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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Apparently Trump just declared Iran's military a terrorist organization. The nerve of these assholes pushing for another war. Makes me sick.
  2. I just made 24 pieces of spam musubi for a work potluck tomorrow. Ended up having to cook another full 3-cup batch of rice halfway thru the assembly tho.
  3. Green tea and California chirashi-zushi (basically sushi in rice salad form sans seaweed)
  4. Well holy shit. I actually played that one as a kid. McDonald's seemed so innocent and magical back then.
  5. ^ I backed them a few days ago. I guess when it comes to a Doom tribute though it's actually preferable not to diverge too far from the original formula. But I'm stoked regardless. And here's some recent gameplay footage of Wrath - another upcoming throwback FPS
  6. Looks like the GOP in some southern states are trying to stop the proliferation of wind farms, one of them even going as far as declaring them a threat to national security: https://thinkprogress.org/renewables-wind-texas-north-carolina-attacks-4c09b565ae22/ But you know what? Fuck 'em. Renewables are the future whether they like it or not. And there's nothing their mob boss in the WH can do about it in the long run.
  7. Decaf coffee w/ green tea ice cream mochi Also just made a batch of homemade hummus for the first time in three years. Holy shite is it delish. Exceeded my expectations.
  8. However we approach the next election cycle, I think the important thing is to focus on issues that matter in potential debates, especially climate change and health care. Attacking Trump won't work, and we can't afford to fuck this up, regardless of whatever goat-fuck of a "strategy" he comes up with.
  9. howwwwwwwwwwwwww? I really don't understand! I have read online stories of people overcoming DOMS within 2-4 weeks of weight training. I've been doing it for years and still get muscle soreness regularly. Legs day yesterday and hard to walk today. Congrats though lol. Thanks mang. I've opted for a 3-day minimum cooldown between weight sessions, so 2 days of cardio (or rest) in between. I figured it's best not to do the same type of exercise two days in a row, so as not to risk burnout or injury. Congrats! And you reminded me I need to buy some new tires. Damn. Thanks :) And it seems I picked the perfect time for tire change, since it snowed today...wtf. But the snow is temporary at this point I'm sure.
  10. I changed out my winter tires and had my all-season set installed on my car yesterday. Also I've overcome the initial soreness phase of weight lifting.
  11. I got that too, I tried playing it for a bit but couldn't get into it. Something about it that just feels off, something in the movement. I'll give it another try though. DUSK had me wanting to play through from beginning to end, though. I'm also looking forward to Prodeus. I felt iffy about Project Warlock at first too. But after you complete the first episode it turns out the array of environments and enemies throughout the game is much more diverse than it initially appears. Plus you get cool weapon upgrades. I think I left off on E2M7 of Dusk on Cero Miedo about three weeks ago when I got distracted by Risk Of Rain 2. But I might return to it after finishing Project Warlock. As for Prodeus, I just backed them on Kickstarter a few days ago. TBH I feel that indie devs are the true heroes of the game industry these days.
  12. I'm about halfway thru Project Warlock - an indie pixel FPS that came out last December. Cool aesthetics, good soundtrack, not disappointed. A must-try for the classic early 90s shooter fan base.
  13. The deck seems to be stacking in his favor. That can only be a good thing.
  14. She's probably the last moderate / centrist Republican in office and I say that because she had enough backbone to vote against Kavanaugh. Susan Collins and Flake are pretty much complacent at this point. 10, hell even 5 years ago I could still say there were reasonable. They've all since been voted out in primaries, retired or died. I'm skeptical of Romney and other "never Trumpers" in office biding their time, I think they've all either gone full-in or rather stay in office than risk switching parties. Same thing happened in Texas on the state level. Moderate Republicans don't exist anymore. Hell, the GOP as a centrist to conservative right wing party doesn't exist anymore. It's full blown right-wing nationalist populism. It's proto-fascism. Tea Party movement in 2008 started it, Trump ended it. Anyone not falling in line was out-funded in primaries, and bombarded with negative campaign ads via social media. In the 90s it was common for Republicans from the suburbs and metropolitan areas to be openly pro-choice or for family planning. In 2019 legislators are getting death threats for blocking bills that would make women who had abortions charged with capital murder. They went hard right, abandoned any sense of honesty and integrity, they relished in the loosened campaign finance laws, gerrymandered more districts, and successfully pushed for voter deterrence laws on the state level. The scary thing is instead of splitting into two parties and handing them Dems dominance they've made it impossible for true centrists to run, and likewise moved the goal post so that "centrism" in 2019 means "not really ok with racism, corruption, and top down oppression of the opposition." And my understanding with the increased polarization is that the GOP itself is shrinking. I mean, look at the captain of their ship. And freshmen congresswomen like AOC and Ilhan Omar have already been receiving death threats from the right, simply because of who they are. And the GOP heavy hitters like Mitch McConnell won't even bring any bills to the Senate floor for a vote that are intended to keep Trump's power in check. And John Bolton (aka the Evil Lorax) keeps beating the war drums over Iran, and for what? The Republican party as we know it now is rotten to the core. So they can either stage a mutiny, or let their ship sink under their lunatic captain.
  15. Had a shrimp po' boy & diet Dr. Pepper from Popeye's after my weight lifting session @ the gym. Counter-intuitive, I know.
  16. Recent indie pixel FPS game I discovered yesterday. This track reminds me of early 90s industrial. Catchy af imo
  17. I don't think I'll ever be on board with the cricket thing until we are truly post-apocalyptic. No worries, I won't hold it against ya. I chomped down more of them yesterday. I'm probably part lizard. But I did make some eggplant curry w/ jasmine rice about an hour ago. Shit was lit.
  18. It sounds a bit like that P90X program I saw back in 2010. Can't remember if I ordered it or not. But I've been taking advantage of free gym privileges as part of my work commute for the past year. It's been an ideal arrangement both financially and logistically. I think back when I started a year ago I just did 20 minutes of cardio (whether treadmill or stair master) per week, but then added 5 minutes every week, along with the smallest unit of speed added. Now I'm at a full hour. But I'm not sure yet what I can advise as far as weight lifting goes. Still in the early experimental phase of that myself.
  19. I just realized we've reached page 666 with this thread. Well done, WATMM. Well done.
  20. Just made some bomb-ass TEC curry (Tofu, Eggplant, & Chickpea). If I can suggest working the big muscles rather than every key muscle? Chest, back, shoulders, legs. And for the love of god, no sit-ups/crunches. Congrats on getting back into it :) Thank you sir :) I'm already avoiding sit-ups like the plague. Already tweaked my back a year ago by doing so, so I've been doing leg lifts, push-ups, and planks instead. And working those areas via weights is basically what I had in mind, especially the torso and glutes. I just don't wanna end up like one of those swole bros whose upper body looks like that of Roblox characters but has broomstick legs.
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