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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Some of the RAAF personnel from Australia brought us beers @ work. Victoria Bitter, that is. I've not drunk it yet though, as I've had the cans chilling in the fridge at home. To anyone who has drunk VB before: Any good?
  2. I think my IQ might be gradually decreasing. Change your WATMM Gender to Female.
  3. Official HL3 trailer Pretty cool HL2 fan vid [youtubehd]5yCGRy_dR30[/youtubehd]
  4. I helped my roommate find a used laptop for fifty bucks after his previous one stopped working.
  5. REAL dubstep [youtubehd]Fk2QyaK7-Ww[/youtubehd]
  6. Yeah, keep playing and you'll see. As impressive as the environments are in the game, the gameplay is a bit lackluster compared to the original Bioshock. The Skylines were really the only truly innovative gameplay aspect.
  7. Well, this is the best link I could find for it: http://icasea.bandcamp.com/track/nightcamel-icaseatic-aching-melt-version-by-team-doyobi
  8. Hipatropic Doyobi Drive in Freefall and Skylight Red Omega are two of my favourite TD trax. The former is perfect for a clear summer evening, and the latter is great for just an adrenaline rush. Too bad I can't find their remix of Antennasia's "Night Camel" on the 'Tube or Vimeo though. It was on the Japan Benefit Relief Comp from two years ago. Fuckin' great track.
  9. In Call of Pripyat? As odd as it sounds, your best approach is to actually get close to him, so he can't use his psionic attack on you. He does have a melee attack in CoP though. In Shadow of Chernobyl, the best approach is to simply dash right up to the fucker and knife him, as he has no close quarters defence in the first game.
  10. Agreed about Fallout: New Vegas. That game has a special place in my asexual gamer heart. Yeah visibility quickly vanishes upon nightfall in CoP, and can be especially unnerving when a Chimera is snooping around in the dark. The periodic Emission heightens the sense of discomfort as well, but at least warnings of an approaching Emission become apparent at least a minute or two prior.
  11. Gave up on the HL2 Black Mesa mod because it was getting too frustrating. So I'm back to playing good ol' GET OUT OF HERE S.T.A.L.K.E.R. With the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Complete mod installed though, the NPCs no longer utter those memorable quotes to no end.
  12. Stupid god damn laser mines in the booby-trapped section of the "surface tension" chapter in the HL2 Black Mesa mod...fuckin' impossible. There were several frustrating moments throughout the game. I don't remember if the original Half-Life was this frustrating. I'll probably just give up and play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. again instead.
  13. It will be as soon as this thread gets pinned
  14. I just watched it tonight, and my impression was the same overall. I found the visuals to be more impressive than the plot. It's not so much the symbolism in class struggle I found underwhelming, as it was the way the characters progressed. I dunno, it felt like something in the story was missing or needed improvement.
  15. I can't really add anything that A/D hasn't already, except that we're here for you, Stephen. I may act like a retard most of the time here on WATMM, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the hard times my fellow members go through, especially in your case. If I were physically in your vicinity I'd be willing to talk in person, but even if it's behind a computer monitor in a remote location, I'll send thoughts your way. Hang in there brother.
  16. lol. they certainly aren't shy about self-expression. BTW if that beach you were at is in NJ, I may have actually been there once during my childhood.
  17. Yeah Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a solid game overall, except for the boss fights. It's about on par with the original. DX: Invisible War was a steamy fecal pile. I'm playing Black Mesa now, which is the original Half-Life remastered by a third party for Valve's Source engine. It basically fixes the problem of the lackluster Half-Life: Source engine. Instead of just a mere porting over of the original game to Source, it's been entirely reworked from the ground up.
  18. Facebook is sort of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario I think. If you use it, you're damned with all the annoying mundane status feeds as mentioned above, as well as potential privacy invasion by shady entities. But if you don't use it, keeping in touch with people in your life today becomes more difficult.
  19. Not all IDM fans are autistic recluses

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Uniret


      Not all IDM fans are autechre recluses

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Not all recluses are autistechre

    4. Uniret


      not all all are all

  20. [youtubehd]6HzyUHxmkg0[/youtubehd] Had no idea these guys were on our beloved Warp label at first. Regardless, I feel like I'm late to the party with this savage piece.
  21. Nostalgia trip right there. Refreshes memories of popping in game discs like Alien Trilogy and the first Resident Evil back in 1996.
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