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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Snagged this underrated gem on sale for fifty-nine pennies
  2. I'd search under "NMS The Awakening quest Korvax Cartographer". Should narrow the search.
  3. No Man's Sky. Said by one of the Korvax (intergalactic race of robot people)
  4. I still wonder if Elon Musk is actually intelligent. Not sure if that was his birth name or had it legally changed at some point to make it sound more sci-fi.
  5. Still my favorite anime of all time (Dunno why Kaneda would abuse that sweet laser rifle like that tho)
  6. "I hate rap." 
    - Will Smith (4utechre Twitch stream)

  7. At least he has the courtesy to leave his rifle unloaded, but still. That's the embodiment of white privilege.
  8. True. The region has been under armistice since 1953.
  9. My Nissan Versa is almost paid off. But it's discount rack compared to something of Bond film caliber. Still runs fine though, so I can't complain.
  10. I've been using a Sennheiser HD-200 Pro set since about mid-March. Pretty good overall, but you definitely feel the bass.
  11. I 'member playing the 2013 remaster once, but the voice acting/dialogue was so cringe that I had to stop. I think it was a sequel to Another World/Out Of This World, and prequel to Fade To Black which was full 3D (but kinda sucked). Was one of my favorite games on the SNES back then. And early Blizzard's game Blackthorne had very similar gameplay. Those of us who were here in early November 2013 might also remember a certain Featured Artist adopting the Flashback title artwork as his avatar...
  12. If true, life must be absolute hell rn for the surgeon. But I don't wanna spread this news until we have a solid.
  13. Void Bastards can absolutely be played in brief time bursts, as most vessel raids take about 10 minutes. Also if you have a Nintendo Switch it'll be available May 7th.
  14. Fujis have been my fave for the last two decades. Dunno what it is about them.
  15. XCOM: Chimera Squad just released. I completed two missions so far. Doesn't feel quite like an XCOM game in the traditional sense, but almost like a SWAT simulator. As before, the division between factions this time is no longer along lines of race or species, but rather along faith and motives. Interesting seeing how the franchise has evolved since the 90s. The new Breach game mechanic is pretty cool too, as this wasn't an official option in past installments and therefore players were easily prone to haphazard assaults into rooms or areas of high enemy concentration. Plus you no longer need any fancy tasers or other devices to capture live targets. You can simply subdue them, but you have to be in melee range. My cousin has been talking fondly about this game, and the reviews appear to back that up. Guess I'll have to add it to my wish list.
  16. "Science is for Commies!"
  17. Sakura (cherry blossom) season is right around the corner. I guarantee those won't get touched. But AFAIK hanami events have pretty much been cancelled this year anyway.
  18. Trump is gonna get his voter base killed. Fuckin idiot. We all know they're the only ones who'll actually take his advice.
  19. I'm sticking with bottle caps, as that's a more plausible form of currency if pop culture from the last decade has taught us anything. Already been stockpiling at home.
  20. That was about six centuries before modern sanitation products though. Turns out even the Spanish flu a century ago saw only a fraction of the deaths that the Black Death did. Although that doesn't mean we can downplay the current pandemic. AFAIK the global death toll has surpassed 180,000 as of today, after a steady rise since the beginning of this month: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/total-deaths-covid-19 But I think we're more likely to survive if we're smart, cautious, and diligent. Obv some people in my country are doing the opposite.
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