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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. It won't happen overnight, but the GOP will probably implode under this administration down the road.
  2. This one's actually pretty dopeno it's not. The design of this robot makes no sense at all, especially the legs. It's infuriating! Fine. Give it more modern-style dog legs instead of flamingo legs and we'll call it a day.
  3. I just ate a raw garlic clove. And it was the most bitter, potent raw vegetable I've ever eaten. I was worried I was catching a cold, but the symptoms seem to have faded already. Coincidence?
  4. I remember watching Ed Wood years ago but I forgot about that scene. But I do remember the one where the Bela Lugosi character shot up heroin right before pretending to be attacked by a fake octopus, lol
  5. "A race of super billionaires will run the world!" Pretty sure that's already happening.
  6. Decided to try Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath on Android. The original game came out in early 2005 apparently. But it's nice to be able to play it anywhere on my phone. Pretty fun, and solid voice acting. Though I'm not sure if any of the characters from the older Oddworld games with Abe will show up or not. I guess the only thing they have in common really is taking place in the same game universe.
  7. Not sure if that's a safe bet right now, at least not until 2019. But if we see a fairly frequent turnover rate within the administration, that just shows how flawed and troubled it is. AG Jeff Sessions could be on the chopping block next.
  8. Idiotic right-wing trolls all over FB these days
  9. She's probably doomed to become an alcoholic throughout adulthood now.
  10. Indeed. We need more politicians like him with the balls to hold this shit pile of an administration accountable.
  11. Do you really believe half the shit that comes out of his mouth?
  12. I could see Putin and his closest advisors inviting Trump to a round table for a series of toasts until he passes out from vodka. Then he wakes up, finding himself in an outdoor enclosure with a pissed-off gorilla staring him down.
  13. Took me a long-ass time too. I managed to reach lvl 54 on my last playthrough, and opted to push thru the DLCs first before the main quest line. Apparently there's still plenty of quests and locations I haven't yet discovered. If only Bethesda could've given Fallout 4 the amount of depth they did Skyrim...
  14. Went to the eastern European grocery shop in town after work, but forgot that they're closed on Sundays. Was hoping to resupply on kvass, and pick up some blini crepes and piroshki. I was there yesterday and shoulda bought some there and then. Ah well, there's still tomorrow.
  15. This is actually a plausible scenario
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