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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk


    Nah, I didn't get that impression of you. Only that you seemed less talkative IRL than on WATMM. (nothing wrong with that btw) It was indeed a crazy night, but worth every dollar and minute spent.
  2. Same. Across the board I reckon.
  3. Oh yeah, Gato Roboto is the closest non-Metroid game out there to classic Metroid. I think I'm about 12 percent in, but keep getting distracted by my second Void Bastards playthrough. Having trouble lately deciding which game to commit to. Also, Carrion looks pretty savage. (Probably NSFW)
  4. Doom Eternal looks promising for sure, but I'm gonna need new hardware if I have any hope of playing it. And getting an upgrade won't be cheap, unlike me. Yeah Ikumi was adorable. I think Fallout 3 and Skyrim were still the biggest heavy hitters from their in-house devs, and I still occasionally play Fallout 4 with mods. But their development future looks bleak, especially with the advent of CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077, which is all but guaranteed to eclipse them.
  5. I've been paying almost no attention to E3 this year. All I heard is that the Bethz conference was a pile of poo.
  6. I might actually consider reviving my Twitter account just to follow him
  7. Apparently I'm absolute shit at striking up conversation with random chicks at social events. Then again, I always have been.
  8. Is the US the only country today to have radicalized Christians?
  9. Annoying bird. I am the great Leon!
  10. Definitely my next music buy. Prior to the release of Trilate Shift, I've only really known about Dilankex by way of Ae's stellar remix. But as an artist OK is starting to grow on me.
  11. Completed Void Bastards. I think I'm about 10% thru Gato Roboto now. So I'm gonna make that my gaming priority for the time being. The more I think about whether to buy a new rig for next big AAA titles though, the more it seems like a waste. Maybe I should learn some new music software instead. Or try rock climbing.
  12. I'm spending less and less time on YouTube lately. Whereas last year and the year before it sapped countless hours out of my life. I reckon it's for the best.
  13. He's a radioactive shit blob that just happens to have the one-third zombie population of the country under mind control. (Disregard most of my posts in this thread. More hot air than actual news updates.)
  14. Doom Eternal out Nov 22nd it looks like. But I'll more than likely need a new gaming rig first. Borderlands 3 I'll wait til next April for when it's out on Steam, because Epic can eat smegma. In the meantime, new Cmdr. Lilith DLC for BL2 just came out. (Do I really want to slide back down the gaming rabbit hole tho...)
  15. Another great thing about 2077 is that CD Projekt Red pretty much gave Epic the cold shoulder in terms of PC platform. But as awesome as the game looks, I'm worried that it won't run on my aging laptop. Already had that problem with Rage 2 nearly a month ago.
  16. I can smell the bullshit all the way up here near the Arctic
  17. I vaguely remember Sean mentioning in one of the more recent interviews that Gescom is on "life support"
  18. I feel like Polymer starts off strong but gets fatigued towards the end. But I'm only on my second listen atm. So far Los stands out the most for me. It feels like a throwback to their early (late 90s) days, in a good way. Abla Eedio comes to mind for some reason, if only for the percussion aspect. But it's been ages since I last heard it.
  19. This track has been a tradition for me on this date the last three or four years. As much reservation as I have about using the word "literally", in this case it would apply, as the manner in which I have this track on loop throughout this day on June 9th. (lowers gun) Well Tomorrow's Harvest was also released in June (2013). So maybe you're onto something. Either way, the best way to drop a new release is with little or no teases. Just bring in a piñata out of the blue and let everyone go nuts.
  20. My innate social anxiety is probably a language barrier in itself.
  21. It was calm glacial runoff water. Paddling wasn't as difficult as I expected, but I don't know yet what it's like to flip a kayak. But I might get official kayak pool training for that very scenario if I decide to take it seriously enough.
  22. Never thought I'd try kayaking until today. Indeed I might do it again.
  23. All we gotta do is wait for the next lunar eclipse. Moon with Martian color.
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