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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Even the garden [state] variety assholes hated that guy though. He had some issues. Yeah the pizza in South Jersey was the shit, high baseline standard and none of that fork-eating, weird topping bullshit. Classic, unpretentious, well-made cheese and pepperoni slices to be found everywhere. Some the best I've ever had. That's one great food that's a little harder to find in WA, although if you look around you can find some decent slices that are at least East Coast inspired. I still remember Pirone's right by Tarnsfield Plaza. We grabbed those monster calzones from there coming home after a massive rainstorm one day. The owner there was also named Mario, lol. But he was much more hospitable. This was still pre-1996.
  2. NJ...I still remember that day getting off school in 4th grade when that one asshole neo-Nazi kid named Mario ran up behind me and literally kicked me in the ass. But needless to say there were some decent pizzerias in the area.
  3. All I care is that the pizza doesn't have poop or nail polish on it.
  4. I'll bet over the next few years Trump's dementia will worsen, and his cronies and supporters will become increasingly irrational as well.
  5. Sometime I wonder if I've wasted the last third of my life. Mainly because I'm at the same job I started at in 2006.
  6. Oh yeah. It probably doesn't tell you right off the bat, but I think shortly after you start it introduces the Meld. That's the stuff you can snag on missions to spend either genetic or cybernetic (MEC) upgrades on your soldiers, if you're playing EW. Also...not to give away too many spoilers, but you're gonna want at least two MECs before the Newfoundland mission, which I think pops up in the month of May or June in the game. And aliens aren't gonna be your only problem once EXALT shows up.
  7. 2013? As in Enemy Within? If so that was a pretty dece expansion, especially having MEC units and playing the EXALT missions. I wonder how the upcoming XCOM 2 expansion will be. (due out end of August) Hmm not the expansion. Don't know MEC or EXALT. Cuz I remember the first XCOM: Enemy Unknown by Firaxis came out Oct 9, 2012. And then Enemy Within came out Nov 12th the following year. If you're playing the former then there won't be any of that stuff I mentioned earlier. Both are pretty solid tho.
  8. I dunno what's creepier; the sound itself, or the timing of it - the fact that it started coming from that end of the tunnel just after he'd turned around and left it. Gotta hand it to him though. He has balls of steel, going that much out of his way just to do a review on a flashlight.
  9. 2013? As in Enemy Within? If so that was a pretty dece expansion, especially having MEC units and playing the EXALT missions. I wonder how the upcoming XCOM 2 expansion will be. (due out end of August)
  10. Something tells me the worst is yet to come; with the powers that be pushing the NRA narrative, trying to push for nation-wide voter suppression...who the fuck knows how deeper this division will go...and when the flashpoint will be.
  11. It's been nearly a year since I last played it. I've found that if you invest in Psionics early on the game is easier towards the end than without them.
  12. Pretty sure his involvement in the Alien franchise already fell through. So you're safe there.
  13. I never thought Betty Boop could be so sexy by 21st Century standards. Then again, anything is possible these days.
  14. I know what you mean. Seems like he's in it more for artistic expression than anything. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but I will admit that none of his work so far had much in the way of plot. But at least District 9 made a decent attempt at striking a parallel to the apartheid theme. I did watch that Fire Base yesterday. Didn't make a whole lot of sense. No explanation as to how that Vietnamese farmer became the "River God", whether it was some kind of virus or just dark magic. And that futuristic armor and electromagnetic rifle that soldier was carriying at the end was intended to "amplify his already exceptional abilities"? WTF? It's like the kind of explanation a 9-year-old would give. I'm starting to feel regret making this thread. Shame, too, because Blomkamp's visuals are awesome. He just doesn't know how to write a fucking back story.
  15. Phone is starting to act up. Not sure why. Even though I have the sound enabled I no longer get sound for text messages and other notifications. Firefox was being retarded on it too. Kept interrupting prior apps I was using going to the same web page every time, so i uninstalled it.
  16. Who the hell calls from Antarctica?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ambermonk


      They are smarter berds than we give them credit for.

    3. ambermonk


      NIN - March of the Pigs should have been on the soundtrack of March of the Penguins. But at least it was narrated by Morgan Freeman.

    4. barbu


      arctic ants

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