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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I didn't vote for the motherfucker. I wanted him gone from day one. Can't say I blame Iraq. I don't care if that sounds like treason. We've been taken hostage by a complete madman.
  2. I never thought I'd see a connection drawn between synths and porn until today. I reckon if you detune an oscillator to the point where it reaches alpha waves, then that could be potentially stimulating, idk
  3. Interesting that the Middle East and North Africa appear to have the least alcohol consumption according to that map. Could have something to do with the dominant religion on those regions. When I lived in Japan a fellow exchange student of Pakistani descent from east London swore not to touch alcohol or pork for the duration of his stay, but that pretty much went out the window about two or three months in.
  4. Tuna supposedly has more protein than salmon, but salmon tastes better imho. Then again, salmon supposedly has slightly higher fat content, so that may be why. ?
  5. I just realized there won't be a WWIII after all because Trump doesn't have any allies left lol
  6. Apparently they love to drink in Uganda, according to the geo-alcoholism map. Some have allegedly reported bear sightings as well under said influence
  7. Man, Unity seems versatile af. That's what games like The Long Dark, Escape From Tarkov, and Void Bastards were developed on. I considered learning it myself at some point, but idk how steep of a learning curve it would be for beginners.
  8. I remember playing the DX: Nihilum mod for the original Deus Ex back in 2013. Project Brutality is nuts. I like Slayer's Rampage too. Isn't Boneworks a Source engine game? Maybe all I'm missing is a VR set in order to play.
  9. With mobile games especially microtransactions are pretty much a given. I'm guilty of falling into the trap myself, but have become more cautious lately. There is still hope for the game industry though. Way I see it, where much of the AAA falters, indie developers are proliferating at an unprecedented rate and filling the vacuum, as they are the ones actually spearheading innovation. Same with mod teams on existing well-known titles like classic Doom, Fallout 4, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R..
  10. Perhaps this is a "damned if we did, damned if we didn't" scenario with taking out Soleimani. But Trump just kicked the hornet's nest with this move as far as I'm concerned. I guess escalation was inevitable the moment we pulled out of the nuclear deal. I fear for the ramifications not just in the Middle East, but domestically. Wouldn't surprise me if right-wing propaganda outlets like FOX News ramp up their hawk rhetoric. They'll come up with some bullshit like "if you're anti-war, then you're anti-American." I wouldn't rule out Trump trying to impose martial law later in the year at some point, depending on how impeachment proceedings and this election cycle unfold. This is the closest we've ever come to fascism at least in my lifetime.
  11. Yeah it's becoming more evident that older games are more popular anyway. The AAA titans seem increasingly on-board with pushing the live service bullshit, which Bethesda have effectively killed the Fallout franchise with. Even the next Bioshock game might be going that route from what I've heard. And I was curious about The Outer Worlds until just last night, after I caught wind of a video review on its mediocrity compared to Obsidian's previous titles, especially Fallout: New Vegas. Regardless, video games will continue to be a mental diversion for me from the downward spiral that the world seems to be on course with. Plus it's f-ing freezing outside lately where I live.
  12. I was surprisingly not hungover this New Year like I expected, even after a couple of 12 oz cans of Modelo, a tall glass of homemade chelada, at least two shots of Crown Royal, and about three sips of cognac. Perhaps the pizza helped, I dunno
  13. Sonofabitch. Remember when we thought Dubya was the worst president to date? Granted he's still a piece of shit, but this...
  14. I'm still debating whether to buy a new high-performance PC for gaming this year. I can afford one now, but the question is whether it's a wise decision given that my 2013 Lenovo laptop still does the job for most occasions. It has been showing its age in light of the latest AAA games though. But I prefer indies these days anyway. Maybe I'll buy a Switch Lite. Cost-wise it's much lower risk by comparison.
  15. At least we can rule out Trump appearing in another Home Alone movie ever again.
  16. Leftover room-temperature Costco pizza and beer was my first breakfast of 2020. No regrets.
  17. The third Austin Powers movie from 2002 was playing on the TV at my buddy's house after I had woken up from drinking fairly heavily the night before and having consumed leftover pizza and beer for breakfast. Surprisingly I wasn't feeling hungover considering how much I drank on NYE. But Austin Powers in general...idk. I guess it was most coveted by the American Gen X crowd at the time. But I just wasn't feeling the humor. The whole thing is cringey to me tbh.
  18. Glad they got fired. And may this idiocy be a permanent scar on their resume. The rest of humanity can't afford to be dragged back down into the dirt with these inbred shit stains.
  19. Steam Awards 2019 are in. TBH I was disappointed that Void Bastards and No Man's Sky didn't get nominated for Outstanding Visual Style and Labor of Love respectively. But then again they tend to have a smaller niche in player base compared to the games that did receive nomination. Steam Award GOTY 2019 goes to:
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