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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. After I sold my high-end desktop, I'm back to playing older PC gameness. My latest play is Deus Ex: Nihilum - a mod for DX1. It's been in development for years, and was just released a month ago. It's all new maps, story, characters, a few new guns, etc. Supposedly it also adds over 10 hours of gameplay over the original. I'm still in Hong Kong though, where the mod begins. It actually feels more like a DLC. Pretty cool so far, but sometimes it feels like a maze, and it's easy to get stuck in places. I do overall recommend it to DX1 fans tho.
  2. I'm kinda late to the TH party, but my copy finally arrived in the mail the other day, and I listened to it in its entirety about two or three times now. After BoC's seven-year hiatus, it sounds like their direction has changed to more of an ambient, desolate approach. Reach for the Dead keeps reminding me of Surripere on Ae's Draft 7.30 - might be the synth pad and chords. Can't think of a more detailed analysis ATM. They have changed their rhythms up a bit from previous works tho. Alright, back to lurking.
  3. 毎日運転しながらVitalicやん。いまは最高の電子ダンス音楽、俺の思いに。

    1. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      The Yan Vitalic while driving every day. Electronic dance music best, to think of me now.

  4. [youtubehd]UK-lGSYKaaM[/youtubehd]
  5. I hate the current place I live. Got stuck with some crazy hag who's "babysitting" the place while the owner is out of town for a couple weeks. She rambles on about a bunch of meaningless "spiritual" bullshit and keeps wanting to give us hugs and massages. And her son recently committed suicide, right before I first met her. So we all bolted for the weekend and she's there by herself. I'm glad it's only month-to-month rent, cuz I'm gonna GTFO as soon as I can. Fuck crazy old ladies. Oh, hi guys.
  6. After uninstalling and reinstalling about 5 times, then downloading and installing the latest patch (v2.4) and creating a "user.cfg" in the game directory and adding a special line at the bottom, I was finally able to reduce the weapon degradation rate to a reasonable level for System Shock 2. The default rate makes projectile weapons feel like they're made of cheap plastic as you can't even expend a whole mag for most guns before they wear down a level. However, disabling degradation altogether renders the in-game Maintenance skill useless. A rate of 0.25 seems ideal. Yeah they're pretty well fortified except for the back part of the body. They're hard to hit from the back, too.
  7. hyper koi pond

    1. Uniret


      hyprotemperamental vectrosis

    2. Ifeelspace


      itchy coo park

    3. Uniret


      cuntycoo parkisus

  8. Things took a turn for the better today though. I will update the situation in the FWS's thread, when it's all said and done.
  9. Come on down to calgary I have a place you can crash at! Alaska is cold. =( It is, especially this year. We had snow last weekend. SNOW! One of my fellow exchange students I studied in Japan with is also from Calgary, BTW.
  10. BEFORE [youtubehd]ujl9rx-RURo[/youtubehd] AFTER [youtubehd]xBBACu-R3Yo[/youtubehd]
  11. Latest Abk FWP: Still don't have a guaranteed place to live next month. I've never been homeless before, but that in itself isn't a guarantee either. But still...shit.
  12. *places football goal at bottom of hill*
  13. I wonder if it's only capable of moving backwards. It appears to deflate itself like a balloon as propulsion. It only makes that noise when threatened and the rest if the time moves like a regular frog. Except of course if you push it down a hill in which case I imagine it would roll down like a ball with legs. *imagines it falling down a hill legs flailing and making that sound, snorts with laughter* True, I 'spose one can't make a conclusion on the frog's locomotive capabilities on that vid alone. But still, your visualisation is hilarious.
  14. SS2 is definitely the type of game to lose sleep over, whether it's during or after playing.
  15. Playing System Shock 2 now, since it's recently been made available thru Steam. This is the first time I've played it in almost six years. I did have one minor technical issue at first though - no sound. All that needs to be done to correct it though is to go to the main menu, then to options, then audio, and turn off Hardware Acceleration. I've never played any of the Dead Space games, but it would seem that their blending of survival horror and sci-fi are very similar.
  16. [youtubehd]VXPOt_WEZfk[/youtubehd] Some of El-P's best production
  17. © 1988 CAMERICA CORP. / CAMERICA LTD. [youtubehd]ybJzjlY9iDo[/youtubehd]
  18. I wonder if it's only capable of moving backwards. It appears to deflate itself like a balloon as propulsion.
  19. I did, years ago. Never finished it, but I think I got close to the end.
  20. Stiegl, 16.9 oz can. I only drink on occasion tho. I'd probably be chugging more than that if I was hanging out with you guys IRL
  21. Irrational should make an official System Shock 3. The old-timey, artsy-fartsy Ayn Rand shit was legit, but I'd like to see something from them again that takes place in at least the 21st century, or 22nd.
  22. The latter segment of 1 1 is on Exai is arousing, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Man, it really is more challenging to type correctly after a beer.
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