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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. It's already obvious which candidate I support the most, but I'm still saddened by Andrew Yang suspending his campaign. But it's understandable.
  2. Boring until 1:08 Frog initially sounds like end of random Ae trac
  3. I've been adding seasoned ghee to my coffee lately. Slightly too savory on its own, but I've found that adding a little bit of ground cloves helps balance the flavor.
  4. Which is why indie devs have been filling the PR vacuum the last few years. I still have faith in Id Software with Doom Eternal around the corner though, even if they're still beholden to Bethesda the publisher. And I'm cautiously optimistic about Valve with HL: Alyx, even tho I don't have a VR set. They've made Steam a pretty robust service over the last two decades tho. Seems like smaller dev teams are are tighter-knit, more manageable, and personable, which is why indies are so successful these days.
  5. I commend him for remaining steadfast and resilient against the 'beetus. A true warrior.
  6. Nice. AFAIK Eritrea was part of Ethiopia until 1993, following the country's civil war from 1974 to 1991.Obviously the Eritrean separatists got what they wanted in the end. But I digress. I actually ordered an electric mitad this morning on Amazon for cooking up injera. I hope to do my next batch better than the last one. And I want to make my own niter kibbeh (basically Ethiopian version of ghee), which is supposedly also useful as both a skin and coffee enhancer. I personally only got introduced to Ethiopian/Eritrean cuisine one month ago via a local restaurant, but it's already becoming one of my faves. And now I regret doing a Google search on "sounding"...but thankfully no graphic images came up.
  7. (Fighting urge to post Lego City memes in this thread)
  8. Damn. Sounds like they went a similar fate that Mundfish did with Atomic Heart last year. TBH tho I wasn't fond of the SS3 SHODAN look anyway...too human-like. At least Nightdive are still plugging along with their reboot of the original.
  9. Damn that's crazy. Sounds like straight-up 1970s analogue synths running thru spring reverb. Also lol at the end. What's he planning on doing with that torch, I wonder?
  10. Was gonna just use the "sad" reaction at first, but there was no way to indicate it as sarcasm without making this post.
  11. Once you're done in the North I mean. You can do it in any order you want. But I just learned that it's easier to start in the East and work your way counter-clockwise by region.
  12. Oh yeah, the Hierophant. I'd head East next, but that's just me.
  13. I've been playing it for just under a week, so I'm still new to it. But I'm having a blast. The Flow Fire devs just updated it with a patch, so I'm guessing whatever bugs it had before got sanded out. What's your favorite class? I've gotten most adept as Breacher and Raider.
  14. I made misir wat (Ethiopian red lentils) and injera (flat bread) for the first time...sorta. But I botched the injera texture. I probably used way too much flour and it turned out more like a pancake, when it's supposed to be thinner, spongier, and more porous. But I did have it fermenting since Mon night, so at least I didn't skip that step. Just have to use proper yeast next time, since I didn't have any when I made the batter and used baking soda and lime juice instead as a substitute. Otherwise the flavor was agreeable overall. Just ended up dishing the quasi-injera into a bowl, scooping the misir wat on top, and eating the whole thing with a spoon. Still works.
  15. House Dems were in a "damned if we do, damned if we don't" situation with impeachment. If they didn't impeach, then they ran the risk of enabling Trump, effectively granting him completely free reign. thereby appearing totally weak to Democratic voters. But I'm sure that Pelosi and other Dems in the House were keenly aware that an impeachment attempt could get shot down under a Republican senate majority even before they pulled the trigger. They made the decision knowing that the odds were against them, but their primary focus was to uphold the Constitution. Doesn't mean all is lost though. Trump's acquittal was a blatant obstruction of justice, even if his supporters are completely blind to it. If he does indeed get re-elected but Dems hold the House and gain Senate control, then a second round of impeachment is almost guaranteed. A lot can happen in the next nine months though.
  16. Sounds like the GOP are on the path to totalitarianism. But they don't get it. One can't just rewrite history.
  17. So for poor, homeless, and otherwise disenfranchised people to be in possession of drugs...misdemeanor or even felony. But for an orange guy born into wealth and power and become POTUS on top of drug possession...acquittal. And I realize my referring to Trump supporters as "tards" earlier has been deemed offensive. My intention was strictly as a jab at said political faction, not at actual persons born with disabilities. But I realize my use of the term was in poor taste regardless. So I will be more careful about my choice of words in the future. So yeah...I apologize.
  18. Synthetik is still awesome. Just defeated the second boss. And before that one of the devs hopped onto the global chat casually announcing that a sequel is already in the works. Seriously tho, can't recommend this game enough. Solid aesthetics, sound design is beefy af, gun play feels realistic, and there's so much weapon, enemy, and power-up variety. Currently my favorite non-first-person game.
  19. Anime girls are everywhere now, at least online. They used to be just a weeb thing in the late 90s and 00s, and before that seemingly exclusive to Japan. I guarantee someone in the world will attempt to create a living one IRL, whether it be a product of genetic engineering or robotics. I think so far Anastasiya Shpagina is the closest we've come. They are cute and scary...kawaii and kowai...at the same time. But at least they make good meme fodder.
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