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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk


    Final 10 minutes or so of Austin is dope. Some dark acid stuff going on. And it sounds nothing like any trax I remember from either Elseq or NTS. If it's what I remember...there were some crazy, squelchy harmonics towards the end, as it's the second of the three shows I attended. Hell of a strung-out audience in that one. I'll revisit it via the soundboard soon enough.
  2. ambermonk


    IIRC I think they made a last-minute decision to do an additional Portland gig the night before the original was scheduled because tickets sold out. So I think it was intended to accommodate overflow. Both at Holocene I believe.
  3. I honestly don't see how you guys can muster up the endurance to listen to an entirety of one of his speeches. One minute has pretty much been my threshold since this abomination was inaugurated.
  4. I'd argue that it's more like having a parent with a lot of flaws, but those brownshirts would never understand.
  5. ambermonk


    TBH I like Vancouver. But the Imperial was definitely in a seedy part of town. Can't remember if it was before or after the show, but I recall some homeless dude on a bike riding over broken glass or some shit along the curb side of the street as we were walking. Plus there was some chick in a short skirt arguing with a couple of dudes a couple of blocks from our hotel. Maybe it's like Minecraft - beautiful during the day, but at night is when all the creepers come out. But surely somebody's got juicy stories of the other cities from the North American tour. Vancouver can't be the craziest one, right?
  6. Bigoted white America has mutated into late stage Tyrant form. (sorry, been playing too much RE2 lately)
  7. Whoa I just did the same thing, except I did develop that "Hiding Place" roll of film. Gonna start the Second Run as Claire myself, but probably not til tomorrow or later this week. One thing I will say though...I gave this game a second chance after my rage-quit a week ago, and it paid off. It got me out of my comfort zone, and proved itself to be arguably the best new game on the market. This is about as close to perfecting a reboot as you can get. Well done, Capcom.
  8. ambermonk


    I'd say if there's a modern day IRL equivalent to top echelon monks or wizards, they appear to fit the bill. Lol that's about all I remember too, I don't even remember the small Asian man. I had a great time kicking it with the WATMM upper left coast massive. I remember making a couple obnoxious comments but I remember close to 0% of the set. I barely remembered the small Asian man too. It was only a day after the show that a person that saw me there asked "Why did you swing and throw that small Asian man into the crowd near the end?" that I recalled it. It was a sick show and hope to go to the next one just as fucked. Do you guys remember the guy in like workout clothes or something doing step aerobics facing the crowd the whole night??? I swear he was doing it the whole night with a headband and I think neon clothes and everything, he kept a straight face. Or the two cyber goths standing next to us all that looked like they were straight out of anachronox? lol IIRC the guy in neon athletic attire faced the crowd at front, center stage, right before Cygnus began his segment. It's as if he were volunteering himself for some sort of sacrifice or crucifixion. Pretty surreal. Audioblysk gave a better description of it in this thread right after the tour, but I'm too tired to go back and dig for it ATM. Was most likely back in Oct or Nov 2015.
  9. Kind of in the same boat here. I've been putting in 45 min of cardio @ the gym before work 5 days in a row this past week. Also trying to get back into a veggie diet and haven't touched a drop of alcohol yet this year. It's been over a month since I stepped on the scale, but I'm definitely seeing results. I've been doing this gym routine since last April tho. But I had a month-long hiatus in December because the gym was closed due to earthquake damage & subsequent maintenance.
  10. Not gonna lie tho, that bitch was cold
  11. Oh wow. Thanks for the update man. A humble reminder to be wary of hype in the big parade of games scheduled for release this year. It pays to be cautious I guess.
  12. Normally I exercise restraint in bringing up anything gun-related on WATMM, but this is a pretty cool WWII-era lead hose. Basically a Japanese Bren. What I respect about Ian (a.k.a. "Gun Jesus") is that he's not trying to be some "badass" NRA nutter with a gun. He's actually quite chill and intelligent, and a majority of the guns he covers in his videos are obscure vintage relics. And he goes into a great deal of depth into both their individual history and mechanics.
  13. ambermonk


    Hmm, I'll have to revisit that one. Sweepstakes and I were at that show, and it was the first of their North American tour. All I remember is it was dark as shit and I was practically in hypnosis with all the crazy sounds they were blasting. Holocene was my favorite venue of the three we went to.
  14. ^ Well done! I just started over from scratch after taking a breather for a few days, learning tips on how not to waste all of my ammo in the meantime. My initial mistake was trying to kill every zombie in sight. Now I just have to figure out a game plan on dealing with Mr. X.
  15. ambermonk


    lol. It was an interesting night. I still remember the strange tall dude that kept gazing off to the left as he randomly shuffled about, perpendicular to the rest of the crowd. Also the security guards who kept shining their flashlights withing the crowd every half hour or so to check for weed or some crap. Oh yeah, also chenGOD shouting "SEAN PLS". Good times.
  16. ambermonk


    In the process of DL'ing the additional 19 sets. Will likely take me the remainder of 2019 for me to process it all. Heh. 2019. 19.
  17. Somebody push McConnell off a cliff. Trump and Bolton too, while we're at it.
  18. I just freed up at least 3.5 GB on my phone. Hopefully it's enough.
  19. Because I'm a broke-ass byitch. At least until tomorrow.
  20. lol I saw this thread got bumped yesterday or this morning and just kind of ignored at first. But now I just realized it was for a valid reason. I'll have to wait til morning to grab them tho.
  21. cheeki breeki i v dank This would have easily made it onto Fat Chicks In Party Hats two decades ago
  22. But they've launched a new store and my guess is you launch the games through there just like on Steam. It's good that Steam is getting some competition to rattle everyone's cage. But I'm still lukewarm on Metro Exodus so... Steam has a long-standing reputation as a gaming cloud service though...since 2001. From what I hear Epic doesn't even have the basic features like reviews, achievements, and many users are vulnerable to having their data sold to third parties. So it's also a potential security risk. I think Epic have gotten cocky from their success from Fortnite last year. I don't think their strategy is viable for the long term. As for Metro, I might wait until the dust settles and see if it returns to Steam after a year or so. But I'm not rushing it.
  23. Controversy surrounding Metro Exodus now. The publisher Deep Silver made the decision to pull the game from Steam and make it exclusive to the Epic service, two weeks before scheduled launch. Lots of people are pissed, and understandably so. Supposedly Epic's quality as a game service is garbage compared to Steam. I used it briefly myself early last year when during my Fortnite (StW) phase. And I've had multiple failed login attempts into my Epic account. But I uninstalled the service a few months back anyway. Other users aren't as lucky though I've heard. No way am I buying Metro Exodus now, let alone pre-ordering, so long as it's Epic exclusive. As for RE2, I haven't touched it since Monday when I lost my nerve. Maybe I'll pick it back up later when I'm done being a chicken. I dunno tho, I legit got minor PTSD from it.
  24. Good. Hope they show up. Donnie needs to be taught that his actions have consequences - something that should've been done decades ago.
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