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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. DX: Mankind Divided to be released 23rd Feb next year. Didn't bother posting the latest trailer here though cos I thought it was corny and was too focused on advertising "if you pre-order then you're a good dog here's a biscuit"
  2. Tried depositing money into my PayPal wallet before attempting to send it, but I have to wait four days for it to actually get deposited. Wanted to get it all done today, dammit. But at least I'm not subject to any deadline.
  3. See a promising line-up for the next eight months or so, but still eager to know how the UK developers Hello Games & Lunar Software are doing, on No Man's Sky & Routine, respectively. Really like the style of both.
  4. O.K. Dilankex Ae rmx still holds up

  5. Canned Pacific saury & canned bamboo shoots over freshly cooked rice, complemented by French-pressed Kenya Ngutu coffee I grinded & brewed this morning. It's OK to say I have unusual taste.
  6. lol apparently so. Must have been a toilet storm of the centuries.
  7. Playin XCOM: Enemy Within thru the Long War mod. The gameplay so far feels more like that of the original MicroProse game, with larger squads and different Interceptor tactics available. But there's also more gear, soldier and MEC classes, weapons, missions, etc. Dr. Vahlen is being annoying though. On top of her infamous complaints about the use of explosives compromising Alien artifacts, she won't stop bitching about not having enough scientists to help her with research. Just cool your jets, frau. Jeez.
  8. My bulgogi cheesesteak sammiches were a hit @ work today. They were so good that everyone was silent as they ate. Came up with the idea on Monday, and wasn't sure how it'd fly, since it was semi-experimental. But my coworkers loved it.
  9. I'm tempted to create a Donald Trump-bashing thread now, cos he just won't stop trolling. But then again that may draw unwanted attention from outside parties. I dunno.
  10. Whereabouts, if you don't mind my asking? Sorry, I know I go on about Japan a lot. Flying in to Osaka, spending a few days there, then heading to Tokyo for Square Sounds, playing the after party and staying a few days, heading to Kyoto to play at 1H1D and a friend's wedding, then back to Osaka for a couple days before heading back. Almost three weeks in total! Gonna be great once I figure out my money situation. Nice :) Yeah sounds like it ought to be a good trip. Good luck getting your funds sorted out. Might consider returning there next March myself. It's been just over seven years now.
  11. Sorry that shit happened Npoess. I have an idea tho, which may sound a little far-fetched. What if several of us pitched in some dough, in case you wanted to invest in replacements? Hope that's not being inappropriate. Whereabouts, if you don't mind my asking? Sorry, I know I go on about Japan a lot.
  12. Been playing F:NV again for probably the twelfth time now, but I'm starting to think new AFX official burnout is imminent. Seems like I spend more time scrounging for loot than I do shooting bad guys. Already know the maps, quests, etc like the back of my hand. Maybe it's time to drop it and move on to something else. XCOM: Enemy Within on Long War maybe. Haven't tried it on that mode yet. Besides, shooters are all I've been playing for the past nine months straight. Kinda wanna buy GTA V, but still trying to save up for when I fly south for AeNA in a month.
  13. If I'm not mistaken, it was Ben Franklin who quoth, "Those who are willing to sacrifice a little liberty to gain a little security deserve neither and will lose both." Ironic, really.
  14. Saw on the news that NYPD officers were checking people's bags before boarding the subway. Da fuc. Must be a knee-jerk reaction to that recent thwarted gunman attack on that train in France. Haven't been to NYC since March 2003, but this oh-no-terrorist-attack-everybody-act-scared-and-accept-increased-security bullshit is getting old.
  15. Matcha-flavoured Pocky sticks w/ black Kauai coffee. Nothing fancy, but good enough.
  16. Heard gunfire just before 2 AM this morning. I'm actually house-sitting right now, so this is never an issue in the town I live, but a few minutes later I witnessed two police cars race down the street I'm staying on, and then an ambulance about 20 min later down the same street. Saw later on the local news this morning that one guy was killed, but no reports on who gunned him down. I used to be in a prolonged gun-obsession phase myself, but that's pretty much behind me. I understand that citizens would need them for hunting and/or self-defense, but I don't think they should be allowed in the hands of crazy degenerate fucks, which we seem to be getting more of. I don't see myself ever buying another one, at least in the foreseeable future.
  17. I'm debating whether to get video recordings of the Ae North America tour a month from now. But the amount of awkward might be too much if I upload them on FB for public viewing. Unless I customize it to where only friends who are already into Ae can see them. I've always regarded them as a closely-guarded secret from the uninitiated, as weird and culty as that sounds. Either way, I'm pretty much done with the validation game on social media sites.
  18. ^ IDM BEBY [youtubehd]4rY7ecGOJ74[/youtubehd]
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