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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Void Bastards is basically a rogue-like System Shock 2. (Which lends that lineage to more than mere influence.) You can hop across infinitely many derelict spaceships, but it's not necessary to dock onto each one. And when your character gets killed, your story and crafted item progress is still saved, but your dead character is replaced by a different one each time with randomized traits, along with an ammo and supply reset. I could go on, but it's best to just go check it out for yourself. Just got released about a week ago. And prepare yourself for a bunch of mutated blue assholes, like fedora-wearing tourist blobs that explode when you get too close, as well as floating juvenile chavs.
  2. Stadia and E3 2019? Meh. All I need anymore are decent indies on Steam or GOG. My laptop has reached the point where it likely won't be able to run any more new AAA titles, and I'm not sure it's worth investing in a new rig just to play new AAA titles.
  3. Ol' Ben was a OG I also have a female coworker who looks like him
  4. As long as we don't get some insecure jerkoff who thinks climate change is fake news, pickpockets average citizens, wants to bomb the Middle East, and scapegoat immigrants as the Dem front-runner, then that's satisfactory. In other words, no overlap in policy traits with the current PO(TU)S.
  5. I can relate with the Facebook thing. He seemed increasingly jaded with WATMM as well earlier this year, so maybe he simply decided it was enough.
  6. I love how the guy on the left towards the end is entirely focused on his phone.
  7. Yeah I've seen videos. No way in hell am I using glue traps. They've scared the shit out of me on several occasions. Not in a horror-like sense, but just startling me by being small and fast and appearing pretty much out of nowhere. Plus they're potential disease carriers, and they've turned one of my storage bins into a toilet. Regardless, benign traps are what I'll have to use from now on if I hope of...redemption. I'd have to get used to going up and down three flights of stairs every time though.
  8. I caught a mouse in a trap last night that's probably been snooping around my apartment for a couple of months now. But it didn't go as intended. The poor little bastard was still alive but paralyzed, as the kill bar had crushed its lower spine. So I took it outside and released it, but it could only move its front legs, as it was crawling around and shaking. I offered a slab of peanut butter out of immense guilt, but it just crawled past it. I was surprised it didn't just crawl off the balcony. I haven't seen it since last night, but I'm never using those traditional flip traps again. Not with the risk of inflicting that kind of suffering.
  9. ^ I wouldn't wish one of those on my worst enemy. Cardiac arrest, diabetes, and diarrhea in one meal.
  10. I think I generally come off as a tired, jaded, blunt, half-antisocial bastard. But I must confess that I have a soft spot for Corgis. A semi-coworker brought in her Corgi today, and she came right up to me when I knelt. I just happened to have dog biscuits on hand and gave her one. Then she came up to me again for a second pet. Ever see a Corgi sprint? It's adorb.
  11. Looks like Donnie is getting roasted even harder than his previous UK visit. I love it.
  12. I will be voting in 2020, regardless who becomes the Dem front runner. I still think Biden is a weak candidate compared to Sanders or Gabbard, but no fuckin way am I sitting this election out.
  13. "Favorite" ain't the same as "most popular". Of course the Dems are gonna fuckin lose if their DNC elite force Biden ahead of everyone else. "Democratic" my ass.
  14. Two burgers are better than 2 of them
  15. Where's a corrupted Speak & Spell when you need one
  16. Buzz in the bees is the binnez inside the busy-ness in the bizzbuzzz in the bzzzbnbzbnnnbbnnb
  17. I actually attempted to enact an Aborted Guido voice
  18. Freedom molecules? I hereby rebrand the US Department of Energy "gay"
  19. Now I just snagged Gato Roboto (the feline version of Metroid) on Steam. I knew about it months ago, but pretty much had forgotten about it until it came out today. I just barely scratched the surface of Void Bastards though. Priorities n' shit.
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