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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Grandfather's in the hospital, but his respiratory function has supposedly improved. This year's been a damn roller coaster, I tell you.
  2. Haha I just found out about this. I fLOL'd. And the fact that people are up in arms over it makes it even more hilarious.
  3. Haven't done any obligatory X-mas shopping yet, and have no idea what to get for anyone. Also, it seems like more and more idiots are cropping up on the internet like jack rabbit pups, especially on major sites like [ f], YouTube, Reddit, etc. WATMM seems like the most intelligent place on the internet these days.
  4. If they're trying to make mochi, they're doing it wrong
  5. Sorry to hear that. Though I have no relationship experience to speak of, I can relate to how being a "nice guy" has disadvantages. And Glunk, if you're having bottled-up emotions, don't be afraid to talk about them with people you trust. Or fellow online community members you trust.
  6. Damn, that application of the title hadn't even occurred to me before. Well done, sir
  7. Okay. (urination commences) On a more serious note, if I've waited for over two years, I can wait another three months. Ae are gonna get my scratch anyway.
  8. Playing Borderlands 2 again, currently as a Level 34 Siren (cuz she's hot ;) ) Hope to get to some of the "legendary" loot on the second playthrough. That requires reaching Level 50 though, to my understanding. As for the Bioshock: Infinite cover artwork poll, #5 gets my vote.
  9. Yup. "Exai" = phonetic iteration of Roman numeral "XI", meaning it's Ae's 11th LP.
  10. Just found out about this from The Designers Republic's Facebook feed. Woohoo! Well, we know it's not called Duntrfls now.
  11. I read it. Glad you were able to get the car moving again. Low car batteries seem to be commonplace where I live, especially in winter.
  12. Baddie Mob Macryah Hairy Montell George Washington Jordan
  13. Try going back to Megaton and asking Moira and Doc Church about the android. Doc Church is a real dick, BTW. Then find Pinkerton and ask him about it. He's in the broken-off part of the ship in Rivet City, so your best bet is to swim underneath it and enter thru the hatch at the bottom. Keep an eye on your Rads and O2 level though. And once you're in, watch out for traps and Mirelurks.
  14. In the lab where you find Dr. Li, there's an old dude with glasses named Dr. Zimmer (think that's his name). He's kind of a douche, but if you talk to him, he'll give you the quest you'll need to complete to get A3-21's gun. You'll have to take the alternative solution in the quest to get it though, instead of the one Zimmer requests.
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