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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Admit it - poop is funny

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ambermonk
    3. sweepstakes


      flush without lush? that's like a shift without a shit

    4. ambermonk


      #2 ^^+1 (note the pun)

  2. I'm no doctor. And this might sound counter-intuitive, but have you tried "rinsing" your ear in the shower? Also, I would recommend ear wax removal drops. You might find them at your local drug store, unless you've already tried both methods I've mentioned.
  3. Congrats! You're in for an adventure. In a way, it's like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64 but with way more guns and robots.
  4. I never understood the PEPS gun. you can stun a group of people if they're standing close together and only for a few seconds, then they recover fairly quickly and know you're there, they set off alarms and all that. you're no longer a ghost. I had absolutely no use for that gun, as cool as it looked. I agree, the PEPS creates too much chaos to be a reliable stealth weapon. It's fun to knock shit around with though. I wonder if the developers got the idea from that weird gun Anderton used in the car factory scene in Minority Report.
  5. This http://youtu.be/Lwpr60W7EOk Even if I didn't set his mugshot as my avatar, I'd post this. Fuckin' classic bass guitar riff.
  6. I thought about FC3, but part of me tells me I should exercise restraint in buying any more big game hits this year. Only $9 for the remainder of the month though? I'm genuinely concerned for you, man. One thing you might consider is selling stuff. Two years ago I sold seven Nintendo DS games and three PS3 games at Gamestop. Didn't earn nearly as much scratch as I'd hoped, but I think it was enough to live off of until the next paycheck. Well, I paid my rent today. Turns out there was no late fee after all. Yay.
  7. Back to the Dishonored vs. Deus Ex: Human Revolution comparison. Both games encourage you to be stealthy, but I thought using a combination of stealth and non-lethal attacks was better executed in DE:HR. You have more options for the non-lethal approach. You can take down bad guys up close, use gas grenades (or mines), zap them with a stun gun, put them to sleep with the tranq rifle, or knock down a group of them with the PEPS, with a chance of them being unconscious as a result. For stealth, you can install and use a cloaking device to avoid detection by hostiles. The third-person crouch option is also handy when either using stealth or taking cover from enemy fire. Also, the game's endings are completely independent of the player's actions up to that point. In Dishonored, you can only sneak up behind them and suffocate them, or shoot them with sleep darts. If that's the only way to get the "good" ending in Dishonored, then to hell with that.
  8. I do the same with video games. At least we're not alone in either case.
  9. I've been doing online transfers on a regular basis for years. While I seldom write checks, I never know when I'll run across a situation that requires them.
  10. Um... mail in the check? FWP solved my latest: I am no longer drunk The lease office is literally a less-than-two-minute walk from my building though. Guess I'll slide it under their door if I get into this kind of bind again. Also, if not being drunk is an FWP, maybe whiskey and a piano is the solution.
  11. As bad as this sounds, it's generally more fun to kill people - that is, going Rambo. In games with multiple endings, I opt for the "good" ending every time. But working towards that goal in this game was so tedious that I pretty much gave up altogether.
  12. I guess I never properly thanked KY for starting a thread in which we can emotionally defecate. So, thanKYou. Latest Ambermonk FWP: 5.8 earthquake hit Anchorage about three hours ago. I was at work, and the building shook quite a bit. It was probably constructed in the 1940s, and considering it withstood a 9.4 earthquake in 1964, that fact was reassuring. Also, my apartment's lease office are dildos. I was unable to pay rent until this morning, and no one was in the office when I went there to pay. Also called them about five times to no avail. I will try tomorrow, but I will be pissed if they tack on a late fee.
  13. Those are custom suit skins I believe. They don't look that way by default. That's just for show.
  14. I know, but I don't care. It's just always the same bullshit coming from many gamers: 1. WE ARE THE ELITE GAMERS 2. THE OTHERS ARE STOOOPID KIDS AND THEIR GAME IS CRAP 3. MODERN GAMING IS STUPID AND FOR KIDS WITH ONE BRAIN CELL, OLD RETRO WAS THE ELITE 4. [Veteran sez] IF REMAKE!=ORIGINAL THEN REMAKE=CRAP; GOTO 1, 2 and 3 5. BIG STUDIOS ARE EVIL, INDIE DEVELOPERS ARE MAKING TEH WURLT BETTER! ...and so forth and so on. I'm really waiting for Kickstarter project members telling us they used the money for prostitutes and cocaine and in order to invest that money on NYSE and support of nuclear energy. I mean, do people really think b/w? Kickstarter guys soooo socialistically gooodddd? Big guys sooooo evil? XCOM:EU doesn't want to be like the original UFO:EU and it isn't. It is a great strategy game after all (the tactical map). Xenonauts is more for the friends of micromanagement. I'm both depending on my mood. Some gamers really talk so much black and white bullshit. I mean I do both. Doing heavily geekish micro-organization of things in Dwarf Fortress and in the next hour I just go out and kill players in Arma Multiplayer. So what? Yeah it's retarded that they flip out because the new XCOM doesn't follow every single aspect of the original one that came out almost 19 years before it. That's a whole generation - what do they expect? The better-than-thou nostalgia nazis...get off your high horse, dudes. If you want to enjoy it, you gotta have an open mind. As for the new Bioshock: Infinite cover, it feels like it's missing something. Elizabeth, perhaps.
  15. At least once a day when I watch something on YouTube, this weird time stretch glitch occurs at random during the video. It's similar to the time stretch/granular effect Autechre use throughout Chiastic Slide. It only seems to happen on my computer though. Not so much a first world problem, as it is a first world anomaly.
  16. I had the same sentiments. The game doesn't require it, but suggests that you be as sneaky and non-lethal as possible. After a while I just wasn't feelin' it. Plus I'm more into sci-fi/post-apocalypse/cyberpunk world settings anyway.
  17. Poop Will Eat Itself Antipoop Consortium Gangrene Day
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQxQd3bwFF4&feature=colike
  19. I've played the original UFO: Enemy Unknown many times, but I enjoy the new one as well. A lot of fans of the original game slam the new one for not being enough like the original though.
  20. Ah, Sticky Buddy. Friend of mine introduced that clip to me last April. SB is the solution to FWPs involving excessive stray hairs and boogers. Just keep it out of reach of grandmas.
  21. Poo Fighters Deaf Melon Rage Against the Vending Machine* Nine Inch Snails Stabbing Backward Sneaky Pimps Boner Tugs In Harmony Fleetwood Big Mac Ginuwhine R. Smelly *(an actual episode name for a cartoon, though I forgot which one)
  22. I had Gangnam Style stuck in my head and almost thought about posting it. That might have resulted in serious injury or death to myself by other WATMM members though, or at the very least, banishment. I think listening to Keynell 3 again may have cured that.
  23. Nice. Reminds me a little of graffiti, but in a way it's like a hand-drawn rendering of Ae's Draft 7.30 album artwork. When it comes to art, I'm better at making comparative observations than abstract ones.
  24. Damn, Limpy. Sorry to hear about your girl. I'm glad she's recovered though. Our stories are proof that bad shit can happen even in "first world" places. We just gotta be safe, and be thankful for the people in our lives.
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