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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I solved the crashing problem with DX:MD. Had to disable everything on my DLC list on Steam. I was able to clear that hurdle for the time being. Still could use a patch tho. As far as NMS goes, more patches are supposedly under way.
  2. I put close to 2 hours into DX: Mankind Divided. I was enjoying it up until the arrival in Prague, when it crashed during a first-person cutscene. Launched it a second time, same thing. Third time...same thing. So looks like I can't progress beyond that point until Eidos patches it. Is it more common now for AAA titles to still have bugs upon release?
  3. Zoominati confirmed [youtubehd]NblUhm2Hd3Y[/youtubehd]
  4. God damn scheming Goblins. It was all a Goblin inside job. They were behind the (activates sound and lets it loop all day before leaving for work)
  5. DX: Mankind Divided will likely be my last AAA-title game purchase for the year. Aside from Star Citizen and Nightdive's reboot of System Shock, there's nothing else I'm really anticipating in the foreseeable future game-wise. I still wonder if development for Routine is still alive, but Lunar's last update was 8 months ago... In the meantime, I think I've played NMS enough now to process the initial learning curve. It's by and large an exploration & resource management game, with combat being secondary, for when the occasional predator comes after you. I'm growing to accept it for what it is, rather than comparing it to contemporary fast-paced shooters, which it was clearly intended not to be. I probably haven't been as productive outside of work as I could be, but...eventually.
  6. Guess I should delve into NMS at least while I'm waiting for DX: Mankind Divided to unlock. Only two days left. I watched a couple of demos for Star Citizen. Looks like there's actual gunfights involved in the combat, along with the option to disable gravity therein. No doubt they're gonna do everything to deliver on SC what NMS fell short on.
  7. That's pretty much a key ingredient. Same with chickpeas and garlic. Do you normally make it out of the blender, or mix it up manually?
  8. Apparently I'm past due on my first ever property tax payment. I have the exemption form yet to fill out too, though I don't know whether it'll have any effect. I'm about to get hit hard financially either way. Fuck adulthood right now.
  9. You need to hold down the button on that white screen. No white screen appears tho. I'm playing on PC. The title appears briefly on screen and then fades, and just gets that never-ending space travel screen. Still unresponsive when I hold any mouse or keyboard button. EDIT: I was just impatient. Had to wait about three minutes for the white screen to appear. Looks like I started off on an extreme heat planet right off the bat. Have to head to work right now though, will play around with it more later. Cheers.
  10. Finally got around to launching NMS, but after the title appears it just an infinite space warp screen but nothing happens when I press anything. This is after the patch they just released too. I wonder if I'm not doing something correctly, or HG needs to work on yet another patch. I'd hate to see my scratch go to waste.
  11. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    acdwn2 is my top track. I get a vague nostalgic vibe from it for some reason. Maybe it reminds me of music from more obscure SNES titles. Also makes me think of dashing thru a tropical rain forest. I like eastre as well, but you have to be in the right mood. Definitely not a sunshine-y piece. It's something more fitting for abandoned ruins I think, whether it be former Olympic sites or millennia-old crumbled buildings.
  12. Dakota Access is trying to build an oil pipeline that would cut through the Lakota reservation in ND, and now they're trying to sue them for protesting: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/dakota-access-pipeline-owners-sue-north-dakota-protesters-41400325 Sociopathic, greedy bastards. These corporations have no soul. They are a cancer, and no matter how much grand wealth they accumulate, they are never satisfied.
  13. Proteus was released early 2013 if I remember right. I played it for only a couple of hours. I don't consider it a game in the traditional sense. It's more a tangible outlet for meditation to me, almost a dream simulator if that makes sense. Still holding off on NMS for the time being, even though I purchased and downloaded already.
  14. Shouldn't it be "moot" point? Kind of reminds me when some people mispronounce "nuclear" as "nookyoolur", they sound like dumb rednecks
  15. I might try NMS later on then. I already have it downloaded, but I'm not in a hurry. I've been a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan boy for over five years now, as it's one of those franchises that have such high replay value thanks to a thriving mod community.
  16. I pre-ordered NMS back in March and it took me about 20 minutes to download from start to finish, since it was only about 2.6 G. But I'm wondering if I should hold of trying it until it gets smoothed out and updated more. I just hope it doesn't end up being a waste of money, because it's gotten largely mixed reviews so far. In the meantime, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl mod for CoP has been pretty immersive so far. But I often have to run back and forth to the same mechanic across maps just to get my armor repaired when I have enough rubles.
  17. Clintrump 2-2-2016 We'll be a radioactive Waterworld before you know it
  18. ^ Especially if they take the Deus Ex approach with amputees. Then I'd actually be interested in the Olympics again. That's partly why Oscar Pistorius got my attention four years ago. But then he pretty much ruined his legacy with the whole murder trial regarding his gf
  19. No, they didn't lie. Their audience just didn't grasp the concept that players can't actually set up their meetings in-game as they would in contemporary multiplayer scenarios. Again, the razor-thin probability that they do cross paths is completely incidental. It may very well be the first interface of its kind, so obviously not many people have gotten familiar with it yet.
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