee Trust Fall" on her latest Neon Nights podcast :D The rest of the set is really cool, and is actually a pretty sweet fusion of late night lo fi/hypnagogic pop/vapor, classic contemporary easy listening, and ambient... In other news, came across this amazing vaporness last night while shopping at Sprouts:
  19. God I love FMMMMMM!!!! It's all i need in my prod. setup.. some good top notch modern drums samples, some good top notch vintage drum samples, and my FM7.
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