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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I just now realized who she is too. She must be your guardian angel or something Baph.
  2. ^ IQ of Harlem Shake participants confirmed. [youtubehd]kq7DDk8eLs8[/youtubehd] It is not an actual person that falls in. It's a garbage bag of food waste they're testing.
  3. 'Grats to everyone on this page so far. I swapped my truck tires out as I was getting off work today. The job goes a hell of a lot faster with an air wrench. I feel kind of like one of those pit stop service attendants at the Indy 500, thanks to the basic mechanic skills I've picked up the past several years.
  4. Welcome to the club brah. I never had a GF to begin with, but I feel less insecure about it now than I used to. (Assholes gonna laugh, haters gonna hate, etc.) get one, dude. I've seen you talk about it a couple of times, it's obvious you want a girl in your life. you're a good guy. I'm sure you'd be happy with someone if you tried. Appreciate the input, as before. Sweepstakes often tells me the same thing. My fear of trying might be the very reason I've never partnered up before. I dunno, it's a complicated feeling, and an obvious weak point of mine - something I've constantly repressed. I hope I'm not derailing the thread here.
  5. Talk about a trip down memory lane. I remember getting into Hexen whilst growing up. Best one in the series IMO, despite the dated graphics. Human Revolution is good too, but Invisible War was shit. DX1 is one of the best games in gaming history...IMO. Welcome to the club brah. I never had a GF to begin with, but I feel less insecure about it now than I used to. (Assholes gonna laugh, haters gonna hate, etc.)
  6. what the hell kind of bird is singing. it sounds like a broken piccolo.

    1. Hugh Mughnus
    2. ambermonk


      I was thinking more the mini-flute, not the genie-lookin' dude

  7. I'm well into S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat now, and figured out how to make loads of cash and find all the tools necessary for full gear upgrades. Never imagined sprinting was possible in an Exoskeleton until today. Also completed some side quests that I missed on my previous run-through last year which boost reputation with Stalkers at the Skadovsk and Yanov hubs.
  8. Got at least three FWPs going on right now, but I'm too tired to whinge about them. Shit, I already forgot what one of them was.
  9. Took this one at an outlook on my city's western coast about two hours ago. Has kind of that minimalist BoC lo-fi aesthetic.
  10. I'm about to head out the door to meet with a chick I might be sharing a place with starting next month. She seems nice, but I'm still nervous. Kind of feels like a blind date.
  11. You're playing as a Siren, right? The Commando's Scorpio turret really comes in handy in situations like these. But again, I've never tried the Siren. Maybe try chucking grenades in an attempt to fend of the lesser Skags while focusing your guns on the bigger ones? There are different types of grenade mods too, among which Transfusion is my fav. Singularity mods are nice in BL2, but I don't remember if they were in the first game.
  12. I heard about that earlier. Apparently the three women were held captive for over a decade. Crazy shit.
  13. Glad you're OK, Baph. That must have been a nightmare.
  14. Probably the most hilarious yet misunderstood character on the show [youtubehd]wI_Kvt3KCs8[/youtubehd]
  15. I thought so at first too, but apparently there is a Save option. It might be at the nearest Liberated Garrison, I'm not sure. You might not be able to save while story missions are active tho.
  16. Never really tried playing as the Siren (Lilith) or Berserker (Brick) in BL1. I liked playing as the Commando (Roland) because his turret comes in handy when you have bad guys swarming you. In BL2 however I maxed out my Siren character (Maya). I mainly chose her because she's hot lol. Her special ability is different from Lilith's though.
  17. It's also a Mexican holiday. As much as I enjoy Mexican food, I'm gonna steer clear of the restaurants because they're always crowded as shit on Cinco de Mayo.
  18. lol. I don't remember Disneyland having clockwork US presidents with Gatling guns though. Maybe some day though... It's been over a year since I've played BL1. I find it's best to do all the side missions before doing the main ones. Bone Head is the big psycho guy in Fyrestone right? Best strategy I know of is to keep your distance and just keep pelting him with bullets.
  19. (fist bump) I also like spraying bad guys with the Laser-upgraded Fazertron and the Terror 4000, or just using stealth take-downs. The cowering scientists provide endless lolz as well.
  20. lolll I'm sorry you're in that predicament Stephen. Her co-worker sounds like a real shit-for-brains. Sometimes life feels like walking on eggshells.
  21. Haven't really started it. Main start screen music is rad, though. The in-game music is totally bodacious too, along with many other aspects.
  22. & [youtubehd]AADbnoHpu9A[/youtubehd]
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