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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. But the interesting thing is that we're in a time where these terms are transcending high school times and extending into the lives of anyone who uses facebook or posts on forums like this one. Of any age . Those terms are taking on this bizarro cultural significance that the random slang of my school days didn't. The future is thicc af. or rather people who never grow out of the "high school age" amirite?
  2. please rename the thread to how does the world view estados unidos nowadays, thank you.
  3. say wat, i have never noticed any subforum on here being more serious than others
  4. Alright finally got access to a pc and got hold of these tracks first listen is actually rlly nice, collapse track works well on the ep will need to listen a couple more times to feel it tho
  5. not referring to that post rlly, just this thread in general
  6. steinvord speculation at watmm rivaling cringe levels of boc speculation at twoism
  7. just messing around man, this thread is so dumb :^)
  8. Feel silly now, doncha? That is such a stupid quote . It says why read page 1 when you can read page 2 and page 1 instead. Not missing anything by skipping that garbage
  9. I'm color blind, might not be same blue to me as urs edit: in the same manner we must define what steinvord is, what is a steinvord? what do the trax mean really? very difficult questions
  10. u guys are all wrong steinvord is skrillex doing drill n bass
  11. Well, I threw this on my sound system in the basement last night. I discovered that my half-hearted review was wrong. Quite. 180 would be the correct term. My sincerest apologies internets.In fact, I'm sorry, it's quite good. I will never judge your musics from a laptop Richard. (yes, a laptop with internal speakers only) I knew better, but lazily persisted as my american attitudes allow. While I didn't reach the dizzying heights as some forum members, Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra I speak unto you. My sails unfurled. This music needs to breath on a system. The sound is velvet; betty crocker frosted bass & kick. Reverb to infinity. Pong panning. abundance10edit is quite possibly the best thing I've heard in quite a long while. I missed all the details on the first listening. When it opens up, you are enveloped in the sound. Transcendental; I'm convinced the frequencies have healing powers. If you have fallen ill or have a sick family member, this will restore their constitution. I want to live in the 2nd half of this track. No headphones, this needs to breath in the wilds of Gary, Indiana. MT1 t29r2 / pthex would probably be tied for 2nd place. The latter, along with T69 might be the offspring of Syro. Probably wrong, but I would venture they are the earliest tracks conceived. Just an observation. The others on the EP head somewhere else. 1st 44 is probably last as far as my enjoyment goes. I'm no fan of feetwork. It's like a sour beer to me. I can appreciate why your considered good, but just not my cup of tea. I may come around though...the bass/kick on this track is wonderful. The sound, is pure butter. I'm listening to it now, it may be moving up the list. The 2nd half is extending it's african rave hands towards my shoulders. I may stand correcteded. Go easy on me lickneonlights. woah we need an alco review on this tbqh
  12. The thyme sure looks interesting and weird but after watching a bit of stuff with it I'm just not sure how much most people would ever use it. Obviously for some music it would be perfect but it's pretty wild, just not what I usually use or want from my delays/effects. aye, that's fair. I suppose what I enjoy w hardware is really to get the weird stuff and see what comes out..
  13. kept my gas under control for about 6 months but after making some money this summer is coming back.. I'm thinking of the thyme and I'm thinking of the sh01..
  14. same people who assemble a playlist consisting of Windowlicker, BoC's peacock tail and Autechre's VLetrmx21. "I listen to IDMZ" starter pack Those are some really good tracks. Nice starter pack! I'd throw some Squarepusher and Ziq, to complete the package. To super size the meal, I would ad a side of Luke Vibert and Venetian Snares. don't forget tussticles, true pioneers of the electronically aided computer music scenes
  15. same people who assemble a playlist consisting of Windowlicker, BoC's peacock tail and Autechre's VLetrmx21. "I listen to IDMZ" starter packu sure went from 2 to 100 posts quick man, keep it up
  16. And that's what matters! Significantly less than usual though. When he said Syro was his way of retiring that style, cryptowen predicts it yet again I
  17. I will always hate a song that has the same line repeated 10 thousand times and don’t give a fuck about how tapped in to somebody else’s culture you think you are. Go fuck your enlightened self. I from the south side of Chicago, by the way. But I’m really impressed by how open minded you are in whatever crevice of hell youre typing from. hey guys wat about juke ? just like that edit: isn't that all of watmm?
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