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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Been playing GTA V sporadically lately, after uninstalling about 85 percent of my Steam games I've installed in the past year. But I'm tempted to get back into Strife from 1996 again, of all things, which is considered the first official FPS-RPG hybrid. It's one of those games that was a commercial flop but garnered a cult following, mainly due to timing and the fact that it used the Doom engine. Just bought the Steam version yesterday. Anyway, something to keep occupied with til November 10th for FO4. That and working on music.
  2. fanx GTA V [youtubehd]eU4ZvfkmOck[/youtubehd]
  3. I remember you saying you were scheduled to head to the DPRK at some point. Even watching the video is surreal...looks almost like WWII stock footage but in modern motion picture.
  4. Pretty sure that was the same Subway I went to last week. Gotta love Anchorage. It still has decent folk, but it's become increasingly violent and junkie-ridden in recent years. I'll likely never move back.
  5. Somehow reminds me of Col. Kurtz's quote in Apocalypse Now! immediately before his assassination, about how young airmen are trained to bomb villages but aren't allowed write the word "fuck" on their aircraft.
  6. I wish we still had that old Lowrey Genie organ. That thing was dope. I might still consider a Korg EMX-1 tho.
  7. Yeah I understand that's supposed to be a pretty powerful combination. Hopefully it won't take too big of a hit on budget tho. That's true, I've still never used an external controller. Guess I've often felt composition smart but gear dumb. Still, it's looking like a turning point soon for what tools to use.
  8. I'm in doubt as to whether I should continue to make music. Just finished a 7:32 trac yesterday with Fruity, which took over a week, but the "validation" factor is almost non-existent. But I couldn't care less about making coin off of it. Butthurt aside, maybe I've reached my limits with FL anyway. Time to look into Ableton or Max, maybe? I wonder which is more widely recommended.
  9. Bacon, Dodge pickups, Budweiser, and AR-15s. Oh, and mullets.
  10. Yeah Steph I would get some blood pressure meds for sure
  11. Your boss sounds like a straight-up asshole. I'd jump ship as soon as possible.
  12. Come on, Alaska isn't a ghetto. You don't know how good it seems compared to where I moved to. Ever since I got to Southern Maryland, all I've wanted was to go back to Alaska. When was the last time you were there? Lately it seems like there's someone getting shot or stabbed every week...large pickups racing down the highway and Fast and Furious wannabes screaming down city streets in their gay-ass spoiler cars...shitty bars...understaffed law enforcement...meth addicts all over...in Anch at least. Maybe I've been living here too long, but I swear it's gotten more chaotic over the past five years. There's your problem right there. She probably wasn't that into you mang. Go find a girl who gets dilated pupils, fidgety and won't stop touching her hair when she's around you. They're out there for you and you'll have a hell of a good time. Fuck that "nice guy" shit. Bye Felicia. Agreed. From my viewpoint (having known people like this) the girls who only like bad boys tend to be immature, superficial and lack any genuine emotional depth whatsoever. They also tend to be looking for a boyfriend like that to piss off "mummy and daddy". Someone like that would never make you happy. Sounds about right.
  13. I think I'm finally convinced - I wanna get the hell out of Alaska by next spring. It was like coming home to a ghetto after my AE NA trip.
  14. Man, I love Vietnamese food. Now I'm jealous.
  15. It would be dope to meet him one day actually (no homo)
  16. I'll keep you posted! Seeking fame isn't worth sacrificing privacy i.m.o.
  17. Just make some noises you like, dogg. Worrying about quality is pure sand in the gears +1 Can you imagine if everyone quit making music because they heard how good AE is? The music making process is cathartic for me. I need to get back into it. True. Besides, comparing oneself to others is high school mentality. Back to it, then.
  18. Feeling almost bipolar when considering my next music project. Right now there's nothing better than Ae NA 2015 to get inspired by, but at the same time I keep thinking anything I make won't even come close to the skill level of their performance. But if succumb to self-doubt and decide to throw in the towel altogether...shit.
  19. You'll feel better after the Ae show in Boston I'm sure EDIT: Shit, I mean Brooklyn show. deeurrrrp
  20. Even if you were Indian, there's a good portion of the Indian population that doesn't speak Hindi and wouldn't say "namaste" to greet someone. India has around 2,000 different languages and dialects. Where are you from, though, if it isn't Australia? That's like being white in America and someone asking what part of Europe you're from.
  21. HAHAHA This is pretty good. It'd probably work and inspire people to quit facebook, starting a trend in quitting facebook. This has actually inspired me to go deactivate my FB account
  22. Was playing Raptor: CotS on my PC and suddenly the screen decides to go to Windows and rotate 90 degrees for no apparent reason, completely fucking up my game as a result. At least I reset it to landscape configuration, but it was a pain in the ass to navigate the fix. First time that's happened, and I hope it's the last. EDIT: More permanent fix discovered: Disable HotKeys in (Intel) Graphics Options after right-clicking on the Desktop. Apparently the Ctrl+Alt+Arrow HotKey for screen rotation was a default option, for whatever stupid reason.
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